Uh huh

Uh huh...

she was the worst character in the game

>somehow manages to do better than all guardians with hundreds of hours in combat

I hated her from the first fucking sentence uttered from her lips.

Please tell me she gets better, when i already know she won't.

why is her face buffering?

She doesn't there are so many moments where she acts like a bitch to you and your friends that it's just annoying as fuck

>well you completed your mission, I guess maybe I should thank you

She doesn't get better, but she's not super in the way during the campaign. Can't comment about her activities after that though.


>hijabs are cool now
How did this happen?

>sentient robots
>an entirely new species and form of life
>are not diverse enough

Why is it that only brown humans count towards the diversity quota? That's awfully speciesist, don't you think?

Look. We already have the usual human race and their variants, the aliens muluttos in the awoken, the omnics, and let's not forget these lovey folks

Roman cabal
Greek vex who are actually a liquid.
18th century European fallen (I don't remember what their race name is)
The hive who are technically Egyptian? Medieval European? Some other race that's big on mysticism and heiroglyphes?

So that's all covered. Except for one thing.

We've yet to meet the space Asians enemies who want to nuke the traveler and install space bushido and anime across the universe. If not that, some Mongolian force.

>wide range of personalities

[citation needed]

Why is there a muslim in Destiny?

Why is she wearing a onesie?

Don't you know? Everything that is the opposite of traditional western values is cool now.

She smelled so fucking bad that they kicked her out of the city and she resents every guardian now because of it.

so its sjw to have a hood now

whoa.... im buiying it now dude, damn... FUCK WH*TEYS

>Becomes almost useless after you leave the EDZ
>Utterly useless in the post game
>Almost everything she says is followed up by someone telling her why she's wrong
I personally loved how she got u-turned from the start.

libcu cks

All hunters wear hoods

I don't have anything about games pushing diversity but why do those characters always have to be condescending pricks?

Good writers leave vidya long ago. This is all you can get now


So this is why game journalists love this game and meanwhile no gamer I know gives a shit about it.

The hijacking of western culture by those seeking to destroy it.

Why does she look down on everyone and everything so much like she's so great?

It's just one character that gets constantly talked down to by pretty much everyone else in the cast that talk to her.

Because she thought she was special for not being in the City. The British dude and your Ghost constantly overrule her though, and the moment the Vanguard show up on the Farm they take charge. Even Shaxx could have probably kicked her out if he wasn't Crucible-sexual.


Notice how Lawbreakers and Evolve are dead as doornails

Here's a hint to future game devs:

1. Nobody likes fantasy niggers
2. Nobody likes sci-fi space niggers in power armor. (The less said about Muslims in space, the better)

Fucking stop it.

>Meanwhile, Destiny 2 will get GotY, with two major female characters of color

I put in over 200 hours in Evolve Stage 2 in SPITE of its awful characters, not because of them

Seriously, they're all just ugly and unappealing with no breasts, MK9 style jaws for the women and feminist writing

Blacks in space just aren't realistic or aesthetic, and they can only get away with it in pre-established franchises like Battlefield and Call of Duty (a very old Jewish tactic you saw recently with Star Wars)

The SJW writers project themselves onto the characters

>Destiny 2 will get GotY

300 started it

You must have been so traumatized when they rewrote Darth Vader as a black trans boy and told everyone Muslims invented The Force :,(
Poor you...

xD What a racial fucking comedy xD



shes literally a jaded fan, shes acts like she hates the tower and guardians so much but the moment zavala calls her a guardian she creams her panties and moves into the city for good. cant blame her though big alpha titan dick will do that to you

because they are cute.

((they)) did it.

Those are turbans. They're for men.

I remember when I was a kid and muslims were considered savages by everyone around me. Now even the "adults" from back then seem brainwashed of the opposite.

W-whos that fly humanoid?

Western culture is pretty bitch made of it's being destroyed by the occasional foreign face in videogames.

I have no idea how to relate that this perception of the world, where your own country can produce almost all the major media totally catered to your specific interests with data mined accuracy and you can somehow still feel victimized every time a foreigner shows up.

Why does this conversation happen in every thread?

or they were just educated.

sunny is a qt, caira too



>norse guy is a robo-eunuch
fuck the jews

what is their endgame?

source on the review?

>Giant orb from space shows up and gives people super powers
>People still worship Allah


What game with a bunch of white dudes are they referring to??

>not diverse
>still no Mothpeople
Fuck your shit OP, I don't feel like getting angry.


and then?

Mobs of raceless consumer slaves in an eternal global "Democracy"

What else


pretty sure it was because of that one porn vid.

That's a hijab? I can't really tell until you mention it.
Now where's my high tech shaolin monk?

All she did was stay back and take long range shots. She only saved zavala because she wasn't engaging any enemies that weren't already engaged

Thats a poncho you dumb assholes. Cayde even makes a comment about it, something like "ponchos aren't bad I guess" when she says she doesn't want a hunter hood

Yes, thank god I haven't bought the game

Now they can enjoy the Mass "Effect", if you know what I mean

She's not a hunter. Not even a guardian.

you mean RE-educated

>some retard writes an article about how there's a girl in the game
>Yes, thank god I haven't bought the game


I remember when I was a kid and I didn't see hijabs everywhere. Seriously, what happened?

>buying games
>enjoying games
>talking about games
kill yourself


Didn't say that specific hood was a hijab.

Are we all just shitting on Destiny here or does anyone on Sup Forums actually play it?

Are there any decent kinetic handcannons? I've got The Old Fashioned, and it's alright, but it feels a little too slow, especially as a Nightstalker without any reload perks.

That was supposed to be the moth people, a proud race of honorbound warriors steeped in tradition.

western women are LITERALLY retarded