It's the dreamcast's 18th fucking birthday today, and there's not a single thread about it?

It's the dreamcast's 18th fucking birthday today, and there's not a single thread about it?

You put me to shame Sup Forums, this console is older than most of you fucking browsing this board.

Give it a happy birthday! Play your favourite Dreamcast classics.
Shenmue, Rez, Skies of Arcadia, Sonic Adventures, Crazy Taxi, Space Channel 5, Ikaruga, Viruta fighters, anything i've missed!

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I never cared one bit about DC, and still don't. And I've always been a multi-way idort.

Only thing I recall being even slightly intrigued of DC was when I saw some first screenshots of Shenmue on a game magazine in late 90s, and it looked fucking photorealistic compared to anything out at the moment.

remember playing tennis 2v2 with my brother. it was a pretty shitty console desu

skies of arcadia is the only good jrpg that came out after the snes/ps1 era.
happy birthday dreamcast.

I ordered one today and only learned shortly after that it was its birthday
I wanted one of these since I saw one on TV as a kid, the memory card with a screen on it that fit in the controller made me shit bricks and still kinda does to this day.
The first game I'll play on that baby will be Shenmue and I'd be happy to hear recommendations.
Also I heard games still come out on DC to this day, are some of these any good?

Mars Matrix, Border Down, Sakura Wars 3. Jet Set Radio isn't tied to the system anymore. Shenmue is trash. Most of the good fighting games are on other systems now, but I do have a soft spot for Capcom SNK 1, for its presentation and style.

>not panzer dragoon saga
get out

The new DC games are basically Eurotrash shooters or platformers. Not really worth it to me.

I loved Star Wars Episode 1 Racer on this.

Toy Commander is my favorite game of all time. Had a lot of fun playing Power Stone as well.

I always want to play Dreamcast then I remember it's fan and disc reading so fucking loud and the controller is awful

I really must get a laptop that can emulate DC/PS2/GC.

>toy commander
When I was a kid, I spent ages playing the Christmas demo and doing flybys on an enemy base

I loved that shit.

JSR is on steam, might as well get it there.

because everything that was good about it eventually came out on other consoles/steam

I never played shenmue though

A-Anyone up for some Sega Swirl?

>Don't talk about a system because it's game are on other platforms

This is so dumb.

My favourite game for the dc when I had one as a kid was power stone. Loved the mini games that it had on the memory card too when you completed the game as different characters.

let's be real guys. the only game that's really worthwhile on the dreamcast is SA1 and 2.

Let's be real. You're a fucking retard.

It easily could have saved Sega's ass if they didn't fuck up for horribly with the 32x and the Saturn.

I still have the dream cast my dad bought me when I was 10-12 I guess. I didn't realize it was so long ago

Look at how short that cord is, no wonder it failed

Happy Birthday Dreamcast.

I never owned one, but I did get a Saturn on release day. Glad I got the Saturn instead of the DC desu

Red Dog, Toy Commander, Power Stone, Worms Armageddon,, i skipped college , got high and loved the DC

Let's be real, you're a fucking nigger AND a retard