"if you bring your video games to school, it will be confiscated and we will call your parents"

>"if you bring your video games to school, it will be confiscated and we will call your parents"



>still remembering school
thanks god, I'm not underage, neither lifetime loser

Thats not a 5, check this out

What a 6

I'm guessing you're just looking for an excuse to post little girls
What a coincidence, I'm looking for an excuse to post an email to Chris Hansen


>gameboy gets confiscated
>never get it back
>teacher's son now has a new gameboy that has the same sticker as yours

>teachers/supervisors at my school would literally confiscate ipods/gameboys and keep them overnight
How they got away with this I'll never know


If you so much as touch my game I'll cut you, you stupid fucking whore.

This happened to my friend in grade school.

>Teacher takes your Pokemon/Yu-Gi-Oh cards
>Half of them are missing when you get them back



6 is an inferior form of 8.

get a good look at this 77

>six replies
>post ends in six
what did he mean by this

Check this 9

Hmph a 6th rate duelist with a 6th rate deck, I'll show you who is Kaiba Seto and why am I number 1 (ONE)



What a disgustingly white class

what a disgustingly obvious bait post
