Buy her game.
Buy her game
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I don't have a vita
PC. On sale for like a dollar
It's on PC too.
I did and it was awful.
I'll be playing her exclusively in 4 Goddesses though.
>it was awful.
So, like all Nep games then?
Poor Noire.
Settle down there Nepgear.
Nah RE;Birth 1-3 and vs SeHa are alright. Most of the spinoffs are fine and function as serviceable games but Noire's game is worse than an average Tactical RPG.
re;birth games and vii are good though
I got it for free and I still want my money back.
Noire is the shittest nep ever.
I did. Plot was garbage, even for Neptunia, but I did like the character interactions. I fucking hate SRPGs though, so I will probably never touch it again.
>even for Neptunia
all of the mainline games have good plots
Why? Is it any good?
It's an SRPG where the enemies ignore hazards on the map. Then right at the end a barely used mechanic involving height suddenly comes front and center. Characters can also only make one 90 degree turn no matter how many steps they can move.
Meh, mainline games are a mixed bag for me. Original's plot was just "there", as if it was just an excuse to get characters together and go through those sad excuses that the game calls "dungeons". Re:Birth1 had a pretty decent plot, made a lot more sense than the original. Mk2's was pretty good too imo. Victory was trash. 90% of every conflict was resolved with "Plutia turns into Iris Heart and fixes the problem". VII's plot fucking DRAGGED. The second arc was a goddamn mistake, but other than that, it was fine.
>Characters can also only make one 90 degree turn no matter how many steps they can move.
like they can only turn once no matter what?
I did.
How is this one? Isnt it some sort of srpg?
Characters can only make one left or right turn in a movement.
Should I get this if I've never played an SRPG before?
Haven't played a Nep game since Victory. I loved Victory though. One of these days I'm gonna probably marathon all the rebirth games and then play victory 2.
Rebirth 1 is kind of the first game and the maker characters from Victory travel to visit. They do reuse the Victory engine so it might seem repetitive.
>this game panders to nerds
>there are no good porn
This is how I judge how badly a game panders to its audience.
>The fight against Lady Wac
>Blanc and Bio fight
>Vert and Sango fight
>Neptune and Little Rain fight
>The last 4 fucking stages
Also the DLC characters are way overpower
Really all you need is Tiara to beat the game
Look better
Whatever happened to Sting? She joined the party for SOME reason, can't remember, then it never went anywhere.
>there are no good porn
u wot m8
>chibi shit
I can't fap to this. I tried.
She is DLC
I'm heavily considering it.
but i already own it on steam
I did. Surprisingly it's the best spin off so far.
there are literally only 2 good nep doujins. one by the lesbian who posted on /u/ and stopped selling it digitally after her first release got on sadpanda almost instantly (ge-b) and another by tachibana yuu. so, he has a point about lack of good porn
>not posting the real box art
>more nepshit
If you enjoyed V/Re;Birth 3 you owe it to yourself to play VII. It's possibly the best in the main line series.
Look better
I already bought it on both PC and Vita!
I've already bought it twice, what more do you want from me?
Buy her limited edition.
Blanc vs zombies was the better actionep game
no, it's not a matter of looking for anything. the other artists are simply shit. it's just like that. people like ao banana or tachibana omina don't draw neptune doujins. the nep doujin artists are all garbage, outside of those 2 i mentioned earlier
Both are still lesser Senran Kaguras, not being helped by the insanely reused content.
Humble Nep bundle when?
Not any time soon, hopefully. I just bought all of the games for $60.
If you're a yurifag you will never find good porn or even know about good porn, especially in Neptunia considering it's not a yuri game. Now fuck off.
I did.
So bad I didn't beat it.
and before people try to strawman, it was not because of the self insert. He was okay but it was because I was expecting some piece of shit from shitty harem anime Sup Forums likes.
Instead I got someone decent, like Takt from Omega Quintet
>not a yuri game
>How is this one?
>Isnt it some sort of srpg?
don't, it's shit
I said game, not manga. Also that yuribait manga from years ago where neptune had to be mind controlled in order to get something "yuri" out of it is laughable, there's way more official content about the characters pandering to the self-insert/waifufag audience.
you're shit
Neps are sluts now
What a slut!
SK is garbage. All their games. Nep U and BvZ is too, but at least it has the Nep girls, so it's better and bearable to play through.
That's better, but it's from a spin-off.
Even the characterization and plot in the action games was awful, though. This was the only redeeming thing about it.
Sega Hard Girls was the only good spinoff.
It's the same universe.
SeHa is shit
It's not though, it's a random high school AU
i'm not a yurifag. you're fucking retarded. i've already explained it plenty of times. just enjoy your shitty artists honestly. who gives a shit. you're not good at searching for doujins, you just have the taste of an ape
It's $3 on Humble Bundle. Is it worth that much if I like SRPGs and Neptunia characters?
>Sega Hard Girls
>get hyped for sega grills
>literally re:birth with cameos
And soon Cyberdimension will take the title as the best spin-off. Seriously, 4GO might be the first decently good game Tamsoft ever made.
>that much
it's $3
3 fucking dollars
jesus christ how fucking poor are you
It's a matter of not wasting money.
Get a job.
This, it was abysmal trash.
It's terrible even by the standards of Nep games. The worst spin-off by far
the main problem I had with Noire's game was:
*every map had some gimmick. Some good. Some bad.
*your characters had to be elementally aligned to open chests and the contents on the free mission differs from the plot mission
*enemies are immune to traps
*cast bloat. I had like 19 characters and I could only take 5-6 on missions. So it was hard to keep everyone leveled and expensive to keep everyone geared up.
I didn't even get ALL of the Generals before I uninstalled the game
Kurome is Best Girl
You're a fucking retard.
Neptunia has Nyamota and True Ride drawing doujins for it, you're the one with garbage tastes thinking people like geb who wants so hard to draw like a japanaese and even brought his shit to c92 is a good artist. Please don't make me laugh.
It was worse, i wanted more about the planeptune neps, but they didn't even give that
You're an underage poorfag.
That's why it's good though. I'd keep buying those Re;Birth rehashes if they kept releasing them on Vita. At least, it doesn't have the crippling flaws the other four spinoffs have.
Fever time is retarded but the move gauge was an improvement and so are the light platforming bits.
>Only on PlayStation
>It's on PC too !
>Why is this allowed?
Man I just want a turned based nep RPG that doesnt have this retarded queuing line bullshit
It's like BD's brave/default system but more retarded
and for the love of god better animations
boob jiggle is baked into the animations and attack skills are stiff as fuck during the cinematics with awkward camera transitions that make it more obvious
It's Iffy's game you attention whoring bike
Are any of the right side games any good? Or at least on the level with mainline Neps?
yeah right. there's *ONE* artist cg by nyamota, and look at the proportions this shitter does:
look at true ride's vert face, or the nipples, or the shading, or anything at all:
you're a fucking ape. ge-b is actually so much better than these shitters. you're a turboweeb too, shitting on him/her just for being a westerner. as if that makes the art any worse
literal ape
Iffy is a dumb boring chuuni
nep is a stupid cpu
I haven't played Fairy Fencer yet but it's the same engine as Re;Birth and is supposed to be pretty decent.
Don't let anyone sell you Trillion unless you really fucking love shallow, exploitable raising sims. There's a dozen different endings but hardly any replay value since it's just a matter of killing the same 3-stage boss with a different character.
Fairy Fencer F Advent Dark Force is Neptunia with less metamemes and more true JRPG; I like it. Trillion reminds me of Disgaea with the retard numbers and "reborning". Both are at least decent.
Advent Dark Force (it's Fairy Fencer F + a fuckton of new content) and Trillion
Will Disgaea 5 ever come to pc?
I was having fun with it until my ps4 died on me
Flatty chuuni
>thinking art is only about getting it technically right
You're even bad at masturbating, for christ's sake. You have no idea what you're talking about, and geb can't even get his faces right 80% of the time.
I actually thought her skill descriptions in RB1 were the real deal when I first played the game. Stupid, I know, but the whole concept of chuuni was completely unknown to me at the time and the setting was crazy enough so it's hardly the most crazy thing in it
nigger please, you masturbate to bad art and want to pretend it isn't shit. you like seeing characters that somewhere in a distant world resemble whatever you want to jack off to, fine. but the artist are shit and you have the taste of an ape. that's all there is to it
Noire has no friends