He still plays WoW in 2017

>he still plays WoW in 2017
>he hasn't started playing the GOAT MMO

What's your excuse?

>Literally nothing to do at endgame except grind the same 2 ex trials/4 actually difficult boss fights forever and ever for 4 months

Yeah, nah

fucking casual i bet you don't even feast or rmt


Literal bottom of the barrel in money making.

because I play WoW private servers, and live WoW actually has content to do. I love XIV but I have to give it up because there's nothing to do at cap.

i resubbed to realize i don't really feel like playing it and i don't have anyone to talk to in game, so there's nothing holding me online longer than, like, 10 minutes.


but why?

Rather play Warcraft where I have shit to do instead of logging in to log out. Your game sucks. Fuck off already.

>person makes a point
>"fuckin Casuual!!!!!"
>Precedes to show waste of human space by bragging about 271 days lost of human life.
Fucking neck yourself

I made 2 grand from Balmung selling gil I botted within a month and a half

>Tanking is boring because none of your buttons do anything interesting
>Healing is boring and it makes me question why the healers I get are so bad
>DPS is fun but the queue times are genuinely cancer


>something to brag about

>4 months until 4.1



2000 american dollars just leaving my PC on is no joke, that's money I can spend on anything.

Play better games.

it is absolutely a joke

Not a chance in hell with that garbage matchmaking.

stormblood came out june 20th
patch 4.1 is october 6th
11 weeks

>playing soulless cash grabs in the year 2017

Should I get the AST or DRK anima weapon?
I mostly play AST but I like how this one looks a bit more.

whatever you say you dumb cunt

>Hey user
>When I go to hell my eternal punishment will be playing FFXIV with you as the tank

>turn on a PC and walk away
>it makes you 2k usd a month
The only joke here is you and your life.

>Get to 70
>nothing to do but tomestone grind for ugly subpar gear

Nobody is making 2k a month botting on a video game. If it were that simple literally everyone would be doing it and the prices for gil would plummet.

you'd be surprised, user
considering fucking wow gold is literally worth more than Venezuelan currency, gold farming in XIV is probably decently lucrative as well

Glamour is the true endgame

I can't because Dragon's Dogma Online isn't avalieable in the west.

>mess up badly as tank
>healers get mad
>other tank makes up a lie to defend my fuck up

In the age of cryptocurrencies where people literally can just make up a fake currency, claim it has material worth, and fabricate some silly random method of generating it and it become a worldwide phenomenon ill believe anything at this point.

the fact that the combat is FFXIV is complete garbage.

>He pays a sub, pays for a bot, and leaves a computer running all night and day to make 1 grand every 3 weeks

Fucking lol

Level 62 DRK
I'm getting pretty tired of tanking, is it worth it to grind Lancer/Dragoon?

Why didn't they make the Blackbossom Reapers for NIN, SAM and PLD?

>when no one's doing practice/learning savage runs anymore


You should get some helmet first.

Make one you anime faggot.

nobody can make characters on balmung, meaning RMT is getting more expensive. it's already $30 for 1 million gil.

not my character

It's a pretty awful long time to bot money if it sells for this much.
Do you not have sale groups on Balmung?


I play both.

I play ffxiv for the raids and socialization

I play WoW to have something to do since I always have something to work towards in that game.

an absolute terrible implementation of pvp. havent played wow in years and i remember the pvp being far superior in that

there are people that make thousands of dollars botting cryptocurrency

Well, Balmung gil sells for roughly $6USD per million not counting any other fees. So let's keep it simple and say the guy would need about 350 million gil botted in 45 days to get that 2K.

If we're gather-botting, you can gather items that sell for about on average ~450 gil a piece * 15 every 3 minutes. 20 times 3 to an hour, times 24 to a day gives us 450x15x20x24= 3,240,000 a day. Which would give 145.8m gil in 45 days.

Bit of a far cry from 2 grand, but still RMTable for around $874.80 in 45 days. Not too shabby.

Granted this is just with the current market. I don't keep track of shit that much and there may be faster ways to bot gil. He might have also found buyers that pay more.

stormblood revamped pvp > current wow pvp
you can't prove it wrong without using greentext memes

>Literal content drought
>Knew this content drought was coming so they attempt to bribe their dumb-ass community into staying subbed by adding a "stay subscribed for the next 3 months" mount
>"""Content patch""" is another shitty dungeon, a tiny extension to their already rehashed side-content, and a new difficulty mode for a single encounter

Some fucking game.

This is a big red flag if one person says $30 and another says $6.

the fastest way to earn gil is the multibox blm teleport hack dungeon method, it's what the chinks use.

That can't be true when old xiv pvp was better and wow pvp was better than that

I want you to get a power monitor and re-evaluate your earnings.

Leaving a PC on 24/7 doesnt really cost that much electricity. You can also turn the monitor off.

Played both, one held my interest while the other didn't.

The one that held my interest was not FFXIV

i always thought wow pvp required much more thought and knowledge of the game/comps/class avbilities. little thing like mage spellsteal was probably infinitely more involving to use effectively than anytyhing in ff14. whereas ff14 game everyone just spams their combos

Some art is just too deep for neanderthals to understand. Im glad you have an outlet at least.

>old xiv pvp was better

How is that dad of light netflix? Is it weeaboo shit?

XIV PvP is butchered especially after 4.0 when they made all the combos into one button, but didnt add more new PvP skills and rehashed existing ones. Now you're lucky to fill one bar of skills in PvP.

>wow pvp
>thought and knowledge
fucking lmao
just play the broken spec of the patch

>EX Roulette
>Temple of the Iron Fist
>First pull to Moss Wall absolutely fine
>Tank tries to meme pull the adds on the stairs, the top of the stairs AND the adds at the next moss wall all at once
>Put both regens on him, use Synastry, use Lightspeed, use Essential Dignity, use Earthly Star, literally GCD locked using Benefic 2
>Tank uses rampart at 10% , dies, then puts ???????????? in chat
>DPS are Queued with him and go instant full defence force mode - then kick me after the first boss

I've seen like 4 different tanks try that and they NEVER fucking manage it

If you like playing feast all day cause at least wow has rated battlegrounds. WoW doesn't have the serious lag issues during pvp like FFXIV does where other players slide all over the place and are slightly ahead of where you see them

that's your shitty connection, that doesn't happen to me.

>trying to prove it wrong using greentext memes
I have obviously won.

I think a PLD could do it and a healer that got some lucky crits, but its dumb to expect it from a pug just because you saw it happen once as a tank.

It's not so much weeaboo as it is just horrifically cringey shit.

Yeah I have no idea where the $30 thing is coming from. Highest I've seen is $20, but those are from people who put an advert up and then hope someone comes to them. You know how FFXIV's marketboard works with wondering why your shit isn't selling and find out someone undercut you by a few gil? It's like that. You can go a week without any sales at all and then get someone who wants 5 million gil, does a chargeback on their creditcard and you're fucked.

Don't get me wrong it's decent money and it's not too difficult, but it's not as easy as user is implying either.

t. 'professional' RMTer.

You obviously haven't played Legion pvp or are bad if you think any class is horribly imbalanced in pvp anymore. Giving everyone pvp templates fixed almost everything balance-wise

Pretty much. The 3 times that i've had wipes on it, every one without fail says 'Well i've never really had a problem with it'

Now i know we like to assume everyone posting is shit on Sup Forums but i cant see how i can heal someone any quicker than what I was. Just cunty behaviour desu

The chainpulling meme has gone too far - one or two packs makes sense but trying to meme AOE when you don't have like a BLM or something just never works out well

legion pvp is literally play the most broken pvp template

What is a good website to buy gil? I want to be able to afford a house.

Call me a shitter but I always pull 2 packs max, 3 if the boss is right after. It gives me and the healer enough leeway if he's not healing enough or my cooldowns run out because the dps aren't aoeing everything

The game looks more boring than guild wars 2, and it isn't free to play.
Why would I spend time playing this shit when I can just practise a martial art or lift weights instead?

dont forget to use your group consciousness shield thingy

Give me facts that back up your claim or you're full of shit.

yeah and it'd still end up being better than ff14. you have faceroll classes but you still need to know the other class or comp youre up against and actually plan ahead and preempt what theyre gonna do. literally go watch any good wow pvper and compare it to any """""""good" ff14 pvper and you'll see my point, but you wont cause youre a faggot that wont admit flaws in your favorite game

No, he's right. People slide around everywhere cause of overuse of ability animations which causes a dissonance in what players are seeing and where the game has you at. It's one of the biggest problems with pvp in FFXIV anyone can tell you that.

Accept the loss.

Playerauctions is the biggest gil buying site for XIV and other games and right now its $21/mil on Balmung. Anything less is probably a scam or a big risk from a nobody.

It's largely dependant on the packs but each of those packs at the start of temple of Iron Fist has at least 3 or 4 adds, then the moss walls create more.

It's not hard hitting minions thats the problem its just so many that it GCD locks the healer.

Which one?

There's about as much imbalance in the templates as anything in XIV's templates, which is marginal. Tanks in FFXIV still win every 1v1 which is not the case in wow however

I shit on every tank as RDM in pvp. So much mobility+ranged damage = dead tank

Fastest way to get tier 1 - 3 materia?

>warriors can make their eyes glow
why did nobody tell me this


pay money to skip levels nice game lol

As someone who pvped heavily as DRK I can say I never lost to anyone uninterrupted of course. Won plenty of 2v1's as well.

it finally happened, WoW copying FFXIV.

>WoW fags crying about their dead mmo in this thread

Is this line voiced? I hope it's voiced

Lol, both games have that. Granted, one of them needed it a heck of a lot more then the other.

I don't get it.

I pretty much ignore tanks in PvP as healer, they're only minor nuisances at best. They keep hitting me and occasionally stunning me but it doesn't interfere much with what I'm doing. 8v8 is a clown fiesta though so maybe I've only seen the bad ones somehow.

user, I...

It's fake you gullible little shite.

t. butthurt AST salty he cant survive anymore with 4 DPS on his ass

If wow was dead with it's censused sub count then FFXIV has been dead for years . . .


>using 8v8 as a basis for anything other than player incompetence
Tanks can and will try to fuck you up with chain CC if you're doing 4v4s at a decent level.

>When it turns out the gil you have is worth 7K dollars

That doesn't answer my question retard