ITT: online games in which defeating your opponent can have severe real life consequences for him

Hard mode: the player you defeated might die IRL

I'll start
>economy failing hard in Venezuela thanks to socialism
>Venezuelans turn to gold farming in Runescape to make a living (literally pays better than any of their other options)
>killing dragons in the wilderness all day to sell loot
>other players decide to PK gold farmers either for their loot, just for fun or because they were annoying
>Venezuelans might actually starve or die in some other way IRL because they no longer make money


Other urls found in this thread:



You should read Erebos

What do you think the worst consequence of your PKing was, Sup Forums?



I don't know I imagine if you killed some unstable aspie in Counter Strike or something, that might have sent him over the edge in real life.


you dumb alt-right fuckwits

It's pretty bad tho. There was two socialist parties, one western crazy and this one and he banned the western style one from running. Venezuela is the bad kind of socialism that's inevitable really...

>the runescape community

.t Venezuelan favela video game gold farmer

Too late


Oh yeah, a state that still includes about 70% capitalist ownership of the economy is totally socialism you guys

but they already have a thread discussing the venezuela thing specifically
Also gold farmers in MMOs are definitely a Sup Forums topic though

why the fuck would they be killing green dragons when there's so many other more profitable and safer methods of money making in OSRS

>implying venezuela is socialist

dont give them ideas

this is fun

Because they're dumb spics and don't know any better. I haven't played RS since 2007 but I'm assuming green drags are still relatively easy to get to and farm level-wise compared to other shit like law runes and the like.

Even Runescape's virtual videogame capitalism is better than Venezuela's "Not Real Socialism"©

I'm not defending Venezuela, I'm saying that it's not socialist


massive Sup Forums RS raid when?

They're doing socialist shit like nationalizing private companies etc though, and doing these socialist things, whether they've gone 100% socialist or just 90% are the things that have proven themselves detrimental to their economy. I.e. nationalizing private companies, price fixing and trying to steer the economy rather than letting it work on it's own etc

yeah let's try socialism one more time i'm sure it'll work

Man, there are so many other games where they could be making so much more $ per hour. Without risking getting literally killed too. Some of said games even allow real money trading, so they wouldn't even risk getting banned.

you can make close to minimum wage on runescape by doing high end bosses like zulrah, araxxor, telos

How dare you suggest that this isn't real socialism, saying that sarcastically is my trump card that shuts down every possible response!

>killing 3rd world gold farmers is lol pol XDDD tier
Fuck off Carlos, don't you have a green dragon to kill?

Yeah and going in a socialist direction has gone pretty well in a number of European countries, it's almost as if the pertinent variable isn't "Is this change a socialist one"

>Americans think Socialism = Communism
Make up your damn mind, faggots.

>Some of said games even allow real money trading
Name one.

Seriously I could use a semi fun job even if it doesn't pay well, my expenses are quite small.

The other games aren't free. Runescape has no initial investment so is more desirable for these poor fucks.

You need membership to kill dragons m8. And the game already is botted to fuck, so the free to play section is abhorrent to make any RSGP in. There's also loads of safer and more productive ways than killing dragons, but they're too retarded to realise that. They also don't bother with getting good at RS3, which has loads of $$$ potential by doing PvM.

I'm the guy you're responding too, I live in Sweden, one of these so called "socialist" countries. We have no restrictions on businesses and are one of the freest countries in terms of ease of creating businesses etc, here there's no fear of the government appropriating what you've created. Here, and in our neighbouring Nordic countries the governments would never do what the Venezuelan or other (economically anyway) socialist governments would. They don't price fix and they don't nationalize private enterprises.

So yeah, it does come down to "is this change a (n economically) socialist one". You could argue social marxism or something else wouldn't bring the same problems, but economically, socialism is a fucking catastrophe, even all that oil money couldn't save Venezuela.

From our neighbour Denmark
>"I know that some people in the US associate the Nordic model with some sort of socialism. Therefore I would like to make one thing clear. Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy. Denmark is a market economy,” Rasmussen said.

>people play games to make real money
what the fuck? why? I made a few thousand off of ROBLOX but I didn't play it to exclusively make cash, I would hate games then

>You need membership to kill dragons m8
Thought you could kill greens as a freebie. Ah well, haven't played RS in years. Still though, that sub fee's gotta be eating into their total profits. Going by that video in the OP, green drags are a terrible way to stay afloat when you consider the other options. RS players are gonna have to be on the lookout for when the Venezuelans jump ship to other farming spots, it's only a matter of time.

Wurm Online, for one
>semi fun job
The grind in this game is on a whole other level compared to anything else. It kills more people than poverty.

>The other games aren't free.
Wurm is technically free, but your skills are limited without premium time (20 out of 100 max). However you can buy premium with in-game currency, which isn't that hard to achieve.

Their economy's so fucked that they're literally making more money sitting on their asses killing dragons than actually working.

>than actually working
That is actually working, though. They're doing something with the sole intent of earning money


wurm has a playerbase of less than 1000 players
good example



Yeah WO () is a good example. Can become sort of a second job very easily.

Is money trade legal in EVE maybe?
Second Life too, not sure about the initial investment though.
Also there was another old one, used to be called Entropia Universe or something similar, no sure if it's still around.

Work also implies forwarding an objective on top of making money and they aren't developing shit for themselves or their own country.

In Second Life I think to become a developer of products you have to pay 10 dollars (6000000*10^14 venezuelan pesos)
There were some people who became millionaire with this. A famous example is a chinese woman.
>Entropia Universe
it's still up but I think it's easier to make money playing poker than playing that

>virtual currency is more stable than the currency of a socialist country
>every Venezuelan killed in wildy is another Venezuelan that returns to their family with no food on the table

this is surreal

The objective they are forwarding is the need of other runescapers to acquire dragonhides and bones. You can pretend it's not work if you want but it objectively is.

Wurm used to get occasional boosts in player count when Sup Forums decided to swarm it in the past.

The game is doing ok actually. Just got an engine update too, looks prettier than ever.

What better MMO would Sup Forums recommend these poor fuckers that runs on a Venezuelan potato PC and allows them to make the money legally?

I live in a semi-thirdworld country too, never hurts to know.

Maybe they shouldn't be killing dragon like plebshits, then? I log on once or twice a week to flip and today I finished buying a stack of goodies I've relisted for 30m profit. Even playing actively there's more lucrative stuff to do than camp in the wilderness. Sure, you need membership for most of it but bonds aren't hard to get.

It's just bullshit to butter up the peasants so a new regime can overthrow the current one.

I got a kid beaten by his trailer trash mom because I kept fucking him up and he was screaming at the top of his lungs calling me slurs and swearing and his trashy mom came in screaming at him and you could hear her beating him. It was honestly awful.


I would imagine running a large amount of bots, a botnet if you will, on F2P servers would net more than manually grinding dragons or whatever the fuck. You could even sell the
botted accounts with high stats when you're done with them.

>People are actually protecting the gold farmers

Hey I really need you to delete this

Remember to mute, report and filter politics threads.

Buenos dias, señor.
You appear to be butthurt because virtual capitalism has beaten real communism.

Eve Online.

It literally has a Suicide Hotline chat channel in case somebody decides to an hero after losing their internet spaceship.

Nah I just want to talk about videogames rather than push an agenda.

>having a good laugh at starving gold farmers

Not until fags like you get triggered by the political aspect of why they're starving and feel compelled to go into full damage control.

>it's another one of these "capitalism is perfect" threads
>written by people who benefit from socialist policies and would cry in a ditch if their funding was taken away

Hoo boy. Of course pure socialism is shit - so is pure capitalism. You're truly dumb if you think your nation is truly capitalist, wherever you live. Each country has a mix of policies from multiple different discplines.

Not him, but this thread was Sup Forums bait from the start. Are you blind?

You're COMPLETELY wrong, true capitalism is perfect. I hate these self entitled socialist fags.

Now excuse me while my mother feeds and clothes me for the next few years and provides enough money for me to successfully finish my college degree. Reminder: I'm totally self-made.

Shouldn't you be prepping ahmed for your wife?
Sweden has a cultural marxism problem, economic socialism is unrelated but often implemented at the same time to maximize damage to the populace.
Economic socialism only works on small local levels with a trustworthy community.

t. never been to sweden

Just because it's normal to have nightly breeding sessions with dark skinned bulls in sweden doesn't mean it's actually normal everywhere else.
Speaking of which the first batch should be finishing up about now, you better go clean your wife out, you remember what happened the last time the second group had messy holes.

>failing economy of a third-world shithole happens to be socialist
>OP casually mentioning this in one single word while describing the whole situation is somehow Sup Forums bait despite having nothing more to do with the entire topic
No, it's just that some people here get very easily triggered these days and get unreasonably defensive about the most meaningless shit.

>"capitalims is perfect thread"
Literally nothing to do with... oh fuck it and fuck these people.

>isnt that hard to achieve
complete falsehood

you will never get so much as a single cent of in-game money unless you are already premium and can produce 80 quality stuff or higher, or if you autisticly grind 10k piles of dirt over the course of 6 months for less than a tenth of what premium time costs.

buying premium time is literally only for people already established in the game with high skills

t. never been to sweden

>No, it's just that some people here get very easily triggered these days and get unreasonably defensive about the most meaningless shit.

So you, then.

Dude. You can
>forage and botanize for coin
>kill creatures for coin
>butcher and bury corpses for coin
>sell junk to tokens for coin
>mass produce several dozen kinds of building materials with an enchanted tool of your choice (invest into one after gathering some coin) and sell it easily on the trade channel

Among other things. Sure, with low skill, the action timers for crafting are longer, but you can still gather that 10s for premium in less than a week with not too intensive labor.
If you accidentally manage to turn one or more items into rare or supreme while crafting, that helps too.

kys commie

>obnoxious faggots shitting up the thread with their unrelated garbage
>dare mention this fact and get told it's somehow my fault
Sure kiddo.

>misinformation: the post

lets break down just how ridiculously wrong you are.

first of all, you cannot forage and botanize for coin. coins dont just magically appear out of the grass.

secondly, you cannot kill creates for coin. this is partly because, as a new player limited to 20 in skills (including fighting) you cannot kill anything in the game, but mostly because coins do not drop from killed creatures

thirdly, there is no such thing as an unattended token for you to sell junk to. people with deeds will ALWAYS enclose their token and/or traders in a 1x1 hut to only allow themselves to pull coin out of it. you will never find an unattended one.

fourthly, several dozen of any building material is not enough for even one copper. even if materials sold in such tiny amounts (they dont, 10k is considered the standard batch size), you will only ever find buyers for large quantities of dirt and MAYBE bricks. once in a blue moon you may find someone wanting floorboards. either way, you will spend at least 6 months, more realistically a year, making all that shit by yourself since you have low skills and fail constantly, and the money you get in return will still not be enough for premium time

you are COMPLETELY wrong. the only way you are getting premium time is if you spend real money for it, are already highly skilled and can produce high quality stuff to sell to rich idiots, or if you are lucky enough to run into a benefactor who will give you money for premium time in exchange for labor of some kind. usually flattening an area or digging up dirt or some such peasant work

You Godless bastards get what you deserve.

I would totally waste 4 years of my life playing Runescape again if I went back in time to 2006.



>coins dont just magically appear out of the grass
They literally do. Even silver (yes, as in 1s) coins.
>coins do not drop from killed creatures
They do. Also, plenty of creatures a fresh character can kill. The servers are littered with wild chickens, cows, bulls and sheep.

>no such thing as an unattended token for you to sell junk to
Starter deeds all have public tokens, idiot. Always had.

Just by mentioning that you made it clear that you haven't played the game in many many years. That is why you're saying all these ridiculous things. Even bricks have like 4 or 5 types now.

Everything you seem to know about the game is painfully outdated. Take a look again when you get the chance. A lot has changed.

>Socialism is a range of economic and social systems characterized by social ownership and democratic control of the means of production.
>Social ownership may refer to forms of public collective or cooperative ownership to citizen ownership of equity or to any combination of these. Social ownership is the common element s hared by its various forms.
>The socialist party is elected democratically to use government power to more equitably distribute resources produced from means of production
>This is not socialist because I don't acknowledge there is a range of social economic conditions that apply to the definition and instead choose an idyllic state of it

>when they could be playing much better old MMO's like Ragnarok
Venezuelans confirmed for having shit taste

Why do filthy politics/history students read a few books and listen to a lecture or two on Trotsky, Lenin or Marx and think this is a substantial basis for completely upending the structuring of our economy.
Fuck sake, I would place a large amount of money on 99% of Western Socialist/Communist/Anarchists not knowing how the economy even functions in more than layman's terms, never mind claiming to have a better idea of how to make it more equitable and raise the standard of living.

Socialism is perfect, so if it doesn't work it's not socialism.
Is this so fucking hard to understand?

>state capitalism
Fuuuuuuuuck you faggot

The vast majority of people on this website are still going through their "I'm done with my first year of college therefore i'm very well educated" phase. They copy what their professors say to a t and post it on here.