Survival/Crafting games thread

How do I get gud at Don't Starve?

It's easy, just

Don't Starve

Trial and error, also having the wiki up at all times because half the shit in the game is super fuckin vague

I'm going to invent a machine that will let me slap people over Sup Forums.

play the game
watch videos of good people playing
this is the easiest part of the game

I do, and I survive just fine.
It's just that once I hit winter, I die almost instantly. And don't ask me to go after monsters.

I can survive, but I can't progress.

>I die
>I survive
make up your mind

What I mean is that food isn't really an issue. But fighting is one, especially for monsters that you can't hit&run. Spiders are easy to kill, but manpigs and tentacles are something else.

>manpigs and tentacles
just don't fight them?
one fo those can't move and one of them isn't aggressive to you

I thought it was mandatory to kill tentacles to get the upgrade to the spear, since making a spear use silex which is pretty rare?

No. Just kite giants over them or let merms hit them or something, don't ever directly fight them. They can kill bosses for you. Make dark swords instead.

Giants? Dark Swords?
Why are you mentioning Dark Souls all of a sudden?

>he doesn't know

>The words Giant and Dark Sword is equal to Dark souls for this generation.

That's enough Sup Forums for me.

I think you just don't starve but I may be wrong...

Shoulda mentioned I'm talking about Don't Starve vanilla. Not the expansions.

And isn't Dark Sword kinda a last-tier weapon anyway? Or am I missing something crucial about how the game works?

How the fuck do you have any issue with vanilla Don't Starve? I can't think of a single thing that could actually cause you in issue in surviving. Dark Swords are late-tier, but you need them to beat bosses and they're not hard to make, but since you have no bosses, literally just smash pig houses, make them in a circle around a walled off space with any food item on it and then cause pig wars and then you win the game, congrats.

>Dark Sword
>Last tier
oh boy you have no idea
also there's giants in vanilla too. Well, technically one, but still

>>How the fuck do you have any issue with vanilla Don't Starve?
I'm really shit, that's all.
It usually goes like that :
>look for berries
>look for gold
>once I have some gold, look for beefalo
>make camp
>build a t1 engine
>start making farms
Usually, at this point, things go wrong. Either I grow overconfident and I go to attack manpigs and get killed by their hit&run tactics, or it's frogs that kill me.
Once, I even awoke a spider queen, and ended up killed by her guards after destroying her.

Wait a minute, I know Maxwell starts with a sword, but he's kinda a secret character.

>look for berries
>start making farms
those don't grow in the winter
find other food
bird cage + spider nest makes things easy, since you can just kite one spider away at a time and then it won't attract friends
feed cooked meat to the bird to get eggs, eggs + 1 monster meat in crockpot = meatballs
focus on getting a stockpile of good food and an ice box, then focus on warm clothes and a thermal stone

nigga you should be making 3 dark swords everyday. I'm usually at 2 full stacks of Nightmare Fuel on day 23
and how the fuck can you get killed by frogs they have one of the weakest attacks in the game, if there are too many just fucking run for it dude

>focus on getting a stockpile of good food and an ice box, then focus on warm clothes and a thermal stone
I'll do that next time, then. I used to skip the ice box because it required gears, and mechanical monsters are pretty rare and hard to kill.
Maybe it's better to have a stockpile rather than focusing on trying to get new food in the winter.

Link me to this mod. I want to make that Moonbitch suffer and die.

Nah, fuck off. Yorihime a cute and mah waifu.

You have shit taste. Remove yourself from the genepool.

how do you get internet up there?

Hijacking in mon-keigh network is a piece of cake.

Try a good survival game. Like The Long Dark. Or Minecraft.

remove yourself from the moon

Clownpiss a loli. I prefer real women.