Cake Chambers


bought it first day my nibba
post more this nyx

I did and got matched up with Rapha and he raped me.

I want to be Nyx's Quake daddy

Lightning Gun nerf when?
Sorlag Spit nerf when?
Berserk buff when?
Ranger-only mode when?

quake champions has failed but it's clear we need a nyx game

When is id going to realize Quake 1 was the best and make another single player lovecraftian horror FPS?

when the fuck is this game supposed to come out?

>implying they could even remotely pull it off and wouldn't miss the entire feel of Q1

When is Slash gonna come out? And by out I mean on, as in 'on my face.'

>Lore is random and not based on Champion you're playing
Who thought this was a good idea?

>Lightning Gun nerf when?

Hopefully not again. It's already weaker than it was in early Beta. I hope they don't listen to people that don't realize there's supposed to be a clear hierarchy of weapon strength in Quake, and that the LG has to be strong

>Sorlag Spit nerf when?

I'm fine with what it does, they should leave it as it is but make the cooldown 45. Nerf Sorlag too much and people will just move to Scalebearer, which has an even more unga panic button that deals way more damage

>Berserk buff when?

It's bad-ish at killing but strong as a movement option. I hope they don't go crazy buffing it, there's already way too much melee killing in this game. They should buff BJ's ability instead

>Ranger-only mode when?

They didn't rule it out, but I wouldn't hold my breath. The champions idea and selling shit for them is their money-making strategy for QC, and they won't do anything that could sabotage that anytime soon. It makes more sense to have every mode be multi-champions and with cosmetics viariety

has the player count break 2k yet

>Nerf Sorlag too much and people will just move to Scalebearer, which has an even more unga panic button that deals way more damage
That's fine, given Scalebearer doesn't have fucking bhopping and air control.

>not Cork Champagne

Like that's the issue with Sorlag. Isn't her max speed like 520? She's roughly as fast as Scalebearer, perhaps a bit slower even, and Clutch is faster than both

Max speed is a lot less relevant than being able to keep that speed around corners, especially with how small most of Q:C's maps are.


CTF when? Sacrifice sucks.

Scalebearer's ability is infinitely more cancerous than Sorlag's

>F as you're low in HP
>get damage reduction
>do bullrush with hitbox the size of a bus, 100dmg and instant turning
>bullrush can continue if you kill the players you hit, allowing for multikills

It's also a good movement option in addition to a burst of damage

That's not the issue with her, never has been. And any champion with just SJing can also turn corners without much difficulty, you delay the next jump and take a bit of friction, slowing you down for one jump and allowing you to turn. Next jump you're already at max speed if you did it correctly

I was Ranger-only for the longest time and I can move as well as any champions barring possibly Anarki and Slash, and can easily outrun Sorlag

can someone rip the voicelines?

plebbit has a guide

But it wasn't doom was better single player

This is the most pathetic marketing ploy I've seen. These Nyx threads are obvious shill posts.

is it about a chamber full of cakes?

Yes. 40 of them, to be exact.

>people want to talk about a game
>hurr SHILL

>marketing ploy

Well, it's not working, game has like 2k players if you add Steam and Bethesda Launcher numbers