You're tasked with making an Old Testament themed video game. How do you proceed?
You're tasked with making an Old Testament themed video game. How do you proceed?
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Once you win the game God kills you anyway.
Sorry kid, it's been done
But my drea--
Make it a VN
In the second half they pull a MGS2 and you play as someone completely different.
Ancient aliens would be the best way to go about it
consult those god damn glow in the dark cia niggers and their mindless nigger cattle
hire terry davidson and try to convince him I'm not a cia nigger
Angels are scary, I'd have a fucking stroke if a ring of eyes descended from the heavens in front of me.
>play as young moses
>stealth action in service of pharaoh
>you're sent on missions around egypt and nearby sinai peninsula
>witness things that make you question your upbringing
>begin to see egypt and nearby lands for what they are, devil worshiping heathens
>eventually do mission in jewish ghetto city
>see the treatment of his own people
>sees a guard whipping a jewish slave
>kill the guard to save the slave
>called to appear for actions
>chose not to serve pharaoh anymore and escape to the wilderness while evading elite troops
>end cutscene, moses is older, hears a commotion outside one night
>investigates, it's dark out but he's glowing
>a bush is burning but not consumed by the fire in the foreground, moses in the background
>camera begins panning up
>end credits
Make it as braindead as possible
Its called Shin Megami Tensei
>play as Jacob
>suplex angels
Fill the game with every kind of bitriquadpolygenderfluid multiromantic demisexual tumblr freak ever
get praised by all the shitty journos and let them throw their entire weight behind my game.
a couple of hours into the game they all go to hell and suffer horrible tortures
You have the choice to make them cishet or let them suffer eternally
Survival game that forces you to balance a morality based system that takes every action into account and puts the points into a percentage based system. Percentages potentially alter the story with only a specific set of actions leading to the true ending.
You player a bystander who follows the course and stories of the old testament who must survive in the older times via any means they choose and I do mean any with appropriate reactions to chosen methods. I.e. you can prostitute yourself but you run the risk of getting a game over via being stoned.
But God said he would never kill another man ever again.
I don't remember God saying that in any capacity in the bible
Does someone have this image but with anime girl eyes
I know it exists
Depends on if you're doing OT or NT.
That would actually be a really intense game. I guess I'd make the game starring someone who would bear witness to everything and eventually undergo apotheosis, a la Enoch. You would have to carry out tasks for the supreme.
make a game where you have to sacrifice your son and in the last minute god goes "lol jk my man"
>Only 2 people ever who God personally brought to heaven without them having to die first
But I wonder how that'd translate to gameplay? Maybe a character action game?
Is god a mary sue?
Why can't anyone even look at him?
ot sure if you've never heard of El Shaddai or if you're bitter El Shaddai fans trolling
Samson action game where you get to fight philistines, using either your fists, weapons of the era, pillars and doors from buildings, or even a donkey's jawbone. You travel across Israel and Gaza. The final stage is after he gets his hair cut. You're timed to finish the stage before your health runs but you get an unlimited super meter due to God's power and you also fight Dagon, the Philistine's heathen god.
Never actually heard of that one but that's interesting that Enoch was the first thing they thought of as well. Probably because the book of Enoch was so awesome.
I thought this was Yu-Gi-Oh Card-artwork
Total War: Ancient Near East
Jews are in an expack, crazy religious stuff is in another.
Mosou based on Joshua-Judges-Samuel-Kings.
is that angel a dyson sphere?
There's a reason they utter "be not afraid" before they reveal themselves to you.
I think C.S. Lewis said something along the lines of "Heaven is a good place, but it is not a safe place."
Same reason nobody can look upon Cthulhu, God is beyond the scope of human comprehension.
Either than or God doesn't have a form and is the abstract concept of Love. In retrospect it makes the Bible come across as an abusive relationship.
After the last great flood, he looked at earth and saw the destruction and the misery of the survivors and for a brief moment he actually felt bad about it. He then promised to never do that again and created the rainbow as his pact to his word.
btw hurricane Irma incoming tomorrow.
>become friends with God's greatest enemy for a pair of Levi Jeans and a flip phone
>btw hurricane Irma incoming tomorrow.
Shit, send safety to the lost souls.
Was this game good?
that was his promise he would never again try to wipe out the entire human race
god kills plenty of humans afterwards in the bible
Well I mean, would you not?
The promise was that he would never flood the world again. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and the Rapture are still in his back pocket.
>Entire game is a retelling of the Tower of Babel and the destruction of the Nephalim.
>Playing as motherfucking Enoch, the OG Biblical hero that was so loved by God he transcended and became Metatron.
Honestly a pretty good choice for a Biblical game, Samson would be the second pick honestly.
Hell no, not unless that flip phone is upgraded to a smart phone.
Wasn't even the guy you were originally talking to but I'm pretty sure that's what he was referring to. Well aware that god kills many, many men afterwards. Even goes so far as to curse unborn generations of people because he's so pissed off all the time.
The GOTY was already made though
>felt bad about it
He already felt bad about it, but more in a "Why are you people making me do this?" sort of way.
Reminder that God is the Old Testament in a jealous lover and was highly abusive to humans.
New Testament takes place after a restraining order, rehab and therapy.
and then we killed his kid and he's never spoken to us again ever since
>It's a fedora nigger applies freshman philosophy to his sloppy interpretation of the Bible episode
A promise to never destroy the world by flood again is a far cry from promising to never kill a man again.
I don't get to post this enough
Nah, Roman Catholic here. I just like taking the piss out of it is all.
>be Samson
>rip lion's head off for no reason and come up with an awesome riddle
>want free clothes
>make bet with some jerks saying if they can't answer the riddle, they give him a shit ton of free clothes but if they can answer it, he will give them a shit ton of free clothes
>jerks answer the riddle
>throw a tantrum
>go into town and kill 30 random plebs just minding their business and rob them of their clothes
>pay off the debt with clothes you just grand theft auto'd from innocent people
Truly a pious man.
>keep giving the jews a second chance because of deal with Abraham
>after the eleventh time just say "fuck it" and let Babylon beat up on 'em, while saying the future belongs to the gentiles.
Four Horsemen refer to the fall of rome, they've already come. They'll come again for Rome's successor.
Nigger, that sort of attitude is why God abandoned the Jews.
I only entered this thread because of this.
>That moment when you realize Xavier IS an actual angel, the title isn't being ironic, and he's fucking with people the way angels canonically do.
I want one that emphasizes tribal warfare, where God gives you orders to defeat your enemies and thrive and you have to do your best to meet his guidelines. Maybe he punishes you or some shit if you disobey him.
This is too on-the-nose to be believable.
Hidden gem
isn't SMT1 a retelling of the old testament
you're the reincarnation of adam and you team up with the reincarnation of eve and you are thrown out of the garden of eden (pre-war tokyo)
Motherfucker, it's a miracle he didn't wipe out the Jews sooner after all the shit they pulled.
Shadow of the Colossus is my favorite bible game.
Well technically he sent his kid to be killed, so in a way, we were just doing what he wanted.
The Japanese seem to love taking stories from the testaments and retelling them in such a way that gives zero credit to anyone but the new writers.
This was the most amazing story to ever come out of a FF game but it was just a retelling of a bunch of stories involving Lucifer and his imprisonment. Excellently executed story though.
>never spoken to us again ever since
Book of Acts
i don't know, the references in SMT games are pretty opaque
>Rome's successor
If you're implying that's the United States I will smite the fuck out of your anus.
God is a cheap, salty faggot so if you win he'll either cheat or punish you for winning. I think one of my favorite bible story is when god wrestled Jacob and when he couldn't overpower him he magically dislocated his hip.
Nah, the idea would be just to play as Samson since he's an asshole.
They're unclear? Never played that series but isn't that the one that literally uses the actual biblical names for characters?
If the US isn't Rome's Successor then Western Civilization truly has died.
Catholic here. God has been pretty consistent, it's us that changed.
wait i fucked that up
i meant they were pretty obvious
This but mountain blade style.
>user may be a prophet of the end-times.
>implying you aren't just a bitter bitch
Jacob was punished for being a wormy fuck.
>jealous as fuck
>envious as fuck
>holds a grudge for fucking ever
>will fuck you up for things you haven't even done yet
>wants you to worship no one else
>will fuck shit up for no reason at all
Why is God considered male when he clearly acts like a female?
Well, most of the important figures in the Bible were deeply flawed people. Even Moses, who claim that he alone parted the Red Sea.
>cosmetic change wipes out your stats
Maybe xes both
>Yeh, no I totally WANTED you to kill my son, it's not like I sent him over to lead you into peace and prosperity for ever
>feel good about yourselves yet?
There is too much you could do and make it fucking awesome
I'd like a tower of babel-esque game that completely shits on modern society
>Why doesn't God let me do what I want without consequence?
Sounds like you're the bitch, bitch.
I take the money and make a Kamen Rider Agito game instead.
dumb fanfiction
So shin megami tensei?
Because translation issues, and necessities of language. God isn't considered masculine or feminine in hebrew thought, but for articles/pronouns they use masculine.
It's like asking why vagina is considered masculine in French.
>Israel's little bitch
>ever being Rome's successor
>if I don't like it, it never happened
Atheist Bible scholarship in a nutshell.
Sounds like you need to put your fedora down for a bit, kiddo.
What good father wouldn't be jealous when their children latches on to someone and forget about their father?
>wants you to worship no one else
If you worship something else, you're basically wanting to fuck your shit up