Florida bros report in

Florida bros report in
What are you playing before you die?

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irma did a curve away from miami, I'm safe. sucks for you west niggers though

I decided to look into my downloaded 360 games and remembered that I have Sleeping Dogs. Its actually a good game.

is it normal for amerifats to have two fucking hurricanes in two weeks? (there is reportedly a third one forming BTW)

RIP Key West
RIP Naples

Desu its more than just America. The Caribbean region has also been hit by these storms

I wish I would experience hurricane or some shit like a tsunami, too bad nothing like that happens in my country.

Is it normal for europoors to know nothing about the worlds most powerful storm systems?

>vote hillary be spared
>vote trump die
Well ain't that a bitch.

>borrowed Gravity Rush to play during storm shenanigans
>Ys 8 on Tuesday
>Samus Returns on Friday

Fuck you hurricane, I'm not going anywhere.

We have been hit with worse, we aren't dying anytime soon.

Happenings are always so cozy.

A) Chads who are absolutely useless are taken out of their element

B) Women rush to find a strong, capable man to save them

C) Rain and Wind and Storms are so cozy

why the fuck would you want to go through a hurricane or a fucking tsunami

im still in tampa. am i fucked?

True. Republicans regions are going to get fucking demolished.

>The Caribbean region

I'm happy about this tbqh

They all deserve to fucking die

Latest track has it curving through the gulf before slamming naples and then moving right at us.

>here in US we have THE. SHITTIEST weather on the planet
Impressive, very nice

playing rainbow six siege with the boys before the power goes out

The Last of Us. One. Last. Time. Desu

In west central florida. Playing bloodborne. Have no bottled water or canned food. Just vidya, some liquor and a pizza. Hope I make it.

west coast floridabro here

i've just been playing the xcom 2 expansion before my demise

we don't have them
do you have dedicated classes about occurrence patterns of natural disasters on the other side of the fucking planet you self centered fuck?

Unlike Texas, this state was born ready for hurricanes

The worst it ever does is kill off the homeless who don't find shelter

>tfw my family has an uninsured multi million dollar house in naples
>renting it out was going to be my way to live the NEET life forever

I know scum like you. You and your shit family deserve it.

So how fucked is inland fort myers? Supposed to arrive tomorrow at 2 probably gonna be stuck playing phone shit since my parents are fucking terrified and don't want me in my room

Tampanon, i'm going to try and beat ys: Oath In Felghana on inferno before the power goes out.

That would be awesome and exciting. I had a slow war going on in my city, but it wasn't that exciting.

TxK and Tempest 2000

very fucked fellow floridanon

who /looting/ here? looter reporting in

the storm will already be there by then. good luck making it inside


Nah it's lame man. Sometimes you lose power for a week or two. It's boring as shit. The hurricane itself is kind of exciting but it's not worth going through two weeks of no power.

I work from home too so this is fucking my shit right up.

Witcher 3, I will be playing it until the power turns off, then I'll see you bros in the aftertime.


what do?

Also, lakeland here, just to the east of tampa, I feel bad for Tampanons since that west coast is gonna get bent over.

Nothing you fucker. It's going to be a tropical storm when it gets to you. Not a big deal. You might lose power for a day or two, that's all.

What's the difference, with no electricity I will be in limbo.

I had torrented some anime I wanted to watch and moved it to my phone and laptop if the power goes out
I also picked up Monster Hunter Stories before Gamestop closed yesterday to play inbetween watching anime
IF my cell signal doesnt shit itself, i'll tether my phone's 4G and play Splatoon 2 online if I can
Im good

If you voted for Trump you deserve to be shot along with your whole inbred families.

We learn about em in "earth" science classes when we're in the 4th grade.

i didnt even vote but the picture accurately describes your seething posts

have you done anything with your life?

>tfw i didn't evacuate miami and decided to shelter in place
i guess everything worked out alright for me. hope all of you on the west coast stay safe.

>saying this when your on4 chan blahblah blah
why do you even exist?

none. i long for death.

answer the question

Yes? Work as a draftsman while I go for my Engineering degree and and play Trumpet on the weekends downtown
If you were thinking I was a obese jobless NEET, you're wrong
My firm closed up a day ago and we're not coming back until Thursday when our current clients said they'll be back as well

good luck tampa bros


im packing my shit and getting out asap.. before it was supposed to be on the east coast now its west rip

lol impotent leftist anger

Literally went step through step of what he did to combat bottom and you ask if he's done anything

RIP Key West

North East Floridian here, finished up Shantae's story last night and started Rabi-Ribi today.

I know I won't die but it's amusing to see everyone I know that doesn't live here flip out over the storm more than the people I know that do live here.

here's your proof bro

Get fucked hard and live like a hobo


VIDEO GAMES user. Take you're triggered shit back to tumblr

not him, but what am i lookin' at here

Nice bed faggot



Stop replying to low quality bait you doofus.

Then get going sir fagalot.

Nothing lost, then.

how the fuck are you gonna play video games when the electricity goes out

get fucked lmaooo

>assume Pinellas was relatively safe since Irma was supposed to hit the east coast
>now a majority of the county is going to be fucked by storm surges
I'm grateful that I'm not in a storm surge zone but at the same time there's still everything else to worry about.

Thank you for justifying our voting for him

We love you too

Playing some botw tonight. Hoping I get to kill Ganon before Irma kills me.

Monster Hunter Stories on 3DS
Switch games
PC games from 2007 on laptop

>No you!
Good fucking comeback


8 Years

Switch, bitch

>TFW NMfag wanting to leave the state soon
>MFW By the time I can leave, chunks of the country will be uninhabitable

>He doesn't have a Switch and a 3DS

Switch, Switch, Bitch.

I just finished my Xcom 2 expansion Commander Ironman run, so I'm all okay to lose power now. Bought a ton of beer, candles, and have a hefty book backlog, so time to get comfy.

>mfw Alabama
>so far they've all missed us but more are coming and my luck won't last forever


3DS, Switch, and Vita for me when the power goes out. Maybe my PSP if the power's gone for days and the other three run out of juice.

Trump supporters are going to get rounded up and and tortured on the streets and you're corpses will be burned into ashes.