Pubg manlet still rocking that barely 1 mil concurrent players

>pubg manlet still rocking that barely 1 mil concurrent players

Taking the bait

>pubg manlet still rocking that barely 1 mil concurrent players

>pubg = PC only
>destiny = PS4, PS4 Pro, Xbox One
>all combined barely beats a indie early access PC only game

i dont care about any of those games

>Destiny 2: $65-$70 usd depending on taxes

>PUBG: $25

Destiny 2 is on consoles

>effective advertising gets people to buy your game
>you spend more money on advertising than your actual game
Not surprised people fell for this game a second time

>Destiny 2: multimillion dollar ad campaign including TV spots and events, following from a previous game in the series

>PUBG: people stream it on Twitch

Those numbers will drop off retard... pubg's #'s have been on the increase

Even the first few days of battleborn had a lot of people playing, just give it some time

holy shit, it takes a few platforms to top PUBG, huh?

launch numbers are always high, come back in 6 months time when they plummet to the ground like bf1, battlefront and cod

Beta's don't mean shit, look at Battleborn.

>PS4, PS4 Pro

Those are the same system. You may as well count the slim version of the Xbox in there too if you're going to do this.

Yeah but let's be real here. Console numbers combined don't match pc numbers and they never will.

This. It's not hard to get a million suckers to download a free beta, especially if you advertise it as much as Bungie did.

Try doing that with the actual game and then I'll be impressed.

delete this

>those are the same system
Top. Fucking. Kek.

>third person

>huge launch and 100 million dollar campaign

It's gonna drop by half in a week and by 3/4 by the end of the month. Meanwhile PUBG is constantly increasing due to good word of mouth that's the difference

Check the date retards.
This is for the full game

was chilling with my boy last night and he booted up Destiny 2 for the first time

it looks the same as the first one, even graphically

the story mode is just like Halo and the multiplayer has the same boring gameplay and even maps (iirc) as Destiny 1

the console beta was more than a month ago, morons

Yeah you mean like day Z?
Pubg is just the latest meme.

>the story mode is just like Halo
it wishes it could even be half as good as halo

>random guy makes a game in an already saturated genre (large map "survival" battle royale fps)
>gets massively popular somehow and ends up with over a million players at any given time
that's a pretty big accomplishment, man

day z was never this popular. it could have been if it had a studio that was as competent as bluehole (ie, only a half competent studio)

you shoot a bunch of big alien dudes and then go on their ship and blow it up, its Halo

>level design about 1/4 as interesting or varied as halo
>abysmal weapon design
>abysmal enemy design
>it's just like halo lol there's aliens XD

Both are derivative and boring

the gameplay is the same try it

Oh shit so it is. Well, I'm still not really impressed, they've spent millions on advertising so it's not that surprising that a bunch of normies fell for it and bought the game.

It'd be more surprising if a game with this much marketing DIDN'T sell that much.

>tfw Yakuza and Persona were so bad I had a dream I bought Destiny 2 and liked it


>the gameplay is the same
I played destiny 1 for about 30 minutes. It's a butchered and gutted version of halo which is already fairly shallow. similar for sure but not close enough to call the same

>muh shitty game is more popular this other shitty game
So is this what all the COD v Halo kids moved on to?

Stop talking about pugbears, you normies.

Well there's your problem. You bought Weebkuza and Persona 5JW. Why don't you play a good game like Nier: Automata?

>try doing that with the actual game and then I'll be impressed
>I'm still not really impressed
Your hypocrisy and bias is showing.

If you say so...

play pubg problem solved

>Pubg fags screaming "B-but that's all the platforms combined!"
>They're not taking inti account how fucked they are next month when the PC version launches.

Destiny 2 had an actual release, these are the biggest numbers it will ever see. PUBG is still hitting 1 million a day and Destiny 2 likely won't be seeing those numbers ever again in a short time.

Read the post right above you, bud.

Wait why are D2 and PUBG even being compared. PUBG is a battle royale game, they've always been ludicrously successful for some reason.

bud no one on pc gives a shit about destiny 2.

H1Z1 was the only successful one and not nearly as much as PUBG

>believing activation/bungie's real numbers
kek, they put bloated numbers out all the time to please shareholders, and if the player count was low they would hide it like bo3, they went out of their way to patch a little bug that showed player counts, Only 30k 3 months after launch

I wonder why so few modern console games show players online.
And do XBL/PSN show the players online/how many people are playing which games?

dead in 2 weeks

>Caring how well a game does in sales
>Dick measuring contest about who's game sells more
Literally worse than sports fans

>(((concurrent))) players
>counting everyone subscribed with their email, every account made on their site and every person who played the FREE beta
Yeahyeah and OW has 100 quadrillion

>super popular game like Skyrim or FO4 releases on Steam where numbers are public
>barely breaks 100k
>a way less popular game releases on the publisher's own platform which doesn't make numbers public

Hmm, really makes you think.

as for player counts. it's up to the devs whether or not they want to show how many people are playing, and I don't think PSN or XBL ever showed player numbers

Nier was boring. 2017 has been a horrible year for me. Was looking forward to T7 and they ruined it with loading times and input lag worse than SFV

>>barely breaks 100k
FO4 broke like 450k on release.

its not out for pc yet

Thing is,PUBG numbers keep rising somehow. Meanwhile Destiny numbers will probably fall once people go over the original hype generated by all these ads and paid twitch streamers

bluehole is making bot accounts and is giving them free steam keys to inflate the numbers

while there's no proof of this, there have been a lot more afks in games i've been in recently

i'll often be surprised at how quick there are only 30 left

there is alot of level 0 steam accounts that spend about 16 hours per day playing pubg nonstop for months

Isn't that because of the loot system? Might be wrong but I remember some news of it
. Basically people just botting in order to gain currency

I still don't get this game. It looks so generic and boring, why do people like it so much?

pubg with """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""1 million players"""""""""""""

it's like dayz but with less bullshit and more fun

>people are literally forgetting the power of blizzdrones

play it and you'll understand
I thought it was shit streamerbait but it's actually bretty good
But there's some major flaws they need to fix.

OP BTFOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111

Probably, but there are farmers too, same as in dota.
The best way to approximate the numbers is to look at the scoreboards and see how steep the decline in ratings is.
In botted games most of the playerbase is in the very bottom.

When people are afk, its because of:
>game won't load
>party member's game wont load so you quit to menu
>people quitting to menu if something comes up and they don't have time to play
>the map has rain on it
>bp farming

there's plenty of reasons for when the plane has like 10 people who just drop at the end and die either to zone or AFK farmers

and bluehole ghost accounts

your tin foil hat might be too tight around your head

Sony obviously thinks so, otherwise you'd actually see standalone sales data of the system

One is a game, one is a sandbox

t. shill

Do they access PSN on different servers? Are those concurrent users on two different networks you fucking imbecile?

It's not an indie it's from a pretty big Korean company

Fuck off you shill, the lootcrate farming with bots gets more obvious each day

this. overwatch is a bad game and it sold like what? 30 million copies? destiny 2 will do well on pc even though it's shit SOLELY because blizzard drones are so mindlessly autistic that they will buy anything that pops up in the blizzard client.
They could throw a $20 version of minesweeper on there and people would buy it

streaming on twitch is better advertising than TV shit.

>Buying optimized, finished games from battlenet.
>As opposed to buying early access showelware from steam.

Wouldn't call that autistic, just having taste

Anyone else think Pubg got boring as fuck real fast? It's seriously just a pay version of rust's battle royale with a larger map (though always the same one, no variety), vehicles, more glitches, bugs and some other shit.

The gameplay consists of being forced to sit in spawn for 1 minute and then a plane for another 30 before it hits the drop-out area for some reason (literally why not just make it so that if you press "ready" and "launch game" that means you're ready, wtf is this forced artificial waiting time about?) and yeah then 1-3 starter kills (if you're lucky)
>sitting in a house for 20 minutes before moving
>moving to a new house and sitting there for 5 min
>instakill some cunt(s) walking outside
>get instakilled by some dude you failed to see/sniper at a distance
rinse & repeat

Why do people like this so much? It might just be my having killed my like for these games with rust & project reality (fights rarely give me adrenaline etc, and playing the "long game" has gotten really old really fast).

What games are actually good nowadays desu? I'd probably like a faster version of something like Pubg that'd reward you for rushing and getting kills etc, and not just sitting in a house for 20 minutes.

Git gud

>input lag worse than SFV
Wow you know nothing about how Tekken works do you?

I'm not bad. I don't know what game to reference but I got to 3973 as tracer only in OW and I can get quite far (been playing various shooters for >10 years), the house sitting thing is what mostly gets me. Patience/impatience really gets strained and tends to matter more than skill in a lot of situations there. If the circles were 2-3x as fast etc I'd probably enjoy it more.

>Destiny 2

The better you get at the game the more control you have over it. If you're sitting in a house for each circle you are just killing your own enjoyment of the game while simultaneously preventing yourself from improving.

How dare people want polished finished games.

That's not impressive, MW2 had like 1mil on Xbox Live in 2009

The trick is keeping those numbers, PUBG just keeps growing