I've never played a Souls game before, but I wanna give it a shot. Should I buy DS3 or BB...

I've never played a Souls game before, but I wanna give it a shot. Should I buy DS3 or BB? I like the aesthetic of DS3 better (I'm not in to the whole Victorian style Nightmare Creatures stuff), but it seems at least on Sup Forums that BB is praised more

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You'd probably like DS3 better then. They're both good games, and the biggest difference between the two is that Bloodborne has a regain mechanic where you can fuck up a close enemy that just hit you to get part of your lost health back, and you use guns for parrying instead of shields. It's also a little bit faster, where Souls 3 is somewhat more methodical and turtling can be a legit strategy with the right build. 3 is probably the easiest of the current series in its introductory stages, so its not a bad introduction.

Thanks user!

DS3 actually looks a lot like BB in a lot of ways so I would discount the graphics as part of your selection.

BB has better combat.
DS3 has more builds.
PVP sucks in both games.

BB is a better game overall.
Also it has a stand alone story line so you wont feel like you missed anything not having played the first two DS.

I played them all as they were released in order and BB is still my favorite.

If DS3 didn't ruin pvp I would recommend it in place of BB but that is not the world we live in.

Thus BB is better.

DS3 is derivative trash that excels literally nowhere. Hope you like wading slowly through tedious poison swamps because that's 1/3 of the game

Bloodborne is the fedora of video games, im not saying this jokingly. How anyone can like the lame ass setting is beyond me.

BB blows DS3 out of the water for the most part. It's also easier so you're best with that. I was in a similar situation to you having never played one in the series and went with BB first, don't regret it. The story is also fucking great.

You sound like a 14 year old that's why

>BB easier than DS3


When I first played DS3 I went half way through the game before i experienced my first death.

I can't imagine anyone would genuinely like DS3 if they've never played one before.

I can't even remember any of the npcs or anything from that game, it's all so unoriginal and purely exists for DS1fags to throw money at hoping to feel something like the first time they played Dark Souls 1.

Play Demon's Souls or Dark Souls 1 as your first

If you have a PS3, start with demon's souls. If not, start with dark souls.
Skip dark souls 2. Play dark souls 3 before BB. BB is the better game, though.

Don't bother with 3 unless you've played 1

you know what OP? just play 1

Who /didntdieuntilpontif/ here?

Start with DeS or DaS that way you'll be able to properly appreciate and scrutinize the better or worse changes the less clunky newer games have and to properly set the tone.

I died in wolnir's death mist

>being this contrarian talking about fedoras

They're all shit after DaS. Warping from the beginning and destroying the Estus system makes them unenjoyable messes.

BB is praised more everywhere, not just on Sup Forums. Look at the metacritic scores.

Oh yes user, because might medieveal armor "n" magick is not fucking boring at all. LARP and High fantasy fags are the worst for self awareness when calling other settings shit


Every time

don't listen to this faggot
>farron keep
>one tiny bit of profaned capital
>earthen peak ruins (dlc)
if you spent 1/3 of the game in poison swamps it's because you chug dicks and got stuck in one of them for a third of your playtime

I killed pontiff on first attempt.

Same - that was the first death i had in the game, didnt realise it hurt until i was balls deep in the mist.

First boss to give me shit and actually die a couple times to was Nameless King, then i switched out from a lightning weapon (Creightons dragonslayer axe did dick all dmg to him) and rekt him with my morian blade - or whatever the name of that 1h sword with bleed from yuria is called.

Bloodborne is amazing in every respect. DaS3 is lazy and combat is like swatting really strong mosquitos. Zero thought or heart put into level/world design and tacked on lore that just tries not to contradict anything said in the first game.

Both BB and DaS3 aren't Souls games.

If you want gameplay, BB

You should want gameplay.

PS DaS3 is a turd, you'd be better off playing das1

>The story is also fucking great.

Start with DS1. If you have to choose between those 2, BB is many times better. I really do suggest starting with 1 though, if you play 3 first you might not appreciate it as much, and there's a lot there to appreciate.

>Skip dark souls 2
2 is a perfect combination of DeS and DaS

plus it gives you the most freedom in terms of where to go from the very beginning and getting tons of souls to build a new character. it's great, especially with the DLC

play the games chronologically faggot

>ITT: people ""arguing"" which of their favourite Souls is the best #4654654787

This is true. DaS3 gives you the smoothest animations as a character but none of the enemies are fun to fight so it's just annoying. Also pretty much all of the levels are just thrown together without any sort of innovation. It's insulting that they even released it like that.

>actually gives a passable answer instead of being edgelord memer

You disgust me


That's blatantly false but ok.

I played Scholar. never had an issue kiting or crowd controlling enemies.

I played DaS2 when it came out. I had many issues with having to fight 3 enemies at once because they were spaced too close. No idea if it was fixed by the last patch

Dark Souls 1 might not have the best fighting mechanics compared to the other games but in terms of the world and how interconnected everything is it's far superior to either Dks3 and BB. It's definitely still my favorite souls game.

>3 is probably the easiest of the current series in its introductory stages, so its not a bad introduction.
well, maybe past iudex gundyr.