Is 8/10 the minimum score for a game to be considered good?
Is 8/10 the minimum score for a game to be considered good?
No 7/10 is.
0-9 is shit
9-9.5 is also shit
and 9.5+ is paid reviews
That's Sup Forumss (and the rest of the modern gaming worlds) views on scores.
6/10 maximum.
Yep. 6 and 7 are okay. 5 is absolute shit.
never failed me
Good scores are within the five to six range. Eight or nine games are excellent.
I would pay money for a game that is reviewed to be an eight or nine, I would rent a five game.
What's his name again?
Honestly a 10/10 based scale really isn't descriptive enough to be a good measuring tool, I believe. If a game comes out and it isn't "OMG 10/10 BEST GAME OF THE YEAR!", people think it's a failure. So now they give out 10/10's like they are fucking piece of candy. It would be better overall if instead of one concise number they took the time to break down the different criteria. That being said too, modern video game "journalism" is a joke and just essentially extended advertisement and marketing rather than actual product critique.
A 7/10 game could be more fun to one person than a 10/10 game, if that's more in line with what they like. The only thing which you should really measure anyways are objective markers, such as game stability, controls and the like.
Honestly, your best bet is to find a site where they just host player reviews, not professional paid ones, find someone who seems to have the same tastes as you and follow them.
Pissed Pedro.
The ten point system is used because video games have a yeild of five different faculties.
Movies have a yeild of four, and books a yeild of three. With a game you have to judge things that would not be readily absolved with a film, things like sound and attention to presentation. In film, very few people rate a movie poorly based on cinematography and other forms of special effects, especially if everything else is good.
Try 7.5
>using a 20 point system.
There are more than five criteria on which you can judge a game though. All I'm saying is trying to sum it up with a simple number out of 10 doesn't seem reasonable or even a good idea because there are so many different factors on which to judge.
For instance, I don't like survival horror games. I don't like feeling on-edge so I played RE:Remastered for like 2 hours, didn't like it and wouldn't play it again. Does that mean it's a bad game, that I should review it because I didn't enjoy it? No, I'm sure it's a fantastic game which is why the series is still going after 20 years.
What world are you fuckers living in? 10 is excellent, 9 is good, 8 is meh, 7 is bad, 6 and under is trash. This isn't subjective whatsoever, it's the scale that game journalists use. I hate it, but that's the way it is.
I like why X-Play insisted on a 5-point scale, since it's harder to cheese on a scale like that.
It's retards like you that fucked our rating scale. 5 should be an average.
>I hate it, but that's the way it is.
I agree with you, dumbass, but that's just simply not how it works right now.
>I hate it, but that's the way it is
Off-model animation makes Konosuba better.
>Over 5/10
> Under 5/10
It's so simple.
The rating system is complete garbage.
good game
complete shit game, not worth playing
>8/10 or below
KEK gamelet
5 is fine
I think the lowest score for a game I actually liked was around 3/10, also have played several 10/10 games that are fucking boring, so scores don't really tell the full story
8+ is good.
7 can be okay if you're otherwise a fan of the genre or series.
Anything below a 7 is unplayable.
>I think the lowest score for a game I actually liked was around 3/10
What game? God Hand doesn't count
I like reviewers, that tell you how the game is and what you can expect from it without a score , like projared
>Implying it was a 20 point system and not 100
Then why dont rate the game with 5 as average? Leave journalism-tier rating away
1-4 I won't ever finish
5 is mediocre, but beatable (Far Cry 3, the Legend of Korra, Wolf Among Us)
6 is ok, just enough to beat and enjoy (Batman Arkham Origins, Shadow of Mordor)
7 is good, something you'll remember fondly and might even replay, but there are certain flaws in the way that are hard to overlook (Double Dragon Neon, Dragon Ball Xenoverse)
8 is great, something you'd recommend to people (Bully, Tales of Symphonia, Full Throttle)
9 is something that might influence the industry and it's something you compare other games to (Half Life 2, Diablo 2, Red Alert 2)
10 is your personal favorite
Because the journalists are the ones writing the reviews...
Depends on a lot of factors.
Personally I think the sliding number scale is arbitrary and dumb. You have to consider your personal tastes and the views and values of the person writing. I know some asshole who writes for IGN or Giantbomb isn't going to think much of a VN or anime fighter so whatever score they're going to give it really doesn't matter because we don't value the same things in games.
>9 to 10
a must play
>8 to 9
great game
>7 to 8
decent game, great if you're fan of the genre
> 6 to 7
trash unless you love the theme/setting/genre
>anything below 6
dogshit don't bother
Here is how review scales should really work for game journalism
>1 is irredeemable
>2 is horrible
>3 is bad
>4 is mediocre
>5 is average
>6 is decent
>7 is good
>8 is great
>9 is exceptional
>10 is masterful and a new genre standard
5 is the middle of the road, anything above that is better than average. I would consider 6 to be okay, 6.5 to be decent, 7 and 7.5 to be good, 8 and 8.5 to be great, 9 and 9.5 to be outstanding, and 10 to be a masterpiece
I think everything above 8 is overall a good game, about 6(in some cases MAYBE 5)-7 is alright and can be a good game for a niche group of people that prefer certain actions or features over others. Anything below belongs in the trash
That's how they work actually, but ask yourself would you really play anything below 7?
>but ask yourself would you really play anything below 7?
Not the same user but I enjoyed Tenchu Fatal Shadows