Will i enjoy this game even if am disgusted by organ traffic and murder of innocents?
Yakuza Kiwami
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>he doesn't enjoy murdering innocents
What's wrong with you?
There are no truly innocent characters. Even Haruka admits to working at soaplands.
The series never makes you do shady shit like that. In fact you'll be beating up criminals to protect innocents more than committing any real crimes yourself.
Kiryu is the old yakuza kind
>murder of innocents
That's literally the gameplay of Yakuza, you murder thousands of people to level up
You murder them and then they apologize to you and give you money or items.
Hello ChristianGamer
>organ traffic
It's not chinese shit, Japanese Yakuza are moral enough to not do these stuff.
Yakuza is the exact opposite of GTA, they dont even delve into what the fuck the Tojo Clan does save for 0 being about acquiring land.
You also dont murder innocents or go around looking for people to murder. They go to you.
That thread was wild.
Just because you break a man's spine, clothesline it, or slam them headfirst into the ground does not mean they died.
Rubber guardrail.
Don't bother playing it, it's more fun to watch it since the combat is shit and you get constantly ambushed while walking around the city
>im shit at video games, the post
>that part where Goro gets shot and falls into the ocean and Kiryu doesn't care at all
I get that they needed to give Goro his abdomen wound back, but it was a bit much. It was cool to team up with him either way.
Come the fuck on, dude.
Sounds like you're a pussy.
>I like to do the same boring fights every 10 steps through the city
I rather spend 10 hours watching someone play through the game doing all side quests while cutting out all the pointless battles and other boring shit than play it for 40 hours
Kiwami's boss fights are absolute shit though.
Yeah I stabbed a guy with a sword once and he was (probably) fine afterwards. I'm against killing after all.
That's what 10 years in the joint will do to you, brother.
I just did the side story where i had to fight NIGGERS it was so fucking good stomping on their huge air-stealing noses and kicking the fuck out of those primates.
>Only stabbing the guy once.
If you wanted to be against killing you would have stabbed him a couple more times just to be sure you're a real stand up guy.
Are you people brain dead? Street fights in 0 and Kiwami are so easy to avoid compared to the rest of the series you'd have to go out of your way to not get caught by thugs. Not to mention they show up on the minimap unlike other games.
Armor on some of their combos(meaning absolutely no histun on some of your attacks), HUGE health pool and several health regen during the fight
Kiryu spends like, 1% of gameplay time actually being in the Yakuza throughout the entire series.
The boss fights in Kiwami are shit. The combat is shit.
normal combats are better than zero
Moral enough to NOT sell/steal body organs.
Do they sell body organs in the black market? It's mostly triad that does this
All of the regular enemies go down so easily I've barely noticed much of a difference really.
>not Ryu ga gotoku
>actual fan
I can understand 2 being well-regarded, but 4 was just awful other than Taiga. Huge ass pulls everywhere and they kill off the girl again.
Don't get how anyone can like the boy-band cop, or the batshit insane police triple agent bullshit.
I started at 3 and played them in the order 3 > 4 > 5 > 0 > Kiwami.
I thought 4 had the best story and characters and 0 had the best side content.
Where does this place me?
Your attempt to fragment the fucking Yakuza fambase of all things is pathetic.
Are you implying 0 is bad?
Because I don't give a fuck about the fanbase.
>Where does this place me?
As someone that likes video games and has fun with them
Kiryu is as much of a yakuza as Luffy is a pirate.
In Kiwami?
Thanks, user. Yakuza is some of the most fun I had with video games and fighting over different entries of the same franchise is dumb.
4 is fine if you get on the wild ride and make peace with it's insanity.
>started Yakuza 4 and played about 2 hours of it
God damn, are the other characters as good as him? I'm really enjoying his interactions with other people so far.
I started with 4, 5 is my favorite, and I like Shinada. What else can you generalize about me?
Tip: I'm not one of the fags spouting "Akiyama should be the new protagonist" memes.
Akiyama and Tanimura are great.
Akiyama should be the new Yakuza main protag
>Just fight Majima
>walk 10 feet into Smile Burger to eat
>Majima appears
Just fuck off already
Saejima should be the new protagonist
>mfw I know a guy who ACTUALLY pre-ordered kiwami
He and Kiryu have the best parts of 4 and 4 alone sold me on Akiyama being the best. Tanimura is pretty bland outside of his direct introduction and a couple substories but when he pairs up with Akiyama and eventually meets Kiryu he's pretty fun and then gets really fun when he gets to dick around with Date. Saejima is hit or miss, I thought he wasn't that fun to do substories or the main story with since he was so pissed off and passive aggressive towards people he was currently helping, but he has a great fighting style. Saejima felt way better in 5 though, he's eased up and feels refreshed and not only much more mature but calm.
What if I'm one of those poorfags who couldn't get 0 so just went and played 1 and 2
Rubber bullets ruined his character.
I really enjoyed Saejima's Child Fighter Manager mini game and his cave exploring antics.
>not stabbing the guy multiple times with a spicy jalapenos-enhanced knife, then finishing him once and for all with a salt shaker to the eyes
>Goes full Chris Redfield on some rocks
>Finds random inspirational diary entries and books just laying around in the rubble.
Cave explorer was something else.
>Saejima has a great fighting style
Saejima's fighting style was the thing I despised the most in 4. I couldn't wait to be done with his part because of it.
His personality being that of an angry gorilla half the time and bland as fuck the other half didn't help his case either.
based that's what
Agreed, but I find most fighting styles in the game other than Kiryu's very boring. Akiyama is probably the only other character I truly enjoyed fighting as.
Keep on enjoying the ride user, i wish everyone had the same mindset.
>have to protect Grandpa from boulders
>have to protect Grandpa from boulders AND Goons
It was wild.
In another 10 years Kitamura can play some grizzled old cop/yakuza in Yakuza 16
I really liked the super armor charging and the bouncing clothesline on top of the wall slams were great fun for me since everyone else including Kiryu get knocked around all over the place in the rest of the games so it's nice to just let loose with a really powerful guy every once in a while. They even made Amon based around the fact he had super armor so you had to learn how Amon's hammer worked to get hits in instead of tanking it all. 5 makes it even better by giving you that hilariously long health bar that you can double on top of permanent super armor and a Tiger Drop.
The translated title of the series is a huge mistake, they should have just called it Like a Dragon, that sounds fine
I meant the non-translated title
I hated it because it was so slow fighting any quick enemy that could dodge was like shooting yourself in the foot.
It took me hours to beat Flaming Jester in IFR7 as Saejima, and was by far the worst experience I had in the game.
First of all, grow up you fucking child or just go play your Marios.
Secondly, yes. As much as I love Yakuza, its a game thst sells mostly on its premise and delivers little of it.
On the outside it looks like you're being thrown into the cruel Yakuza underworld and have to deal with horrible shit. In truth, while the main story definately has charismatic characters, pretty much everyone pulls their punches. Yakuza 0 is probably the ballsiest this series has ever gotten and most of it is delivered in monologues rather than gruesome graphic details.
Outside of the story, Kiryu and the other MCs act extremely out of character, like you're just playing a generic nice guy protagonist helping the local neigborhood. This is especially notable with guys like Saejima and Majima.
You yourself are not a real Yakuza in pretty much any of the mainline games aside from the beginning of 1. The characters are usually Yakuza outcasts or even cops/regular civs dealing with the Yakuza.
Nothing EXTREMELY gruesome ever happens in Yakuza. Some characters die, not very gruesomely either.
Its a series known for being incredible in premise and pulling its punches.
You realize that if you don't lock on you can immediately flip to the direction they dodged mid-charge, right? So for example if you square x 3 with R1 held you're fine, and then you triangle hold and the guy dodges you can just let go of R1 and point yourself into the guy's direction. You can even tank all of Kiryu's Tiger Drops and everything, it's great. I never had a single problem with anything in IFR7 with Saejima, Tanimura was a pain in the ass though since he did so little damage.
Yes, Kiryu is literally one of the biggest moralfags in vidya
I was aware of it. However combine my inability to aim attacks properly with the fact the Flaming Jester had a dodge attack that would stun you for literal centuries was maddening.
>that wall of text
You are aware that he's obviously played the first Yakuza, correct?
>get the Tiger Drop back
>Coliseum is a fucking joke
>tears through Nishiki's palette swap like he's made of tissue paper
God know you need it if you're going to grind the coliseum for treasure. Thanks for taking gold plates out of the casino and adding 2 billion yen's worth of weapons and armors for 100% Nagoshi. Really great decision there.
i dunno about the rest, but Saejima's HEATs and general charged punches were the meatiest punches in the whole franchise. Nothing as satisfying as pummeling some cunt so hard he bounces off hard concrete and gets thrown into the air and gets his back broken on return down
Tanimura was the easiest one to complete IFR7 with tho? All you needed was to back up into a wall and parry away. Except for the one on the docks, but he wasn't all that challenging to begin with.
Should i play this on hard? Are there soul stones in case i get stuck.
>Should i play this on hard?
Yes, Yakuza games are piss easy anyway.
I didn't really cheese it with the parry Heat and actually tried to land punches so I guess I just made it harder for myself in the end.
>Majima shows concern and tries to help Kiryu
>Gets shot in the gut and falls into the ocean after fighting off an army of goons with him
>Kiryu just walks away "muh Haruka"
>using libtard logic making a infochart purposely leaving out that Nu-Yakuzas are poorfags who won't shell out cash for reprints or bother to emulate.
Why the fuck was Dead Souls even made?
It is such a shame Sleeping Dogs never took off the ground. It was fucking relentless
>Civilians getting caught in the crossfire of every gunfight
>gruesome deaths for everyone around Wei Shen
>Have to actual kill people
Kiyru is basically nip batman. Maybe this new protagonist wont be such a good doer
Zombies were big money, they already had a ton of assets lying around, 5 had a longer than normal development cycle so they had to fill their yearly game quota and Naogshi wanted to get some practice on making a third person shooter before they started work on Binary Domain.
>Hey Wei i no ur a fookin cop m8 and ill prove it heres a gun i bet u wont kill any1 lol
>Murders every single person in the factory
Nah, he just looks like a sleazier version of Akiyama. He'll be another superhero.
>you see some random hobo instead of Akiyama at the end of Kiwami
oh dont worry, you'll see akiyama as a bum in 6
He wasn't Akiyama in the first game either. There were plenty of hoboes grabbing money when it came raining from the sky.
Saejima's loads of fun to play as, but the dumb shit with the cops gets in the way of just playing as him in 4 and in 5 the prison gets in the way. It would be nice to just play as him without being bogged down by these obstructions.
how about rail shooter sequences from yakuza?
is that....
I feel like the camera should be in fixed position when you enter R1 stance, that would make the combat more bearable.
I know, but it doesn't have to be 1:1 to what happened in Yakuza 1, so I don't see why they wouldn't show Akiyama instead seeing as he was there.
Not canon
>Human trafficking
>sex industry
Wheres the morality in that? Although yakuza dont seem to deal drugs. Wich surprizes me because thats a multi billion dollar industry theyre not tapping into.