What's the dumbest thing you've been for in a game?
What's the dumbest thing you've been for in a game?
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I've been what? you dumb nigger. atleast finish your sentence before wasting webspace
this sites userbase gets dumber everyday. kys
>kill an admin repeatedly
>admin can never kill me
>admin bans me
that's about it. i barely ever talk to anyone so that's the only reason i ever get banned.
Been what? Banned?
I don't get banned in games because I don't cheat and I never talk.
I went to the bathroom for 10 min dump my little brother went and did something on my csgo account now i am banned for no reason. I told my dad and he helped me write on the forums for unban but no unban yet
>I told my dad and he helped me write on the forums for unban but no unban yet
this is your average nu-Sup Forums goer. How old are you kid? 14? Do you enjoy FNAF and Undertale?
I think he's referencing a meme.
Fooling around in a Ragnarok Private server, high rate. I had been playing a Clown and helping my friends from school. We went into PvP and I had a sprite hack that let me spam Double Strafing without delay. I wasn't even using my Clown skillset, just the Archer skill. I demolished everyone inside the PvP room for around 15 minutes before I got Banned and the GM made a server-wide announcement on it.
My friends and I laughed really hard that evening. We didn't even care.
I got banned from some plebs chat for DaS2 because I told him what Agility / Adaptability does.
Never been banned from a game tho, i'm not cancer.
Way back when King Arthur's Gold was FOTM on Sup Forums I got banned for filling our side of the map with spike traps because you didn't get credit for kills with them and that made it 'cheating'.
I do miss that game, shame it became both shit and not free
oh i see. can you please post me the kym link? I'm a bit too old to understand all those nu dank memes™
TF2 Orange servers, Was sniping a lot of people, Dominated an admin. ban reason: Don't be a dick
Stop pretending to be an oldfag, or at least don't use it as a source of pride. He's joking about kids that try to weasel their way out of VAC bans on the Steam forums.
Maybe you need to lurk moar
Got accused of hacking for being too good in CS:S.
>this is your average nu-Sup Forums goer.
>liking Samurai Jack
I posted halo 2's ilovebees ad campaign and got banned for rule 3 :^)
>Liking anything
Telling a mod on Space station 13 that he's a faggot whose over stepping his authority and killing fun.
I then proceeded to cause the out of character chat get banned for the session and got banned.
My true crime.
I went in the intercomms and kept yelling that I wanted to cum inside rainbow dash.
Got honked by mod and spazzed out on him.
Downloaded Xbox 360 games from someone's account
dumbest reason?
You're fitting in just fine :)
thank you :)
maybe it's because of all the cancer I've been developing, thanks to you guys
>Playing World of Warcraft during Panda Meme expansion
>Opened a loot bag from a Battle Pet quest
Literally banned for 3 days just because I got a quest reward. They never explained what I did, only that I supposedly did some kind of exploit. They didn't notice all the hacked and duped items I had, but they ban me for getting a quest reward in a legitimate manner? Quality moderation.
Some user posted an link to a doujin and some time later I posted a link to a more complete version of the doujin.
Was banned once in a DarkRP server for calling 911 during a fire. They told me not to abuse it despite calling once and when I argued I was banned.
Never been banned in other stuff really since I barely chat.
I'm more of a pepper person
Jeff, that you?
I was for the Empire on a playthrough in Skyrim.
That was the dumbest thing I've been for in a game.
Not me personally but the Soldier I was Kritzing soon after the Medic update launched got banned for crit hacking.
Autobanned for saying retard in chat at some BF4 server
What doujin?
Got banned on a wow private server. Apparently I was invisible to everyone in a battleground for some reason. I didn't know that ,I just thought every enemy was ignoring me since I was staying far behind. Only got 7-days so it didn't really matter
1st last and only time ive been banned in a game. Was playing Halo 3 and farted quite loudly, got many complaints filed that game never looked back still giggle about it
Back in the heyday of source modding, me and a buddy found this terrible revolutionary war mod called battlegrounds or something. And find a way to force spawn HL2 assets like the buggy and grenades in multiplayer games. So I named myself Mel Gibson and we drove around gaussing and grenading redcoats while shouting "FREEEEEEDOOOM" into the mic. Until we got banned from every game server.
When it comes to asinine mods here: I remember I got banned for 3 days or a week for posting a Bethesda leaked Doom 4 image or something like that, I don't remember. After that I'm 100% sure the place is dead to me. I'm into necrophilia though.
I was banned from a BF3 server for killing people over and over with the defibrillator.
I had a modded xbox 360 back in the day and was banned in one of the ban waves. Still played the fuck out of every game I wanted.
Also got permabanned from twitch due to my name once I started getting viewers on my stream.
Deserved it.
You don't think it at all likely that you were already marked as a duper and just got punished as a false positive?
SweetFX in Planetside 2, it doesn't matter that there's still a big paid/private hacking community that manages to pump out undetectable hacks due to the low number of people using them, but god forbid you try to make the game look good
The fact that being a frequent login at level 54 isn't enough to contest really showcases that Sony is incapable of letting mod salt go, even minor ones that don't touch gameplay at all
I got banned from the Fallout General's Steam group after laughing at some dude's Crimea joke like 20mins in. They thought the shitposter and I were friends
Is this metabait?
I've never been banned from a game.
Unless you count the old Sup Forums habbo raids I guess, which were pretty dumb.
>Playing in a random Minecraft server doing random shit.
>Some guy on the chat frantically asks for some help building his project.
>Try to be nice and tell him I'll help.
>Moments later, as I'm at the guy's property planting blocks, get banned.
I guess that's what I get for playing children games.
roasting autistic admins
Yeah, it's almost like the more underaged retards like yourself that show up to this shithole the dumber this place gets.
End your fucking life.
VK'd from a TF2 pub for taunting after killing everyone
Got banned from a TF2 server for having the name "RAPE".
Famalam I think you are forgetting about the everchanging meme culture. Nobody says kill yourself or end your life any longer. Everybody says "kys." Get with the times grandpa.
>He's the dumb nigger while you can't even grasp basic punctuation.
Long story short, I got a two week suspension in League of Legends because their five man premade ganged up on me and rallied the rest of my team to report me for calling one of them an asshole.
I made fun of an admin that used bots to advertise.
>I got banned for posting offtopic garbage
Serves you right degenerate weeb
"admin impersonation" because I used the same moniker as one of the server's admins.
You're trying too hard to fit in, go back to plebbit.
Never been banned from a game or game service, but I did get an XBL warning. My team was garbage, so I drew dicks and swastikas into the wall with bullet holes. Someone took a screenshot of me doing it.
Honking the horn in a car.
I couldn't give a shit about any of that nonsense, but I'd report you too just for the laughs and seeing you get in trouble.
Talking about bans, what are some of the most cancerous and retarded server rules imaginable?
Chances are I reported you first desu
>fucking with group admin
>attacks me for it
>kill him
>banned for tk
Wrote "Make America Great Again" in the splatoon lobby. Got banned forever from posting in the lobby.
>be nice
fuck off i dont wanna jerk everyone on the server off when they all have severe autism and spout literal vine memes
I got this bullshit ban like two months back.
It was a pokémon fangame thread and I posted a picture of the Pokémon Sage dex with "Sage" spoilered.
Apparently the mod was a dumbass motherfucker who didn't bother to check the image to realize it was the name of the fucking game.
I'm still mad.
>Propagating the wrong politics.
You got what you deserved you racist/transphobe.
in fact i joined ONLY to be a dick to these people
I reported porn threads here on Sup Forums and got a temporary ban. Now I just ignore them.
Manually made 2000+ accounts for an mmorpg, activated them, swapped the e-mails, and logged in all of them to level them to 5 then gift my main character $2 worth of cash shop items. It was basically exploiting an unlisted promotion that the hosts forgot to turn off and I only got banned 2 years later for it. You could imagine the spaghetti falling out of my pocket, being a kid, as I tried to explain in an e-mail how my account wasn't really associated with the 2000+ accounts that logged in on the same ip. The game died a year later so it didn't hurt that bad.
Got banned from a SS13 server for dying.
How did you go through the pain of creating 2000 fking emails and which game?
It's not a game but I got a ban here for several days because I posted a Nintendo Wojak pic in a thread. I guess I really upset a Nintendo fan that day.
lmao madmin
he probably thought he was a real hero there
WoWfags BTFO, game confirmed for 12 year old playground.
minecraft, was mining in darkness without torches, all i did was crank up my brightness a bit.
i found like 30 diamond by randomly mining in some sections and turned out some fagmin was invis spying on me and accusing me for using x-ray (which makes certain textures invisible client side so its untraceable)
minecraft pvp servers are fucking cancer, didnt help that i fucked admins up.
i rigged tnt under some dudes house so when he logged in and opened his door, his whole place would blow the fuck up. so salty
stream honkers is kino
>that character creator comeback
simply amazing wit
>play Gears on Xbox
>team mates are drooling retards
>they ignore boomshot being taken
>everyone dies
>go commando/predator on enemy team
>pick them off when they split up
>face off between last guy
>i chainsaw him because he gets cocky
>incoherent rage over voicechat
>admin calls me a faggot
The other day i was streaming pubg with 1 viewer to streamer bait (my brother was watching). I was just driving down the road to spawn island when some other player in an UAZ (who was streamer baiting too) crossed my path and honked. Literally 20 second later I was banned. Funny thing is I went to his stream and he was Banned too!
Meta man.
>post lewd crop and shit on sjws
>almost always an instant ban, usually 3 days but occasionally a week
>post lewd crop and shit on Sup Forums or the right wing in general
>post deleted and nothing else, maybe a 24 hour ban
this happens sitewide
>play as greytide and join mid game
>walk to bar and see medical doctor passed out on floor
>pick him up and throw him down the trash chute for funsies
>he dies and calls admin
>ignore all admin messages and just start pushing people over
>10 min later get teleported to admin sit
>say sorry I didn't know that would happen new player lol :^)
>mfw his round is ruined and I get off scott free
You are so random! HAHA
i got banned for calling somebody a nigger in WoW when i was 12, had no idea what it meant at the time, 12 years later and I'm still calling people niggers, but haven't been banned since.
when you make up a story atleast make it funny
overwatch competitive for not switching too a second healer when we were fine and winning
pinnacle of dumb
Bans are not automated and support looks into it. So they cant 'gang up' on you and you dont get banned for one game.
"Ladder hacking" in DoD. In actuality I was banned because the majority of the people who played Day of Defeat back then were oldies, 30-40 somethings.
>dumb ban
Playing sniper in orange is one of the most anti-fun things you can do in TF2.
The reason TF2 doesn't have open maps is because sniper is stupid-OP on them, the right thing to do is not be game-ruining.
>Joined a small lobby of 5 on Starwars Battlefront 2 on pc
>Hoth and all 5 of them are sitting on rebel side
>Join in on Empire side and climb into the ATAT and begin my approach.
>Immediately shoot down two snow speeders coming for my legs
>"Hey man get out of that, it's not fair."
"tie up the legs or get bent fag."
>[Girl gamer has entered the server]
>everyone immediately showers her with praise and complains that some dick is in an ATAT
>shoot girl down
>"Hey that's not nice, don't do that again or I'll get my boyfriend in here."
"Do it maybe he can actually tie my legs without me killing him"
>[Boyfriend has entered the server]
>"Hey BF can you take out this ATAT guy he's being mean to Girl!"
"Look guys I'm just trying to play the game."
>BF glides too low into the snow and explode without me landing a shot
>"Hey man last warning get out of the ATAT it's just not fair for the rest of us."
"It's 7v1 you have a full base of Snow speeders and guns to take me down. How is this not fair."
>You have been banned from the server
> i narrowly avoided a ban on a tf2 server
>i sprayed pic related with text that said HAHA NIGGER
>the mod saw and said who sprayed this? That's against the rules. I quickly sprayed it on the lower level of 2fort in between the wall and the floor and he gave up trying to find out who did it.
Trickster Online. I'd just put on some music and flip the autism switch. I did so many accounts back then, even today when I have to do forms online I sometimes find myself accidentally filling in the same fake info in the fields out of habit.
Played a game of payload on Upward where I was the only Sniper on defense sniping with the Machina. Playing the best I've ever fucking played in my life taking out so many people that the enemy team swapped out 5 players to pick sniper to try and take me out. One of them FINALLY kills me and the game auto balances me to the other team.
"Because I was on the other team and it autobalanced me over here, you might notice my name as that guy who was dominating about 7 people or so for the majority of this game."
>you have been banned from this server