Reinhardt is the best tank

Reinhardt is the best tank.

Not really, the more characters and reworks Blizzard does pushes him further and further back. He can't really keep up anymore.

Not really. Maybe he's just too complex for you?

No, I actually really like him. But he is starting to get outclassed. Dunno why that upsets you.

In terms of design
Reinhardt > Roadhog > Winston > D.VA > Zarya

Explain your logic, because you sound like you're full of shit.

>Zarya last
Ah so you are a homosexual that explains it.

He's a character that's designed to move slowly and push forward, but also loses his shield rather quickly and it takes a while to come back.

That doesn't work in the dive meta.

The solution is to kill the dive meta, but knowing Blizzard they'll likely nerf some random hero to dirt and make his shield regen super fast, or his charge reduce the damage he takes and start quicker

Git gud, faggot.

I haven't played comp (Or OW at all beyond the odd social game here and there, really) since Season 3 ended; has Reinhardt fallen out of the meta completely?

I'm just trying to figure out why you find Rein to be outclassed when he's more than viable. Maybe you're not playing him correctly?

>muh meta

he's played at every level just shut the fuck up

He's the only tank that's viable in deathmatch mode. Orisa isn't so bad either but she is boring and I hate her.

Give him a way to stop his charge.


Make his Ult more reliable.

>The solution is to kill the dive meta, but knowing Blizzard they'll likely nerf some random hero

Isn't that what is currently happening with D.Va? Everyone I see complains about how she sucks as a tank now.

He was buggy and random as hell to play. Since they nerf Hog to shit, people found a mix of Winston and D.Va were really good to play with so Rein just became mostly useless.

>I literally cant look in someone's direction and press a single button


I think he's the go to solo tank.

Most Rein's had ADD or some shit and will start swinging/flame striking at anyone that comes within 10 feet of them, letting their teammates get ripped to shreds.

They're making D.Va a diver by giving her more offensive weapons and letting her shoot while flying.

we playing the same game?

>6v6 elim been nixed since doomfist

>Character is literally just his Shield
>Everything about him is mostly useless.

You're never going to get rid of dive meta as long as there are so many mobile heroes in this game, unless they

Lots of characters being introduced/changed that either out perform him or have lots of mobility and harass. Orisa just got a nice buff to shield scale, her shield just got a lot more reliable then it use to be. She can already easily pull gold damage while providing defensive support for her team. She also can become immune to CC. Not only that her shield CD decreases while it's deployed, meaning she can rapidly deploy them. RH on the other hand, his shield requires long pauses for regen. While he can stop more damage in one burst, he is has to wait longer periods to deploy it again. RH's ult also has issues, sometimes it doesn't even connect properly. This is a bug though and should be addressed, but its been like that for awhile.

RH is still good, but the more blizzard changes and adds seems to favor mobility and burst. RH isn't built for sustain and he isn't built to handle mobility. So he's slowly losing favor.

I think he deserves some QoL changes is all. Feel free to respond with a "git gud" though, not really like it affects me.



>Double jumping around the map and climbing on the walls like Spiderman
>When he finally gets exposed he presses E with its fuck huge hitbox and dashes away
>Good burst with 3 Shurikens and a dash
>One of if not the best ult in the game

How are you supposed to deal with him bros?


bait his deflect/retreat

Yeah. Pretty much.

Yea kind of. The current meta for tanks is + Winston.

However, meta will probably shift because is getting "reworked" (which is a nice way of saying nerfed but in a way that will please fans)

jeff had him killed, I guess we'll never know

thats not fernando

you have misspelled glass cannon

Play Tracer