I've beaten MGS 1-4 and enjoyed them all, but never touched V

I've beaten MGS 1-4 and enjoyed them all, but never touched V

is V any good? Is it worth playing? It's 45+ hours long, that's more time than I remember spending on a single MGS ever. is it worth the time investment? it's not repetitive babby bullshit is it?

>it's not repetitive babby bullshit is it?
Yes it is.

Typical open world """game"""

It's about 20 real quests, and 8000 side quests of "go back to a place you have already been and kill / fulton this guy"

I'm sorry to hear that this game fell for the "le epin sandbox meme"

I thought Kojima of all people would have known better. His earlier games were excellent and the first is a masterpiece. I never liked Peace Walker though, that game kinda sucked. It's a shame to see what's become of the franchise, I was hoping his final game would have been a return to form but from what I've read it just might be the very worst.

Oh well.

>enjoyed them all
No, only people who don't have shit taste will enjoy V. It's an actual game this time, and not just a movie that you move between cutscenes in for 10 seconds at a time.

Yeah. Just follow this guide it makes the game much more enjoyable

>kill quiet unless you are an achievement autist
>turn off reflex mode
>turn off HUD if you want the game to be much more difficult, this makes DDog pretty much useless though
>collect invoices at outposts, this lets you fast travel
>instead of returning to the helicopter after every single mission just leave the area so you can do side quests

Doing these things makes the game flow much much better and makes it more immersive

yep. its a direct sequel to peace walker, and basically plays like peace walker in a big open world with nothing to do

Yep, it's a mess of a game that feels empty and lifeless, open world was a mistake for this series.

Open world is ALWAYS a mistake, except for GTA, Saint's Row, and maybe Assassins Creed, maybe.

Are you invested in the plot? If so, avoid. It shits on the already tangled lore of past games.

It's pretty much a polished PW gameplay wise. I won't lie and say I didn't have fun playing it, but it's pretty disappointing in retrospect.

Best stealth in the series, best graphics, best customization, worst plot.

As someone who loved 1 and 2, but skipped the rest because of a transition to pc, 5 is shite. Doesn't feel like an mgs game at all.

It is absolutely a mistake in Ass Creed.

It's ok in Saints Row though since you have tons of OP methods to just fly right to the next mission--but I just wish I could just teleport directly to the next one. Driving to the next area is always a bitch.

They let you auto drive to them in LA Noire so that's good.

It's awful, and I'm someone that is totally open ;) to open world games and have enjoyed many in the past
Everything about it just felt so empty and stretched out
People that like it just aren't real MGS fans
Funny meme that brainlets like to spread is that it has "good gameplay" and pretty much everything is flawless except for it being unfinished

If you are interested in story then don't play it, gameplay is repetetive shit too. Don't bother.

Why do people keep putting V over 4 in their power rankings?
I feel like they must be playing something completely different from what I had been
Vapid game for vapid people

it's a fitting end to the series

after every MGS game, I always wanted to play a sequel next. TPP is the game where I have peace that the series is finally over

4 introduced most of the retcons that completely ruined the lore beyond repair, it's also a poorly designed game that keeps throwing half-baked gimmicky gameplay at you after Act 2. But on the other hand, it isn't a repetitive grind fest where you have to traverse an empty open-world.

It's beautiful, it's weird, it's memorable, but it's... not a good MGS game.

It is worth the time. If you've already played and enjoyed all of those games, there shouldn't be a reason you won't enjoy MGSV. I've been playing MGS since PS1, and I might be biased, but I think I might like V the most out of them all. You can get it cheap or pirate it now. It's worth it.

Which retcons, specifically?
I can agree with it downhill after Act 2, but at least it was fun the first time around

>no true scotsman
Opinion is officially shit. Congratulations.

Really? I think it's a pretty big departure from the other games and if someone was a real purist they would have a lot of reasons for not enjoying it.

It's a great game with the best gameplay in the series.

Word of advice, if you get the game. Get GZ first and just S rank everything and get really Good, enjoy the game for the game. People who didn't git gud and just wanted a million cutscenes hated it because they weren't any good at actually playing the game.

MGSV is literally Gameplay: The Game

It felt like all the others had before it. Each new game was an improvement on the one before it. Everytime I'd want to go back and have the new elements put into the older games. It just seemed like the natural leap. A couple points that I will concede on is that there aren't very long cut scenes or calls, but that was more because of the backlash of 'MOVIE GEAR SOLID 4'. I went into MGSV expecting a Kojima game and I didn't feel let down at all.

I turn off the HUD when I don't take DD. Leads to some wierd difficulty spikes, since I use DD for Main Missions and Quiet for Side Ops, so sometimes the Side Ops end up being a huge bitch, even though this is my second time thorugh.

>hurr ppl just didn't like it because they were bad!!!!
>muh cutscenefags
Shit story wouldn't have bothered me at all if the environments weren't so barren and if the gameplay felt more engaging
And the amount of your personal time that the game wastes having you traveling to missions is incredible, regardless of fast traveling

You mean Padding: The Barely Game.

no dude the amount of choice you have in the game is staggering. Saying there's nothing to do just because there isn't a lot of cutscenes is a bit disingenuous.

This is the best gameplay in the entire series.

there's shit tons of gameplay in the game though???

>Basically a Far Cry game with real time grinding
>Best gameplay

the gameplay's fantastic though and there's tons of variation in the open world which is put to use through the side ops

Yes, just like literally any game but that's why they take place in different places and you have a shit ton of gadgets to do it with.

No, Far Cry is shit. MGSV is great because it avoids what makes Far Cry such shit, like by having fun shooting mechanics for example

But Far Cry 3+4 have way better shooting mechanics than MGSV. It even has more actual content.

Eh, they're not really retcons, just "unexpected explanations". Stuff like Vamp's nanomachines, Ocelot's arm, Big Boss' body surviving MG2, etc. Honestly there are more actual retcons in MGS1 and MGS3 about Snake and Big Boss.

lol nope

>MGSV is practically a Farcry game
I legit enjoyed FC3 and 4 more than MGSV in a lot of ways.

it's a good game and I really enjoyed it but it pissed me off with how obviously un finished it is

Might as well if you enjoyed the other ones. Don't listen to the retarded memers. This game was a massive disappointment but it's still worth a play.

Its a unfinished '''''game'''''
They literally scrapped out last chapter
There was nucler disarmament will unlock last chapter meme but its not going to happen
dont bother if you dont want to get disappointed

I haven't played FC4, but I definitely did enjoy FC3 more than V as well
I honestly don't think I'd quit FC4 before finishing it because of boredom like I did V

I see
What happened to Big Boss in MG2? Never played MG games

He got taken out by Solid Snake using a makeshift flamethrower made out of aerosol can and a lighter

No, I'm not making it up.

I think he means that that gameplay you're talking about is the padding. You know, all the time spent traveling and boring side missions.

shittiest story ever in a MGS, but the best gameplay. it's worth playing but not for the reasons an MGS game should be unfortunately.

shame Kojima dropped the ball and mismanaged the budget so hard. the game suffered greatly for it

Wow that sounds fuckin dumb
Are the MG games still worth a try? Since I don't actually have MGS2&3 on PS3 I was considering getting the HD collection so I'd have access to that as well
Do you think MG remakes would be a good idea?

No dude the actual shooting. Maybe you should learn to traverse the map better

>hurr just fast travel!!!!!
Still wastes a lot of your time
I guess the shooting was alright, but I think all the environments being so forgettable really spoiled it for me

You're gonna need to play Peace Walker first. Otherwise the story won't make any sense.

Best gameplay of the series, worst story

>Are the MG games still worth a try?
I'd say 2 is, I played it for the first time on the eve of TPP's release. 1 is a bit too "archaic" I'd say. Id go watch a walkthrough on that one.

Also, Ghost Babel (for the gameboy color) isn't canon, but it's even better than MG2 in nearly every way.

>Since I don't actually have MGS2&3 on PS3 I was considering getting the HD collection so I'd have access to that as well
Get the legacy collection instead, it has every canon game pre-V except for PO

>Do you think MG remakes would be a good idea?
Me personally? No. At this point, I just want the series to die with some dignity.

>Wow that sounds fuckin dumb

It was fucking glorious. One of my favorite boss fights

I already have 4 and digital version of 1 so I don't think there's any reason for me to get legacy edition
Funny thing is when I went into the store to get a used 4 copy they just gave me the limited edition of it for no extra cost

The worst retcon(or unexpected explanation) was the MGS3 support crew being the founders of the Patriots, since that shrunk the fictional universe of Metal Gear dramatically

It was easy as hell.
>collect materials
>blast BB from behind the box at the SW corner of the stage

I only died once because of one of those puddles

t. Scrub who didn't S rank or have any fun

I think I've S ranked quite a few times when I didn't mean to
Weird ranking system, but yeah I really wish I did have fun


He promised 300 hours for a finished game. I got 350 for an unfinished game.
>Gameplay is great lot of variety in what you can do
>Missions are repetitive but the gameplay can add flavor to it
>Theres a fair amount of story I felt it was on par with the other games. Problem is theres a lot of filler missions in between so it doesnt feel like it
>Quiets arc, depending on who you are, is either good or bad, personally loved it
I dont know I found the game to be damn near perfect, and its one of the few games I actually bothered to 100%. I also bought the game at full price and wasn't disappointed.
You really have to try and see for yourself

>No, I'm not making it up.
That doesn't sound very strange to me at all. I bet you'll burn up in flames easily as well if I torched you with a lighter and an air can. I bet it's the same with a lot of humans, actually

Remember kids, it's not about strength, but rather skill.

>>hurr just fast travel!!!!!
nice strawman

Another thing is that tapes contain a good amount of story content, cant remember why but it was annoying as fuck listening to them. Cutscenes were pretty good though

>day is going good
>suddenly see a MGSV thread

Does the game not waste plenty of your time in transit though?

The story may have been a mess, but the Paz subplot was fucking great.

>that last cutscene
>that last part of her "diary"

Personally, the fact that Venom isn't actually Big Boss made the Paz missions worthless. Venom had no connection to her other than the 5 min in the chopper and all the made up shit they planted in his brain.

>30 seconds
It does, theres a mod to remove the transit time, not sure how it works when being extracted. I dont know I didnt really mind it

I feel like fake boss' loss is analogous to the loss I felt. I was robbed of my personal time and a quality MGS title. It was probably Konami's fault it was shit.
Maybe Kojimbo really is a hack, unless Death Stranding is actually going to be really dope.

It was highlighting his survivor's guilt and how he wasn't able to save her. The real BB wouldn't have given a shit.

That time really adds up though
And it's not just the helicopters or whatever, it's all the empty space in the map

But if Venom was brainwashed into thinking he was Big Boss, why didn't he then not give a shit too?

It said why in the last tape, "Paz" was just a fragment of the mind he had lost.

Yeah it does add up, probably a big reason I hit 350 hours.