Unpopular opinions

share your fucking shitty opinions
hotline miami 2 > hotline miami 1
a couple of levels are shitty but on the whole it just feels much better to play.

they're both good for different reasons, that's my contribution

Halo reach was the best bungie made halo since CE

but youre absolutely right

did you even beat both of them?


what makes you suspicious

Metal gear solid 2 > Metal gear solid 3




stalker series are bad games


I like the story in 2 a lot more, that it's a bunch of side stories that all lead to nothing. 1 is a revenge story with more drugs

The Order: 1886 is literally the greatest game ever made

Half life is actually pretty meh and not as good as everyone presents it same with the sequel

Fighting games are awful outside of Smash

Human Revolution and Mankind Divded are better than the original

DMC1 has aged like milk and is nowhere even close to 3 or 4

RE4 is the only good RE game. 7 is okay.

The Last of Us is an amazing game.

Half Life 2, and Ocarina of Time have aged like fine wine. 2 is also better than 1, but 1 is still a fantastic game.

Sonic is a completely garbage franchise that survives on nostalgia alone.

Mario 64 has aged like sour cream. Mario Galaxy is far, far better.

GTA is a clunky snoozefest. Saints Row is far, far better.

Fear 2 is better than 1

God of War is incredibly fun

Danny Sexbang is funnier than Jon.

The only truly great Zelda games are Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask. The 2D games are incredibly dull.

I actually agree with you, though I admit HM2 has its flaws.

I have finished HM2 on hardcore mode and I agree. It provides the kind of challenge I expect from a game like this.

Smash players at least had the balls to say no and stick to an older more interesting game
Devil may cry 1 was okay but 3 and 4 are on another level
if Capcom would actually try and make some real money they would remake RE2
Sonic is garbage but people enjoy the music and visuals
Mario 64 was a glorified tech demo for 3D games
Saints row has better movement and combat
Fear 1 is a better survival horror game
God pf War is silly fun
Majora's mask is interesting because the game is 80% reused assets ripped straight from OOT but people worship it

DS1 > DS2 > DS3

Bayonetta character and voice is really annoying, sorta painful to watch someone you're not attracted to try to be sexual
t. britbong with 181 gigs of straight porn

It is a shitty opinion. Worse levels and forcing you to play specific ways with different characters instead of masks sucked. The forced story was awful.

>The forced story was awful
I think you mean the expanded story was awesome

aint shitty, it really is a much better game than the first one
people like to glorify the masks but none of them really had much to offer in different gameplay styles , new characters and mechanics feel much better in 2

>vague semi realistic plot as an excuse for violence, game is focused on gameplay
>shitty fanfiction, gameplay takes a hit for the sake of story

>gameplay takes a hit
spotted the tonyfag

>gameplay takes a hit for the sake of story

you are lierally making reasons up to dislike the game. fanfiction? what the fuck are you even talking about?

playing as shitty oc characters doesn't allow for versatility of the masks. level design is far worse.

the characters are mostly all drastically different
the masks just have like one minor perk to each of them
and it's not oc if it was made by the devs you fucking shitposter

Yeah I agree with this desu

the point with the masks is you could choose per level how to play. the worst part of hm1 was playing as the biker

biker was fun
and you only really had to play as him for 2 full relatively easy levels so even if you hated him it wasn't that bad

Fighting games are honestly starting to feel like the only multiplayer games where both the company and player base aren't actively trying to ruin what makes games fun for e-sport fame

Halo 3 is a personal favourite of mine, and ODST just feels so good, but Reach is undeniably the best-made game.

Hotline 2 is a MILLION times better than 1, gameplay is more defined, engine was polished up, scoring system feels less random, removing masks makes levels able to be designed more tightly rather than to make sure every mask can beat it, more of a challenge.
I could go on and on


Dreamcast is worth it just for Shenmue

Skyward Sword is one of the best Zelda games

Animal crossing is good and the best one is the wii version.

Best Dragon Ball is either Final Bout or Budikai Tenkaichi 3

Shadow the hedgehog is a good character because he is funny as fuck.

Smash melee is overpraised as fuck.

Revo should put Bravely fans first and compose for Third rather than go all out on his next Sound Horizon album. He put Sound Horizon (His other band) first last time cause it was their tenth anniversary and that's why he didn't compose for Bravely Second

Then again, people could meme Revo into composing for Third. Pol memed Trump into presidency

fanfiction tier

HM 2 is inferior simply because there's so many enemies with guns that shoot you from a screen over.

also, the fuckload of windows in every room really exacerbates this problem

this, it's hard to get a good flow going without having to stop and look for windows all the time.

inb4 git gud, a game should be enjoyable without having played the map three times before.

There's literally nothing wrong with making "cinematic" games like Uncharted. While the Tomb Raider reboots are just less interesting ripoffs, Uncharted 2 and 4 are genuinely great games. 4 has some of the most fun 3rd-person gun combat I've ever played, and while it still has plenty of flaws overall, I really like it. Some of the writing in 4 was pretty good, too - I liked Elena and Drake's relationship. The Last Of Us is even better, and while the mechanics are relatively simple compared to something like STALKER, the combat is great at encouraging improvisation and creating tense moments. Also, the way Naughty Dog programmed the NPCs in non-combat encounters is pretty impressive.
>the way characters organically start and stop conversations while you're driving around in UC4
>the way characters will sort of sit around and chat while you're looting houses in TLOU
Good shit.
It's unpopular here for some reason even though people liked it at launch, but BOTW is the best open-world game I've ever played. No other game has given me the sense of adventure and wanderlust I got after getting off the Great Plateau for the first time. Weapon damage is a good mechanic because it keeps you on your toes in the early game, and there's ways to disarm enemies. Climbing is an excellently implemented mechanic which changed the way I think about traversing vidya worlds. I got a fucking hard on when I picked a direction, found a horse stable, asked the NPCs for directions, and followed the road they told me to follow until I reached a village. It felt like an actual journey. So few games accomplish this. Yeah, the dungeons are samey and short, and yeah, the shrines all look the same, and yeah, the enemy variety is low, and yeah, the rewards for exploration stop being rewarding after you're powerful enough, but I can confidently say my first twenty hours of BOTW were fucking magical.

but really guys get good

honestly the lack of guns in HM1 bothered me.
Like I get that you play a killer who is getting the drop on enemies, but I honestly doubt that a large criminal organization would arm a majority of their members with baseball bats and pipes instead of guns
Although my complaint can be chalked down to enemies grabbing the nearest thing they could find

First of all
>muh realistic criminal organisations
nigger please
secondly, close combat is so incredibly more satisfying than just waiting around a corner with a rifle popping everyone who comes running. Gunfights aren't very fun, they're not as intensive and I don't really think it fits the game and it's themes.

That's not an unpopular opinion

Multiplayer games and games with random elements are bad because they rely on innate talent rather than skill. Also second unpopular opinion, the fact that I am terrible at both of these types of games doesn't reduce the strength of my argument.

Even if it's more sparse, melee combat in 2 is much more satisfying.
They attack slower but have larger hit radius, so they feel more powerful. I've replayed levels solely using melee weapons, and it felt great.

t. filthy casual who can't learn different play styles


The Witcher 3 is a good game

learning is fun

The Soldier Levels would've been improved immensely if you could throw your weapons.

just because the microtransactions are only cosmetic doesn't make it okay

masks allow for more playstyles you dumbfuck. also they allow for more replayability.

Video games are fun.

halo is garbage

>Fear 2 is better than 1

Check yourself

fuck off