I won this last night

I won this last night.


>Taco bell

I'm sorry

holy shit. they give you only three months? wow. should be whole year

Enjoy your hemorrhoids op.

If you're gonna sell it then yea I'm a bit jealous.

>the worst console on the market right now and a game you'll be tired of playing after 5 minutes
I sure am

>You won
>Thinking you can win anything over email
Enjoy getting robbed

I've been using a One controller on PC for games and I've rediscovered how uncomfortable controllers are so not really.

congrats dude, have fun.
you can probably play a bunch of 360 games you missed via BC if you didn't have one, I think this is the one aspect where the bone really kicks the PS4's shit in

Congrats. You just won 30 minutes of entertainment.

You got a dead console and diarrhea. Why would I be jealous?


I won it by texting a code on the side of a box meal. Totally legit.

If you can resell it that's about $600 so not bad

I'd rather have the Quesarito Box, that stuff looks mighty tasty.

lel, xbox one isn't worth shit

Yeah I'm jealous. I'd sell it. Maybe I should eat some Taco Bell.

that package is worth more than my PC that i build few years ago

Fuck off you literal paid shill

>oh he won an xbox, I should be able to win one too

Actually nevermind, I fucking love taco bell so you can stay.

Taco Bell's gold PS4 thing was much cooler and unique, not sure why they're catering to dudebros now

>he doesn't think ps4 is dudebro too

I'd be far more jealous of free taco bell for a year

Shut up faggot ass user

Nice. Im jealous. But i will never buy one

good job .

It actually makes me really happy someone won that who wants it and that the prizes don't just go poof with corporate bullshit. Congrats OP.

Not really, to be honest. I'd probably sell it if I won it.

Game pass is different, it's not live.

Have fun gz and all that shit. I don't think I've ever won anything.

yeah or some old lady who bought tacos for her 3yo great-grandson

on a semi-related note, ten years ago or so i heard about some woman who won a hundred CDs from a Coke promotion, and when she griped that she had no use for them they gave her like, 10x the prize value in cash and a dozen people who won shit in the past got super pissed off

ive never won anything in a raffle in my life

Congrats on your no games box. I'd sell it if I won it.

Wow, you're so unique. Unlike the millions of other people who never won a thing...

but i won a (you) today


I won $1000 in visa gift cards once. It was right before the holidays, so I used them to get everyone really good Christmas gifts, and had a lot of fun being able to pick stuff out without any regard to price

What kind of games are there on the Xbox?

I don't like the Xbox One but good on you for nabbing one for free.


All the multiplats. That's it, since it's their policy to share all their games with Windows computers, but if all you want is a multiplat machine, it's good

I once won a code for a copy of Flight Control on the DSi.

Cuphead, Forza 7 and PUBG for the rest of the year, plus the best looking/performing multiplats.

Just think of XB1X as a powerful, streamlined PC at this point.


Wow they can't even legally say that since it must be against the law calling any poor retard who eats at Taco Bell a winner

I'm sure tacbell just sells to the highest bidder. Sony was genius to start it because they knew how popular tbell is with the younger crowd.

i haven't either. i go by MUH SKILL, BABBY

I won Asscreed Syndicate off some raffle.
It was shit so I didn't bother finishing it.

How was the quesarito?

>had to eat taco bell for nogaems station

not really

nice to win shit i guess

I'd stick it in the closet and maybe one day it'll be hacked and be able to play all those....


It's was pretty good. The XL Chalupa is better. I add avocado ranch to everything.

I have not had Taco Bell for 18 months. I am losing the edge. You men are doing the work of satan.

well done

>wait in drive through for 30 minutes after soul crushing day at work
>get my box
>see Xbox one x and start giggling

No but good for you, I honestly can't think of anything I'd do with mine.

he would just sue Taco bell and make ultra bank

I won a balloon at a circus once and a Master Shake air freshener when ATHF was brand new (they probably gave it to everyone that entered though...)

I also got picked to pet Shamu when I was under 7 or so at SeaWorld.
I freaked out over how loud the whistles were when they separate you from your parents. I panicked and asked to go back before doing it, I also lost track of where my parents were in the crowd. My parents don't seem to remember it....every time I think about it and the lost opportunity it makes me want to kill myself

Other than that nothing in 35 years of life (and being the fastest sperm...take that evolution)

Not OP but it is pretty damn good. I didn't care for stuffed XL chalupa at all (they pretty much showed that the base chalupa is the perfect size / ratio)

Yea, kinda.
I wanted an Xbox One to play Sunset Overdrive
It seemed like a fucking meme
But a fun meme

Give it to meeee

Sell it.

>Must be 18 years of age or older
>Offer only valid in the US and Canada

Nah, I'm actually excited too use it. Gonna be my multiplat machine, and gives me a good excuse too buy a 4k tv.

Sony didn't start shit. Taco Bell did this type of contest for the original Xbox back before it was released.

i won a $1 steam game

succ my deek cutie

Guess what, so have 3 people I know. You send your information and you never hear anything back ever again.

>I'm sure tacbell just sells to the highest bidder. Sony was genius to start it because they knew how popular tbell is with the younger crowd.

Xbox has had promos with Taco Bell and Mt Dew ever since the original Xbox

Pretty sweet. You should be able to make a decent amount selling it.

Sunset overdrive is pretty fun, I don't think it's worth buying a whole Xbox over but I enjoyed it

Who are you kidding? You don't have three friends.

I like queseritos and I've bought 2 boxes since they started. Wish me luck for any others I might get!

Enjoy your



sorry I had to shatter your neckbeard dreams but I'm being serious