ITT: series where only the first game is good

ITT: series where only the first game is good

why are you doing this

but the first dark souls is the worst

It was good for its time.

But demon souls is the first souls game

(You) here you go, friendo


what the fuck did you just say to me? You know how long I've been playing these fucking games? I was taking down O&S when you were fucking seed in your daddys nut. I was wearing enchanted armors through the darkest fucking tombs in DaS when you got your first fucking console. Haha when I got to gamestop and saw DaS for the first time, I read the back and it said "Prepare to die" The cashier told me "This ones really hard, lots of people bring it back cause they can't get through it" I fucking smiled at her, grabbed my game and walked out the door without saying a word. I got through the game my very first time without dying once and without even stopping, literally took me 6 fucking hours lol my friend was like "What the fuck dude how'd you do that?" I gave him a smile, kicked my legs up and took a bite of my chicken tender. This shit doesn't fucking phase me. I've been there, I've done it. I saw giant fucking monsters you wouldn't believe. Some people would've run, I didn't. I got a big gnarly fucking sword and went to work.. That's what the fuck I do. I'm a gamer.

AutismBoy back attttttt itttt aaagggaiiinnnn

Only DeS and DaS 1 are good



This is fact

You are just wrong

DS2 improves upon DS1 on in almost every conceivable way, even with resources devoted to a shitty multiplayer mode.

It removed most of the scary elements from the first game and the game felt more like a shooter.

funny looking cover art of demon's souls


OP meant Demon's Souls clearly

it felt less scary and more like RE5

Fuck Fable, that whole series was garbage.

Dead Space wasn't scary at all.

DS1 and DS2 is where it ends. Those and the first movie that they did for the prologue to DS1. Anymore than this and your wasting your time.

And it got progressively worse


The first game was at least fun and innovative for its time.

AC 4 was pretty good, even though it was more of a pirate game then a AC game


can't speak for the rest of the series but ass creed 1 is complete shit

Absolutely correct.







dark souls 3 is a really good game tho


Haven't played the other souls games yet are they good?