Is it actually good?
Is it actually good?
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How would anyone know yet?
Is it any good?
It's not anything yet.
I hope it'll turn out good though
The prices for things isn't a joke is it?
cos its out fag
$55 for game
>cos it's out fag
No it's not it's in alpha. Sure you can play the alpha, but that's not the full release.
Nor is the full release expected for another 4 years.
Alpha 3.0 is still a few months off also because they keep jerking off bug reports and that's the actual game parts which make it a game.
Right now it's a flight simulator.
No I was talking about the ship prices some are like $100 and up
At the start of full release you will only have plans to build the ship, you won't actually have them.
Isn't this game free but it costs to buy ships?
they are the equivalent of kickstarter packages but 100% of the money goes to development
I don't know, try asking in 50 years or so
It's a tech demo
No fuck off back to korean mmo shit
It costs money and it costs a shitload of money for some random shitty ships, I don't even know why people want to play this when it has an even worse scheme than world of tanks for fucks sake
This. It has the possibility of being good, but it's so far away right now that if you haven't already bought into it, I'd say wait until it's done.
You mean the next delay for Alpha 3.0 is out in a few months. I bet they're just going to ghost on it like the last time. The day will come, and they'll be in press blackout mode until a month later they announce a new 3.0 release window.
Only a shitty demo is out but according to backers the full build they never show is awesome
Best game I ever played even at its current state.
I can't wait for it to come out and become the Overwatch of Space Sims.
Yup, 100% to development.
star marine works and is 100% great even with shitty aussie ping.
you can race, do some pirate wave missions.
so far, so good user. give it a try it only cost me 25AUD cause i bought during a sale or something
>basic door with cardboard and a paint job
let me guess you think that cost more than a few hundred.
cue the picture saying it costs like 25000 or whatever ridiculous number they found
no, the point is that could be paid out of pocket with a regular salary, its entirely the point of your argument.
implying im moving the goalposts however, is moving the goalposts. ironic huh.
>that could be paid out of pocket with a regular salary
This money is coming from where exactly?
>is 100% great
well, as great as a generic boring fps can get.
probably knocked out in an afternoon if you planned for all the craft supplies and assuming the door was already on the building, which im gonna go ahead and assume is the case.
but its really digging deep in order to shit on a game
just meant, havent seen alot of bugs.
its nice to see the two halves of the game before theyre merged though
I'd agree if they'd use funding money for that and write it up as development but if it's the money employees use after they've been paid, it doesn't matter.
Or are you saying they shouldn't be paid?
That cuck still owns Sup Forums when this was announced and it will come out if it comes out when shkreli gets out of jail and probably own this shithole.
>if it's the money employees use after they've been paid
I assume you have evidence for this, correct?
>devs take lunch breaks
>$55* for game**
*plus hidden pay2win costs
**no game yet
i cant wait for 3.0 its either gonna be the tits or glorious disappointment. im leaning towards tits tho
>he thinks this is in any way a coherent reply
With reasoning skills like that, no wonder you thought backing Star Citizen was a good idea.
Right now? Hell no. It's a fucking tech demo that's really bad at being a tech demo. The new version of the tech demo (which has a high probability of being shit) has been delayed for nearly a year now, and still isn't out.
Maybe, someday, it'll be good. Right now, no.
No I don't. But you don't either, so that's ok.
why are you so fucking mad about what i do with my money?
no, i don't care. save it for oprah nigga
>dont buy this game reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
>devs stealing from you reeeeeeeeeeeeee
the hero this board needs, lel
I understand saying that the game's scope got too big and you shouldn't let backers decide how to make a game (which they thankfully decided to not do anymore).
I don't understand the rabid hate this game is getting.
Not really, because my story of "this company is using normal resources to pay for their office" is a lot more plausible than your story of "employees spontaneously decided to use their own personal money to upgrade the office".
I see that you are completely incapable of actually replying to what was said. At no point, in any post, have you even come close to replying to what I said. In every case you've veered wildly off into your own little thought process.
y u mad tho?
epic :^)
ye u mad
It's playable, and at times fun (and I can sort of see where they're going), but most of the time it's annoying. There's just SO many QoL problems.
There's a label on it, from a company that makes custom doors, none of them for less than ten grands.
and exactly how many times have you seen two disparate games get merged together?