What is a reasonable price for a used PS4 slim with 2 controllers?
What is a reasonable price for a used PS4 slim with 2 controllers?
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canadian dollars?
A PS4 slim retails for $250 when on sale and in two months you'll see $30 controller deals.
When Black Friday and other holiday bundles come out are you going to feel ripped off?
Now that a bunch of games are starting to take advantage of the Pro's capabilities I would say the Slim is worth something like 200 dollars. If you're buying it as a Bloodbornebox, 150 dollaridoos is the highest I would pay for a used Slim.
are you saying i should wait?
Black Friday is around the corner so it's not a long wait.
how much will pro go for do you think?
I don't know really. I bought a new Slim for around 250$ myself back in the day. Wasn't very interested about Pro because I mostly cared about Bloodborne and if I want good graphics and good framerate I'll just play games on the pc.
I doubt you'll be able to find one with 2 controllers for under 200 bucks, unless you go on craigslist or something
Is slim supposed to have any real advantages over OG? As far as I can tell they're pretty much the same, other than size and sleeker look.
it seems like spec wise og and slim are the same but slim doesn't have optical port which im not sure what it does. pro is also the same except more storage and video card doubles the TFLOPS.
the slims consume less electricity and produce less heat
its cheaper and less hot
Dual-band wifi, for one. Not like it matters with Sony's garbage servers, but hey.
Runs a little cooler and consumes less power. Also the Wi-Fi card in the slim is a newer model, meaning your D/L speeds will be marginally less awful.
Damn, my slim already sounds like a fucking jet plane. Are the normal ones louder?
>2 controllers
>implying local multiplayer is still a thing in 2017
do you think it's better to get pro during black friday?
it's normal for the bluray drive to be loud, but if your fans are loud then you have a dusty ps4 or not enough airflow
I agree it's kind of pointless outside of Nintendo consoles, but if you read the OP that's what he's asking for
Pro is only worth it if you have a 4k tv.
NeoFAg have a pretty in-depth list assembled about the Pro and boost mode. Probably worth a read if you're wondering. imo it's worth the extra hundred considering how most games coming out are supporting it, though obviously this varies by circumstance.