So now that enough time has passed

Is it fair to say that this is the magnum opus of the souls series? DaS isn't far behind either but I'd say it's pretty clear that those two are head and shoulders above everything else.

Sucks that they both fall apart after a certain point

Yes. The gameplay is the next evolution of souls and its full potential is not yet unraveled yet.

The game falls apart at Byrgenwerth, lacks the built variety the Souls games have and it's a straight line so no, not really.

I dunno I feel like BBs DLC kinda makes up for it considering it's played towards the end game. The final boss is also one of the best fights in the series, so, I don't entirely agree with that.

No, DaS is a much better game. BB isnt far behind tho

>4 years away from DaS remastered edition

As much as the DS1 hardcore hate to admit (and the pc/xbox only owners), BB is the better game.

>it's a straight line
Are you nuts? You can skip a ton of bosses. Areas like the witch's charnel lane exist to be farmed before going to some other boss that is harder. I know since I used techniques such as that to get overleveled in order to beat dog girl

It really isnt

The co-op / invasion system in BB is fucked, there was no reason to ruin a system that already worked.

It's really the major complaint I have with the game

like clockwork...

It really is though. DaS has highs that are right up there with BBs best moments but BB feels like a way more complete package overall.

>Areas like the witch's charnel lane exist to be farmed before going to some other boss that is harder.

You need to kill the hemwick witch to unlock runes.

You start collecting runes in the woods.

If you dont do hemwick directly before or directly after Amelia, you are retarded.

But I've always thought that ever since it got released, I even bought a PS4 just for it.

Just like I bought a PS just for FFVII and MGS
Just like I bought a PS2 just for MGS2 and FFX
Just like I bought a PS3 just for Demon's Souls and MGS4.

When does BB fall apart?

like clockwork...

lol you guys are all fools, DaS3, DLC included is by far the best game in the series. Fucking plebs.

Not him but he is right, DaS is a far better game as much I love Sony

After Rom

>magnum opus

Sure thing, fromdrone

Why is it a better game?

Kill yourself unironically

Bloodborne was good and I think it was overall the best game in the series but nothing really surprised me about it. Nothing like the first time battling Ornstein and Smough or going to Anor Lando for the first time. The first half of DaS is something special

It doesn't. He's just being a contrarian fag.

I get the feeling you're supposed to do Amelia before Hemwick, which is why the option to do Hemwick before and grind up more levels is good. Same for getting captured by the bagmen and getting a whole other area to gain levels in. Plus you can ignore Darkbeast Paarl until later

PC+PS4 owner here.
I disagree. BB is a fantastic game, but if I had to compare them DaS is the better game. More of a "complete packet" than Bloodborne.

Central Yharnam -> Forbidden woods -> Byrgenwerth -> Hidden village -> Nightmare of mensis -> Hunter's Dream. That's the order you need to do to beat the game with no variation and can't skipping anything. A straight line.
The optional areas are more akin to side rooms.

Because it was the first Souls game you played, you moron.

It has Soul, BB feels like a DeS rehash with lovecraftian meme aesthetic

>Keeps boss off camera, keeps back to it.
>Keeps trying to heal without making sure its safe or even looking where the boss is

Jesus christ I hope for your sake that isnt you in the webm.


The same thing is far more likely to happen in DaS3 boss fights

Nah, the series peaked with DeS and hasn't recaptured the same inventiveness. It's just been rehashed iteration after rehashed iteration since then, albeit with a new coat of paint. Zelda BOTW is the true successor to the Demon's series and the first since DeS to push things forward.


DaS >>> BB > DeS > DaS2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DaS3

Most consistent: DS3
Best highs: DS1
Best combat: BB
Trash: DS2

For me no, the only thing I really liked in BB is the setting and enemy design, it's my least played Souls game at only 60 Hours but I still platinumed it with DLC. I don't have any motivation for multiple playthroughs.

Best PvP: DAS2

I'd like a BB with DaS world building

After Rom

>Because it was the first Souls game you played, you moron.
My first game was actually DeS, don't assume shit you fucking retard

>Most consistent: DS3

I agree, its fucking shit all the way through

Paarl slaps my shit silly if I try to do him early without the hunter axe.

The axe makes him a joke

>Not tracking the boss' movements so you can heal at the safest opportunity

Why is Sup Forums so shit at videogames?

I think, more so than the other games in the series, Bloodborne is a pretty consistently good game throughout. There's nothing in the game as excellent as Dark Souls' first half, but there's nothing as bad as DkS' second half.

And since The Old Hunters > Artorias of The Abyss = BB best game

The "optional" areas are huge though. Anyone who tries to just go through only those areas would either need to have played the game before or be a literal llg god





Bosses: (All three of them nail this part tho)




I don't think DaS1 is THAT much better than BB, but your list is good

>of the souls series
It's not even part of the souls series.
>Is halo 2 the magnum opus of the call of duty series

why do people love this boss so much? are they just jerking off to 'muh moonlight greatsword' or what?

it starts off too hard and ends too easy.

Maybe it's just me, but Bloodborne was my first entry into the Souls series. I then went back and played Demon, 1, 2, and 3 respectively. I think Bloodborne is the best, but it could just be because it was my first exposure.

I just generally enjoyed stuff about BB better though.
>combat and weapons
>somewhat coherent story compared to souls
>that fucking OST

That being said, after playing some souls I found the BB bosses to be a bit lacking.

>assblasted fromcucks

b-but you just gotta git gud dude, it's not bad boss desing i-i swear

Whydo you think DaS bosses are comparable to DaS3? Sure, lore wise they're better or on par but the mechanics are easy and bosses have bad AI. DaS is easily lower than DaS3 when it comes to bosses imho.

How would be a demon's souls remake with improved combat and expanded areas?

Can you imagine a REAL fight with the dragon god?

You know, on second thought, you're right. DaS was my first souls experience so it's hard to put DaS behind 3.. But technically speaking.. 3 is a lot more interesting I guess.

DaS > BB > DaS2 >>> DaS3

BB > DaS > DaS2 >>> DaS3

DaS >>>> BB > DaS >>> DaS3

DaS >>>> BB >>>>> DaS3 = DaS2

DaS > BB > DaS2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DaS3

In this case im going to go with "git not abysmal"

I love all of the Souls games (or at least the ones I've played; I've only played Dark Souls 1, 2, 2SOTFS, 3 and Bloodborne) and I wouldn't put one above the other. All of them are fantastic games and have strengths and flaws.

I genuinely get bored replaying bloodborne after Amelia

The area's and bosses are dull, or tedious and annoying, mensis in particular might be my most hated area in a souls style game. One of the best areas, upper cathedral ward is painfully short, when two of the worst, forbidden woods and nightmare frontier are overly large and full of poisonous shit

I wish the chalice dungeons themselves were just boss rush modes, if that were the case, I would actually be able to stomach replaying them, but as it is, they just lock some decent bosses and some terrible ones behind grinding mud dungeons

Really, without the DLC bloodborne just isn't so great.

It has by far the best presentation of the series though.

>disliking Forbidden Woods

Opinion discarded

DaS definitely was most challenging when it's your first, but replaying it again, every boss is ridiculously easy. I will say the world is much better, nothing beats the first time you're playing DS1 praying for a bonfire with no estus and less than 50% health left, and when you finally find one it's the best feeling. You don't really get that with BB or DS3 with the constant shortcuts and bonfires, especially bad with DS3.

The jumping attack is literally unfair as fuck.

>physically impossible to aim the camera high enough to see him.

>he can land on you and oneshot you even if you're sprinting directly away from him

>totally RNG

I know you can minimize the frequency that he does it by staying close to his body, but it still doesn't eliminate it totally

I think the problem is that in BB your health restorations mostly comes from Blood Vials which you get from enemies. Versus Dark Souls where your primary health item is the Estus and the only way to get more Estus is with a bonfire. And since everything in 1 can kill you in like 4 hits the further you get from a bonfire, not only does that mean you're more likely to die but that also means all those souls you're gambling becomes harder to retrieve too. So the first time through when you're far away from a bonfire it's fucking harrowing and picking up souls makes it even more harrowing. Versus BB where the idea is kill as many thing as you can so you can rack up supplies.

DaS3 isn't that good. it's linear, there's no real thought put into a lot of the elements that go into it, the environments are bland, the level design is pretty meh (No matter how much some people like to prop up the small sampling of levels it has that aren't the crap that is Road of Sacrifice through to at the very least Smouldering Lake and pretend they're better than they are), the combat is kind of shit and there's no attention to detail regarding various elements(So that pretty much stuffs the meme about the game being the most polished). It's also stuffed with halfassed references to milk the previous games but can't bother to include the shit that makes it good. The DLC continues the same trends so it's not really an improvement.
The positives to its name are about a third of its bosses being pretty great and the player controls being among the more tolerable in the series regardless of how well they fit or are used in the context of the game.

It shouldn't be happening at all in any of the games
The only reason it's happening is because the player is retarded.

lol what the fuck is that? you think I'm reading all that? lol dark souls 3 is fucking hella gnarly. big ass swords, big fucking bosses, it's so fucking lit


>sucks utter ass at the game
>it's bad because of this
wew lad

you can see blood dripping onto the ground below where he is... get a feel for the timing of when he drops and you can dodge it every time

>Best combat.
>Best narrative.
>Best weapons.
>Best music.
>Best enemies.
>Best bosses.
BB or DkS3.
>Most consistent levels.
BB or DkS3.
>Lack of broken mechanics, and best balance.
>Best world interconnection and layout:
>Best PvP.
>Most innovative and creative:

>Worst combat in the series and gameplay.
>Best game.
Never got this.

what the fuck did you just say to me? You know how long I've been playing these fucking games? I was taking down O&S when you were fucking seed in your daddys nut. I was wearing enchanted armors through the darkest fucking tombs in DaS when you got your first fucking console. Haha when I got to gamestop and saw DaS for the first time, I read the back and it said "Prepare to die" The cashier told me "This ones really hard, lots of people bring it back cause they can't get through it" I fucking smiled at her, grabbed my game and walked out the door without saying a word. I got through the game my very first time without dying once and without even stopping, literally took me 6 fucking hours lol my friend was like "What the fuck dude how'd you do that?" I gave him a smile, kicked my legs up and took a bite of my chicken tender. This shit doesn't fucking phase me. I've been there, I've done it. I saw giant fucking monsters you wouldn't believe. Some people would've run, I didn't. I got a big gnarly fucking sword and went to work.. That's what the fuck I do. I'm a gamer.

>Best world interconnection and layout:
It's a straight fucking line what are you on about.

He members

Meant for

Game shits the bed after Vicar and only get's good at the very end if you don't count the dlc which was disappointing save for two of the bosses.

>>Lack of broken mechanics, and best balance.
This is because it has no magic

Meant to be DkS1, just a typo.
It's the one way DkS1 is actually good.

>Best combat.
>Best narrative.
>Best weapons.
>Best music.
>Best enemies.
>Best bosses.
>Most consistent levels.
>Lack of broken mechanics, and best balance.
>Best world interconnection and layout:
>Best PvP.
>Most innovative and creative:
>Best DLC

I have no problem with a game that has ridiculously fun combat and encourages you to kill as many things as possible.

>been on Sup Forums since 2010
>have watched the whole dark souls crazy from the beginning until now
>played most of them myself
>let it go before 3 was released

i remember the 2014 project beast leak, that was amazing. but it's time to let go guys

Maria and Orphan?

>b-but the shockwaves!
>stop making fun of our game!
>never ever!

This is unacceptable Sup Forums. How has From not gotten hitboxes right after all these years?

Bloodborne was the best and I hope it never gets a sequel because it'll never live up without just being a carbon copy.

Seriously, I just played DaS3 and it is making me long for Bloodborne. It is fucked up how bad DaS3 is in comparison

>warping from the start

It's shit. No, but really, they won't surpass Dark Souls as long as they insist on doing this. Bloodborne is number two.

>Rips off HP Lovecraft

Ludwig and Maria were the good ones.

What armour is that? That's not the regular Hunter set top hat, is it?

Demon's souls and Dark Souls 1 are still better than Bloodborne.
Bloodborne needed better areas after Burguerworth and ait needed better build variety.

Also the chalice dungeons were a mistake.

It has magic.
It doesn't have poise, BS spam, soul memory, fucked up shields, DWGR, and absolutely retarded Dark Souls 1 shit:
>Hitstun increases by leveling weapons.
>Different upgrade trees have different levels of hitstun.
>Weapons can share a class and have different recovery speeds.
>Poles and special whiff animations that make them feel like shit.

Bloodborne sets the bar for overall quality and the tightest experience. That's not always to it's credit as the other games have a bunch of half developed ideas that give them a bit more depth but are ultimately flawed, but Bloodborne did everything it tried to do exactly the way it should have been done.

Looks like either the old hunter top hat, or maybe the weeaboo guy's fedora


why are people posting this webm all the time, and what is it trying to convey? The player here suck utter balls and just greedily wants to grab his shit without any neurons firing at all.
What am i supposed to take away from this post?

I played through it recently and it wasn't that great
When it got good, it was REALLY good, but there's so many shitty unfun areas like the Forbidden Woods, Yahar'gul, Nightmare Frontier, Mensis, and all the fucking Chalice Dungeons
I still like Dark Souls more

>but Bloodborne did everything it tried to do exactly the way it should have been done.

I disagree with that. There were some mechanics like Insight that felt like a missed opportunity.

There was also no reason to fuck up the way the PVP and online worked. The bell system was terrible.



Nothing else comes close

Arcane is not magic in that it is not broken in the manner as DaS magic is broken.

Nice interesting notes for DaS1 flaws though

It's a better action game but a far worse RPG.