The game is already dead on PC, most of the modes aren't even playable
What went wrong, why does this game suck so fucking badly?
The game is already dead on PC, most of the modes aren't even playable
What went wrong, why does this game suck so fucking badly?
gunplay sucks and is boring, id rather play pubg tbqh
style over substance
Its somehow worse than Battlefield 3 and 4 in every way, what the fuck
>most of the modes aren't even playable
i think there was a stat few months ago on /bfg/ that more than 75% of the community sticks to conquest, and rightfully so
the only gamemodes to come close are conquest assault and titan
the only real answer that neo Sup Forums won't say is obvious:
are you even premium bro
nevermind this
gamemode by score graph, 81% conquest, it always has been the staple of battlefield, even when the scoring system is much worse than bf4
also it has been gaining momentum since the dlc released
30k peak is great, unless you compare it to csgo or pubg numbers
Can't believe its been 3 years since its release, time flies by
nuh uh
and muh strong independint womin soldier
But conquest in this game fucking sucks
All of the maps, weapons, tools, and even the vehicle system is designed to work with a tug-o-war style of combat, and even then it doesn't work
haha yeah bro u even give EA ur money fuckin casual lamo
I got excited for frontlines tried to try them out of free maps. Me and one other person waiting for 62 other players.
Rush fucking sucks.
I hate that 12 on 12 crap. It feels like im playing halo or something
i know, dice designed bf1 all around operations yet they refuse to include it in the server, its weird, funny and stupid decision all at once
but then again, conquest is the core of the series, nothing will change that
people realised it was the same fucking game with just different art direction
Operations is probably even better than conquest, and I think thst it could be quite popular if Dice just allowed you to play it through server browser normally. But nope, you have to through that god-awful matchmaking every time you want to play a round of it, which is a huge hassle and a timewaster.
operations is a gigantic clusterfuck with 64 players which what most people play unfortunately, 40p is the only way im willing to play it but barely anyone does
36k peak on PC today? What are you on about
I too love smashing the patriarchy with an army of strong women and people of color! Fuck men! Fuck white people! Fuck white history! Give me white genocide!
dice needs to give people what they need and not what they think they want
you cant go from modernized stuff and go back to an underdeveloped era and expect a better result, youre literally taking a huge leap back. The gunplay is just plain fucking boring, everything is so primitive
just make bc3 already
Go home, Sup Forums
Didn't buy it due to black soldiers randomly everywhere.
bf series died when bc2 came out
ugh yes I hate Drumpf too #notmypresident #imwithher #fuckwhitepeople
I have 10 hours in this piece of fucking trash since launch while I have 900 hrs in BF4 and play it daily. I try getting on every couple of months to see if there is any change but it is the same slow paced, shit guns, shit class gameplay compared to BF4. Just give me BF4 with more maps/graphics and i'll be happy. Thankfully BF4 is still strong with hardcore servers populated 24/7. They fucked the hardcore mode so bad in BF1 and that was when I finally gave up. Wish I could refund. About to hop on some BF4 right now.
4's probably got more people, I just bought it cause I finally got my rig upgraded. Its good fun
1 has more people, around 2x as much but 4 is better in every aspect except graphics which it is still no slouch. I play BF4 daily while I haven't touched BF1 in 3 months. Shit game.
They could have done a proper WW1 game with mostly bolt actions and a limited number of auto weapons per team to make them really stand out.
They could have done some weird alt history thing with all kinds of crazy pseudo-tech and gone whole hog with the non-historical stuff.
Instead we got a game that wants to pretend it's historical while not delivering on that at all, without embracing the potential of going full retard with the premise.
I loved bad compnay but have hated everything since
why are you posting such bad stats?
This fag thing k/d ratio matters in BF4
>K/D on 1
Nigga i played on the console of someone else and at the first hour and half i ad no idea what the fuck to do and just ran and ran on random parts of the maps finding people to kill, then after some maps changes and getting used to it i was flanking the maps to kill people fromm behind.
Because the series is circling the drain.
It does matter.
1- Each and every one of your deaths counts as a lost ticket.
2- If encountering any enemy on your way to an enemy flag is basically a coin flip between living and dying, then you aren't effective at reaching and capping the objective. A player with a higher k/d ratio who pursues the objective as much as you will cap more flags than you, because he won't die half of the time in the process.
Feel free to get better any time.
hmmm, literally my last game played and I beat a guy that has a 4.87 k/d ratio, shows how much you know about how to play. Not only did I get 1st place (like usual) I ran recon 99% of the time.
>hiding your name
ya you can look up their names I don't give a shit. Still proves my point. A guy that had a 15 k/d ratio that game lost to a guy that went 1.0
The whole stats shit on modern is pretty cancerous.
>You're not allowed to have an opinion unless you rigidly play it like a fucking esport
It's almost as if in a game with 64 players, one very good player may not be enough to carry a trash team, even when playing a team of average players.
Also, don't even pretend to be an objective player with a 700 score per minute. Sub-1000 is really fucking low.
MY FUCKING SIDES...Seeing as the best player I know or have ever seen in my 900 hrs has 898 spm. Go ahead and post yours and show us that above 1k spm.
If you are shit, it doesn't mean that everyone else is shit too.
as you wish
so you are saying you suck too since you are sub 1k
I'll be true with you, never really went that far into the stats....looking at my friends there are multiple people including my cousin ahead of me. Thanks for showing me this.
>dead on PC
The fuck?
I find games in seconds, even the custom server browsers are full as fuck. You just think it's dead because nobody plays your specific Health/map/mode/country combination
>division 1
Hate you fags
You revive me in choke point hallways just for me to die a second later fuck you
Score per minute division 1 masterrace
they didn't get DICE LA to fix it like they did with BF4
Thinning out the community with DLC. Thank fuck EA is flirting with doing away with so much dlc with Titanfall 2 and battlefront 2 having no season passes
>Okay nerds, neckbeards and dudebro have been our demographic for many years, what should we do to increase the sales?
>Change the target to SJW because they're the loudest
There are actual reasons to hate this AAA shit and your political opinions aren't one of them
>says me, because i said so
>game come out
>shortly after when teasing Battlefront 2 they say Battlefront will get free DLC aka maps and weapons
>meanwhile BF1 is premium 50 dollars again
That is why I stopped playing.
If you're dead and cannot be revived safely, you are useless anyway. At the very least, rezing you might will create a temporary meatshield, causing the enemy to focus on you while your teammates can kill the people at the end of the chokepoint. It still only counts as one death (and not two), so no reason to be salty over it, you couldn't be rezed anyway. This is the best thing that we can get from your death.
Have a purple heart, friendo
Same thing that happens with every modern multiplayer FPS: too much DLC. It prevents people from going back to the game and prevents new players who just want to try it out.
A smart company would make the previous batch of DLC free when a new one comes out. Forces people to buy the new DLC but not have to spend upwards of $30-40 for the old shit as well.
>Battlefield 3/4
>tons of options with guns
>tons of guns to use, different kinds for each class
>well balanced, no one gun beats another
>maps designed around cautious placement and map awareness
>vehicles can be customized and used as a way to push in
>48 player rush
>Battlefield 1
>only 3 kinds for each guns
>almost no guns, only assault gets shotguns
>horrible balance, support beats all other classes
>maps designed around pushes and spam
>vehicles just used as team dumptrucks with no customization
>12 player rush
Its so disgusting. Its actively like they're trying to turn Battlefield into a Battlefront spinoff. Worst part is, we're gonna be stuck with this forever since this shit sells to dudebros better than BC/3/4 ever did
#lovetrumpshate #fuckwhitepeople #imwithher
>game is full of shitty game design, bugs, and terrible balance decisions
>focus on the meaningless sjw bullshit instead
>>vehicles just used as team dumptrucks with no customization
>BF1 and CoD are console-centric franchises
>They die on PC because Origin and Activision
Caused me to ponder
you're so fucking up your own ass about this whole Sup Forums thing that you've sunk below whatever depth SJW's are in.
>Being mad about racism on Sup Forums
Kill yourself, libcuck.
but BRO it is ww1, there werent much guns back then exxx deeeeee!!11 what do you want? put a lazor sight in your rifle ex dee, wee did it!!!1
t. retard ledditor
maybe in 20 years someone trys the ww1 setting again, they wont try it earlier because they think bf1 failed because of that and not for being utter shitt in every aspect but setting, sound and graphics