I think I'm having a fucking stroke.
Family Guy Online
>TWO Fedoras
>armpit fart action
What is this magnificent thing
Is that Hank Hill?
It got shut down because pedos were uing it to groom children. Fucking FG online of all things.
I thought it was because everybody was mainly just speaking through quotes from the show.
I thought because it was Pay2Brian bullshit.
This game is ass compared to King of the Hill online
holy shit, this was real? I thought family guy online was a edd ed and eddy type deal where Sup Forums pretends a fake mmo is real.
> was a edd ed and eddy type deal where Sup Forums pretends a fake mmo is real.
Ed, Edd and Eddy isn't fake either, retard
Family Guy was real.
We tried making a Sup Forums meet-up near the end before the servers ended.
We were all laughing at the Brian Class being locked behind a paywall.
Game was just some fetch quest crap.
I hardly remember it.
I made some edgy Chris character.
no it got shutdown because you fucking nazi wannabes went in there and did swastikas out of characters everywhere
Fuck up commie
No it got shut down because the average Family Guy viewer doesn't know how an RPG works.
>Reminder that this game was shut down because the average family guy viewer was too stupid to play it
Hey BruisedMilk how's it going?
Pretty embarrassing.
I actually kind of miss this game because 2011 - early 2013 was a good time for me, and Family Guy online was right in the center of that time frame, and I remember vividly playing it, even during it's final days/month back in 2013.
Fuck do I miss NEET life...
The fuck you said about me?
>You think THATS bad, remember that time--
>most players are to stupid to play
Sounds about right, considering its the audience for family guy
I would've played this if I didn't think it was a meme instead of an actual game, damn.
That's pretty incredible.
>tfw to stupid to play FG Online
man, family guy is such a blight to cartooning
why couldn't it stay dead
>asking whether or not Lois would become nude after she makes a sex joke and spent most of their time trying to attack the Megan NPC.
What the actual fuck...
I used to think that the saying the world is filled idiots was mainly an exaggeration or couldn't possibly be true, but holy fuck this world IS actually filled with actual shovelheads.
Now you get orville so seth can just make star wars/trek jokes in peace.
>Really liked Family Guy back in it's prime
>Noticed a decline in humor when it was revived
>Never cared about it since and only groan at how awful it's become
Ironically, American Dad only got better. But the first three seasons of Family Guy are still my favorite.
>Family Guy MMO happened
>but we never got the fabled King of the Hill MMO or SpongeMMO
>Ironically, American Dad only got better
American Dad consistently outdoes my expectations. The Christmas specials are always fantastic.
KOTH MMO exists though.
>players would ask whether or not Lois would become nude
Somewhat off topic, but it baffles me how normalfags think hentai is weird but shit like this is fine
>Hey whats-
closed the video
>faggy and for nerds
fucking kek
>all these retards not realizing it's p4r
>200 players at its peak
holy shit.
Who even does American Dad? What input does Seth even have on his shows?
>70% of players could not progress past level 2
I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and say that the majority of the people were probably just screwing around with alts/character costumizations, or some immediately dropped/quit because they didn't like the graphical look of the game.
But FUCKKKK the rest is just absolutely staggering.
The SpongeMMO was in alpha at one point.
>alright lets just randomize it, it doesn't matter
>*gets black kid*
>......it gave me the worst possible
>*randomize again*
>Stupid people aren't ruining this industry.
This was a game targeted at the Family Guy audience. It was doomed from the beginning.
>last upload 4 years ago
this gamer sounded pretty cool