So I finished this earlier today as my first FF game, I enjoyed it but I wouldn't consider it the best thing ever. I can see how the soundtrack would be memorable though. A bit disappointed we didn't get any closure on the characters in the end, the planet is saved and that's all we get to see.
FFVII Thread
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>So I finished this earlier today as my first FF game
unfortunately it's all downhill from there
I heard 8 and 9 were bretty good desu
they're not, but you're free to play them and form your own opinion
9 is the best game in the series
8 is an acquired taste
8 is the deepest mechanically and best written game in the series, 9 is hyped by hipster creddit and is basically kingdom hearts 0.5
With VII as your first you should be able to appreciate anything from IV to IX.
>A bit disappointed we didn't get any closure on the characters in the end, the planet is saved and that's all we get to see
Every human died because the planet saw them as a threat. DoC and AC never happened.
There are no bad final fantasys
VII, IX, X and XIV disagree with this bold statement
13 is pretty bad
2 is without a doubt bad
9 is only good if you can stand 30 second battle transitions for every single random encounter
I got 6 and 7 to thank for getting me in JRPGs in general. They're all I play now. If you want to play more, anything from IV to IX is considered pretty good (minus VIII being a little controversial).
>8 is deepest mechanically
hold the fuck up nigger
"8 is bad" jokesters get out
>8 is the deepest mechanically and best written game in the series
Fuck you XIII is god awful.
>but I wouldn't consider it the best thing ever.
Well of course not. It's 20 years old, so it won't have the same impact as if you'd played it in 1997. Though I still wouldn't say it's the best ever.
You can play and watch all the Compilation of FF VII stuff which takes place before and after FF VII, but it feels more like fanfiction than anything, I wouldn't actually advise it.
proasting with best final fantasy series
anyways the correct way to rate the series:
god tier and most replayable but you'll hate it if you're a storyfag
overrated but slighty better than 7. Mechanically shit though, the anti-FF5
good, became overrated then underrated.
utter failure of a game in all senses. comfy environments though
it's kind of good but the overall slowness kills it
super linear, kinda meh
you'll like it for the first hours, then you'll ask yourself what you're doing with your life
haven't played anything else
9 is fantastic, ignore everyone here - myself included I guess. Go play it and form your own opinion.
People will nigh on universally rate it above 8 tho, let that influence your next one i guess.
VII has the best party in all over JRPG history.
>deepest mechanically
your summons allow you to equip magic to any stat
more magic = better stats
better magic = better stats
who cares, spam limit break by staying near death. It all ultimately pointless since it's level scaled to you from beginning to end.
>deepest written
The first disc is about an elite mercenary force that's trained and equipped to assassinate sorceresses. A member of said force gets a job to assassinate a sorceress. He fails.
The second disc onwards reveals that everyone he ever knew has been around him since he was 5 years old, his father is a happy-go-lucky MIA soldier-turned-President of the most xenophobic and advanced nation on the planet and never speaks to you ever until the final 1% of the game, his friends are all orphans just like him from the same orphanage just like him being loved on the same woman just like him and it's the sorceress they failed to kill and they all toooootally forgot until it was convenient because "summons are in are brains and removed everything we ever knew since this morning!"
Don't get me wrong, I like the game, but calling it deep or storied is dumb.
FF II is universally panned and recognized not just as the worst FF but a bad game.
FF XIII is not panned, but also regarded as a bad game/series (that's right, there were sequels, you forget?)
I miss when JRPGs were the dominant genre and the anime that influenced them wasn't of the moe variety.
>you'll like it for the first hours, then you'll ask yourself what you're doing with your life
You mean you'll be looking for more Hunts?
British "people" should be gassed.
Hating on FFII is a meme by people who never bothered playing the game. Despite the storied success of FFI, they had the balls to really try to branch out and shake things up in both a more interesting leveling system (building proficiencies) and using a western-style story advancement via keywords, similar to Ultima in a way but without the freedom to just type it in before you actually learn it from an NPC. There was plenty of potential, it just fell flat in places. The story was decent, they just weren't able to fix the leveling system by the time they needed to ship. I would much rather do another playthrough of FFII instead of playing through FFVIII or FFX again.
hurry up and die already grandpa
I miss how having low fidelity graphics allowed the scale of the game to be huge.
You not only go all over the entire planet but you also explore the sea floor and go to space(for like five mintes, but still)
Nobody makes these grand globe trotting adventures anymore.
also underwater weapon fight is fun.
Be patient motherfucker, it's coming.
>the story was decent
>Leon betrays you for no reason and then suffers 0 consequences for his actions
>I miss when JRPGs were the dominant genre and the anime that influenced them wasn't of the moe variety.
it was always there even before moe. moe is just what chibi evolved into
If I remember right the explanation was something like joining the Empire was the best and fastest way he could think of to become powerful enough to stop the Emperor. It was pretty bad, and yeah I wish he would've actually suffered real consequences instead of, "well now I have to live the rest of my life with full knowledge of how much of an incredible fuck-up I am"
No, I've played the game. It's not a good game. I can't blame all of it by the fact it was so long ago (and therefore hugely limited in capabilities) but the core battle mechanic was awful and the story was nonsensically erratic.
Yo, sup. My whole planet is a giant.
Yeah that's creative and all, but I don't really like overly fantastical settings like that.
Xenoblade X is more sci-fi.
>Final Fantasy
>"I don't really like overly fantastical settings like that"
? Was his sword too magical or divine? It was literal omnipotence god power, not esper god power? It had Nopon instead of Moogles?
the thing that keeps me from playing it is it has a sequel with a godawful ugly art style.
Then how 'bout this?
Jesus Christ. This is either terrible bait or you're the ultimate contrarian.
I don't really care to comment on 8, you either love it or hate it. There is almost not room for middle ground on this one.
9 on the other hand is pretty good but the pacing can ruin your entire experience. It loves to keep your party separate until the end of the game, never giving your free reign over what characters you want to use. FF9 spends a lot of time building characters up to only flatline or go no where with it. The world is pretty forgetable too. Still, if you enjoy the franchise give it a try. I've only hated 2 and 13 so far. 9 is definitely a good FF game.
There's a movie that continue a bit the story.
>I don't really care to comment on 8, you either love it or hate it. There is almost not room for middle ground on this one.
I'm sure there are plenty of middle grounders. I certainly don't love it, but I don't hate it either. I'd call it one of the lower tier FF titles, but it's alright, it's not bad.
>I'm sure there are plenty of middle grounders.
If that's the case, not enough of them share their opinion. To be fair though, I shouldn't have said none, I'm there are some, but I'm willing to bet they're a minority.
I'll save this thread!
The world's first meme hentai image of the internet
>ywn be a shota clavat starting his journey only to be bullied by three mature selkies
Luckily the PC version has the option to disable it
Nomura has admitted, many times in the past and still, Tifa's design is pulled directly from Jennifer Connelly and her various model work throughout Japan as well as her Hollywood movie roles, like in Career Opportunities.
>[Furasupi] Oshaburi Anime Movie vol.02 (English Translated).rar
>his father is a happy-go-lucky MIA soldier-turned-President of the most xenophobic and advanced nation on the planet and never speaks to you ever until the final 1% of the game,
Whoa whoa whoa, Laguna is Squall's father? I never got that.
8 is fueled by nastalgia, it's really no better. 9 was for people who were tired of 7&8 taking it too far with futuristic themes and whatnot. That one's just subjective.
I'm on a 2 day no fap streak, don't do this man
If you're serious, I can explain that. Yes, he is.
Raine is his mother.
Ellone is has adoptive sister, not biological.
Rinoa, Squall's girlie, is Julia's daughter (the bar singer Laguna was in love with, probably banged)
She'd give you an entirely different kind of dolphin blow
Best girl
The girl from Labyrinth? I had no idea.
I let her punch me
>that moment when Cloud dodges her punch and she tumbles right out of the village
Yuffie was the only one that actually kissed Cloud, the others were too busy playing mind games with him.
But she's a tiny baby and not a real member of the harem.
everything makes sense in context, the strength of VIII's writing is that everything makes a lot more sense on a second playthrough when you know about the time loop, cid's role in establishing garden and his knowledge of the protagonists, what the "laguna dreams" are, that edea isn't actually edea until disc 3, etc. it's one of the only final fantasy games that really benefits from putting together some of the pieces yourself which i think is one of its strengths
the gameplay is pretty easily broken which i can't or won't defend but the story gets a lot of unwarranted hate
Tifa literally had sex with him though.
How's that New Threat mod?
Tifa must've gone through their entire night of *whatever it was that made her embarrassed anyone from the Highwind saw them doing* then.
eh it's ambigious
It really isn't.
Tifa is Asian
Been a while since I've played the English version, but I don't think it was too different than the Japanese text there. While it was never outright stated, it was very, very obvious.
I'd inseminate Tifa and then run far away!
>Nomura has admitted, many times in the past and still, Tifa's design is pulled directly from Jennifer Connelly and her various model work throughout Japan as well as her Hollywood movie roles, like in Career Opportunities.
I've thought this every time I've watched one of her movies, but I'm gonna need a source on this.
Holy shit you just blew my mind. It's spot on.
She only looked Asian in Advent Children, and even then she looked half-Asian at best.
And MAYBE gb mystic quest
I'm dumb and never got how to use this site
Final fantasy tends to get bad when they just give up and just have the plot be "japanese star wars" 12 was really blatant.
I like the ideas of FF VIII. Love them. But the writing is one enormous "it just so happens" right after another. Even when looking at it from, "this is a time loop, these things had to happen this way in order for the time loop to start" perspective, it's way too many coincidences.
Ellone happens to be a non-sorceress girl with unique telepathy powers no one on the planet has who lives as an orphan in a remote village not-on-the-map who fully trusts a wounded MIA Galbadian soldier (who's clearly had problems, hence the bullet holes from his machine gun in that house) that happens to get kidnapped by a xenophobic nation that the soldier happens to push into an already assembled plan to place her in a coma in space which results in him becoming the president and he never comes out to tell anyone. And Squall happenes to be his son, who's mother was that Ellone's adoptive mother.
Edea happens to be the den-mother of the entirety of the main cast as they all happened to be orphans that happened to arrive at a small grecian house on the coastline of a completely separate continent, and THIS is the woman and the time Ultimecia ends up coming to out of the entirety of the past, including a more recent Rinoa, who actually has Edea's power or is it Ultimecia's power or is it Adel's power or is it Hyne's power or is it all of them or is Rinoa Ultimecia or or or or or
Irvine, from the orphanage gang, just happens to be the best sniper of the Garden and gets assigned to the group via the headmaster of that Garden, despite him not being a SeeD, so he has never junctioned a GF before and retains all his memories...yet never tells anyone with a single sentence explanation later when it came to be literally asked of him "why" with the answer of "I was nervous?"
The plotline is endlessly woven in on itself, and instead of designed a dense and beautiful weave, it creates nonsense. In the end, it's a fantasy, go figure, but damn.
I guess a T for Teen rating will do that in depicting it??? Do you need to be older than T for Teen to infer what happened????
pretty good if you want a good challenge (but not an obnoxious one). Also it's very convenient in that it lets you the possibility to skip some story segments (sephiroth's flashback, cloud's mind in mideel, etc). The optional bosses are super-fun and some of them are very clever. Although some people are annoyed by the mod forcing Aeris' revival, although the author has mentioned that he'll make it optional in future versions
wish there would be a mod like this for FF8, it needs it badly
I can draw Barret as an eskimo, too.
Isn't the entire plot line of them all living in the same orphanage summed up as "I guess we just all forgot..."
Maybe you can return the favor