Dying to this boss countless times

>dying to this boss countless times
>resorting to a Youtube video on how to beat him

admit it, this is you. Isn't it?

No, I'm not a retard

>cheesed it with a single ring
Seriously, how could anyone get a game over in this game?

No user, I'm not eight years old and I don't have the lack of patience an eight year old has even if I didn't beat the boss on my first try.

Nice projecting OP I beat it on my first try

i only died once because i didn't see the projectiles coming out of the tentacles and they killed me
after that it was smooth sailing, i literally don't get the "oil ocean boss is too hard!" meme

I had to use a youtube video to figure out how to beat the second phase of Metal Sonic in a reasonable time frame

Pretty sure this thread was already made this morning, but no. This boss is not that hard

>Hit him when he comes up
>Dodge the gun
>Don't be a retard and unga bunga it, attack the tentacles, then go for the squid
I figured this out on my second try.

I never used a video, although it was difficult.

Why would I need a youtube tutorial to beat this guy? If it was one of the more odd ones like the second phase of metal sonic I could understand, but this one is just
>Dodge attacks
>Hit big robot

Am I going crazy? Did people actually think this boss was hard?

So is this "artificial difficulty" or has all the Sup Forums try hard finally met their match?

I don't get it either. I have no idea why, but for some reason a lot of people have been reporting getting like 10 game overs before finishing the game. Mania's difficulty is pretty forgiving overall and this boss in particular I'd say is pretty straightforward.

You should feel like a diseased fuck who can't do anything in their own OP, figuring shit out on your own is what makes games fun

I'm worried that future classic (read: good) Sonic games will be dumbed down because of this.

Jesus, guys. I fucking suck at video games and I still beat Mania without resorting to guides.

I got more than a few game overs, but I've seen a lot of bitching about this game's difficulty. Which is weird, considering how much this place prides itself on shaming casuals.

Its fine with Sonic and Tails, Kunckles is a different story though.

I haven't played a video game with a boss battle since YouTube started. How young are you?

Someone post the webm.

How the fuck did you have an issue with any sonic bosses? You just jump on them until they die

No, but I did have to look up a video on how to beat this little shit.

Just abuse your invincibility frames you fucking scrub

no. died 3 times to the fucking shitty platforms sucking me down, and twice to the stupid bulletspam (durr how do we make boss hard guys.. DURR PROJECTILE SPAM)
fucking shitty bullshit boss. still finished the game without a gameover. game is a fucking joke with some bullshit unbalanced parts that are just annoying

I got no problem with easy games. I love kirby games and wind waker but at least be consistent. don't have a dumb difficulty spike in your babby game due to bullshit gimmicks. these fangame devs can go suck an egg

I went blind today and it took me 3 game overs. Whats the best strat for this boss? All i did was attack him once at a time when he appeared. Took me a while but it worked.

go in with an elemental shield so the bullets just bounce off. get the free hits at the start

Easy boss honestly. You'd have to be an inept gaming journalist to have even the slightest amount of difficult with this fight.

I knew how to beat it, it wasn't a hard boss

The problem is its just really shitty because the hit detection issues make it so you can get crushed in half a second

>duck to avoid the tentacles that jump over the platforms
>only jump to avoid the lasers or to change platforms when needed
>destroy the guns on the octo first
>once the guns are destroyed then attack the boss
>rinse and repeat until you win
not hard at all lad

no that boss took 3 minutes to beat and his attacks were extremely easy to figure out


I'm generally not too good at the early Sonic games (slow reflexes, I guess or lack of patience for a game that likes to call itself fast, then goes slower than fucking Mario at certain points). I can only remember beating Sonic Advance 1 (?), but I most probably never got those damn emeralds. Sonic Rush, I beat it, even got all emeralds. Fun game, liked Blaze.

Sonic Mania is forgivingly easy, at least up until this boss, but then again, like the early games, I didn't have much patience for it, kinda stopped at that point for a break and for some reason, felt inhumanly apathetic towards some of the roller coaster rides I'd be a part of. It felt more like the game was playing me.

I dunno, it felt too easy for the stages and to a certain point, even the bosses were easy, then I came to this boss and despite attacking it like how I'm supposed to, I'm bombarded by random bullets, which causes my rings to drown in the oil. Apparently, I did something wrong there.

He's about as hard as the Chemical Plant boss from Sonic 2. Easy, but if you're unlucky or out of your groove you could wipe out 10+ lives on it.

>I came to this boss and despite attacking it like how I'm supposed to, I'm bombarded by random bullets
>random bullets
you're supposed to destroy the guns
>Apparently, I did something wrong there.

>Dying to anything that isn't Mania wonky crush physics.

>Apparently, I did something wrong there.
Yes, it's called "only attack when Eggman appears." Only time you ignore this is when it's a mini boss section.

And from the rest of your post, it's clear you like the boost formula, which is fine. Watching this one video unloaded recently, I'm understanding what appeals to both side of each game to fans respectively.

I died like twice to it the first time I played because I overestimated my mobility in the oil and got shot by the bullets, but then just played it safe and took out the guns first and it was no big deal. Every playthrough after that I've had all 7 emeralds way before this point so I always fight it as Super and that's the easiest shit in the world.

Pretty sure I implied not to be generally good at Sonic games. And since I played from beginning to that point in a save file, I wanted to take a little break before repeating it.

>Yes, it's called "only attack when Eggman appears"

Pretty sure I did that, the other user was more right on the money regarding the guns though. At one point, I did realize they could be broken, but I was already kinda tired and wanted to take a break before going back at it. In the mean time, I started a Knuckles file because I heard the Mirage Saloon stages were more interesting in there.

No, I fought it like the old oil ocean zone boss.

I lost one life due to the platform falling on me, but that was just a mistaken assumption about the platforms falling through.

This boss was easy. First tried it. It was the worm boss that killed me the most.

Welp, just got the motivation back and wouldn't you know, got it beaten.

I guess pressing up while jumping helps dodge the bullets and helps you maintain the balance on top of the guns. Dodging the other things wasn't really a concern.

Also, be less tired next time I defeat a fucking boss or else, I'll have my sorry ass beaten.

No, you just use your rings like every obstacle in Sonic.

Well you can lose your rings much more easily on this boss unlike other ones since they will instantly sink through the oil.