What will be the last videogame you ever play when Sep 23 comes?

What will be the last videogame you ever play when Sep 23 comes?

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Nier A Tomato I guess

What Spe23 has to do with anything?

I agree with , besides the fact that I'm turning 24 that day, what does it mean?

>24 on a 23

I'm guessing it's some kind of Sup Forums meme. You know how they are about prophesies.

hotline miami 2 custom levels

>Sep 23
another end of the world? i will probably try to play GW2: PoF, because i am a cocksucking cuck who pays nuanet money

oh it is Sup Forums leaking again
ctrl=w it is

Planet is going to collide with the Earth, or so the religious faggots say.

Oh yeah, now I remember. Another bullshit rapture prediction

must be going rly fucking fast cuz we'd know if a planet was on a collision course with us

NASA says if it was true it would be visible to the naked eye by now.

>Being 24
>Still browsing this shithole for self loathing human garbage

I REALLY hope this happens.



Holy shit what kind of retard believes this, they still think there's significant to fucking pictures we drew on stars holy fuck

Ugh, give me a TL;DR

Fucking Trump

apart me from turning 23, what will september 23rd bring us?


>people actually take this seriously


9/23/17. 17+23=40 40-9=31

31=1931 the year I just saw in the Baccano anime.

Good thing i'm redpilled about space being a Jewish scam and it know it isn't real

What a bullshit picture.

Probably Warhammer 2 Total War.

Yeah I know right. Its pretty amazing how people fall for all this fake space bullshit.

I'm 28 and I hate myself for slogging through these forums for 10 years now.

Google dragon september 23, too.

Remember when the world ended in 2012?

People say the world didn't end in 2012 but be honest. Has any year since then felt real?

Yeah dude I died that day it was horrible

wow it's almost as if satellites took photos while earth is turning or something...

Yeah, but that was some Mayan diarrhea, made from savages located in the Yucatan.

This is a prophesy made from God fearing people and approved by da glorious WHITE man.

Planet spinning must have made North America change sizes in 2012 too huh?

>tfw died on y2k and didn't experience 2012 death
It ain't fair bros

If only that shit were real. i wouldn't play any games, i'd celebrate fucking hard. humanity is shit, we gotta get purged

niggers from outer space

Is this bait?

Guys I know what happens when you die

Your consciousness diverges into another timeline where you didn't die and your life goes on forever oblivious to all your deaths

>when you're an flat earther but you believe a planet is going to collide with earth

Yeah my dude. Totally bait.
Flat Earthers don't believe in space.

Best movie I've ever seen

its actually very scary, sonic was the first game i ever played and sonic mania will be the last


even if that were true, you will die eventually in every timeline from old age

What is perspective. You know a map don't show real sizes of countries, do you?

Hey, same birthday!

>What is perspective
Not relevant to two composites claimed to be accurate representations of the earth
>You know a map don't show real sizes of countries, do you?
Yeah okay? What does that have to do with anything?

>the virgin virgo
>the chad lion

>tfw we all died in 2012 and the world going completely crazy is our hell

God is dead and we killed him

Probably Rise of the Tomb Raider

>More Sup Forums doomsday shit

Thank fuck for that. It was boring having all those rules and shit.

Why does Sup Forums like this stuff? They are never going get anyone to fall for it.

>Sup Forumspredicts doomsday
>Sup Forums is always right

So either the zombie apocalypse or the antichrist.

You mean like the super red moon of 2015 that would transform every jew in the world into bloodthirsty goy-eating werewolves and crash the economy because they'd forgive everyone's debts?


2012 was the last real year 2013 was already fucked up. Got nothing to do with my life I was a fully grown adult in 2012

Just look at all the fucked up shit happening in the world since then

I probably died and you people were never real anyway

Are you me?

>Why does Sup Forums like this stuff?
Sense of community, the fun of conspiracy nonsense and the memes / infographics / image macros produced as a result.
It's the same reason Sup Forums has literally helped the russians bomb isis training grounds by observing the height and arrangement of specific telephone poles in conjunction with certain rock formations to pinpoint an exact location

That's as absurd as the space stuff.

>things on a globe look like they're different sizes when they're in different places
Whoa man, here i was thinking the earth is round and perspective existed, but you've convinced me. The earth is flat and artists are retarded.

It's true though.

That happened, but (((media))) didn't cover it

>the mindset of a Sup Forumstard

Reddit's down the hall, kiddo

Again why even talk about stuff like this? It's not true and not even a good lie. A bunch of whites and hispanics in their teens isn't contributing shit.

You really don't know geography at all if you think that images is simply them being in different places. Look up mexico on a map you willfully ignorant buffoon.

You clearly have no idea how perspective works either.

>real sizes

>tl;dr nuh uh


>Non arguments
>Pure coincidence goyim totally not mocking you in any way