Do you think that roll is better than all other videogame girls? Why or why not?
Do you think that roll is better than all other videogame girls? Why or why not?
This is clearly just a pedophile porn thread
Fuck off
Alia is better and you know it you fuck
Not when Kula exists
Yes she is the cutest.
>build a sex bot
>call it a warrior robot.
Only in cuteness.
roll wouldn't even be in the top 5 best girls in her own franchise
Roll has the better games but not the better design
I want a rollbot to be my daughterwife!
Is that a trashcan design?
Hey Sup Forums watch my sisters for a night ok?
No, thats Call.
Built for sex thats why
What did you mean by this?
Top keke great pic
Ultimately, however, no one will ever top Mistress Morrigan.
Shut the FUCK up, Boco
>immediately thinks of pedophile porn from seeing Roll
Maybe you should stop projecting.
Kiss my ass.
You are very nice Boco
Don't stop talking
kys faggot
Alright guys you had your fun. Now how about posting girls better than Roll
Your waifu is a literal slut who feeds off the essence of men and turns them into bats
And Lilith is hotter too
What do you have to say for yourself?
Who's that in the middle, Princess Pride?
>old hag
That you're confusing Udon comic canon for game canon.
Sonia has the cutest swimsuit I have ever seen in my entire life.
I'm going to kick your ass Sup Forums
shes a succubus dude
fucking guys are pretty much the only way they survive
And it'd be the cutest asskicking anyone ever had.
>It is generally said that the Succubus race absorbs the spirit of the opposite sex and uses it as their own energy source. But the succubi that live in the Aensland family are slightly different. They create a special secretion liquid in their body when they are either physically or mentally stimulated. They use this liquid to maintain their life. If one were to be trapped inside a small secluded area, she would die within two days due to the lack of stimulus.
>This is because the liquid needed to maintain her life can't be secreted. But to make up for this, they have become able to look into the dreams of others. When no stimulus was given, they evolved other ways to look for excitement. When a creature dreams, a special secretion liquid is formed in the brain. A succubus can take this liquid from the outside. Those who have been robbed feel a strange feeling, as if one's dream was completely taken away. This is quite different from not having any memory of a dream. This liquid, which the succubus robbed, is dissolved into the body of the succubus and is composed.
What's going on there
Zero is best girl.
>Sup Forumsvirgins genuinely believe this photo is in anyway a representation of real life and therefor a valid retort
The cognitive dissonance pedophiles display is astounding.
I love Reisen!
older Kalinka
Hey guys, remember the best girl and her new game...?
Ah, okay. She's a cutie too. Probably the only good thing we lost with the death of MMU.
Post that roll gif, you know the one
It's a parody of this you idiot
this, cough it up fags.
The 90 second long blowjob gif?
i got u fampaire
I have that saved on my phone
Shame it's disappeared
Kanny is kawaii
Thighs too thick.
thicc legs
thicc thighss
thicc butt.
Small waist
Roll has it all
So all it would take is pedophiles being attractive in real life to make it a valid retort?
Except for boobs
>Roll has it all
Except a non-autistic fanbase.
tits are overrated casual tier.
>having to change a parody image to try and paint pedophilia in a more positive light
>So all it would take is pedophiles being attractive in real life to make it a valid retort?
Yes because attractive people can do anything and get away with it.
Shut the fuck up Boco.
Oh I'm sure there is SOMEBODY out there who isn't autistic or wants to creampie her out there.
I used to think Roll is the best Sup Forums loli, but they made Chicken-chan
Every Roll is best Roll.
Which Roll is the second from the left? That one sticks out to me for some reason.
Roll Caskett, from Megaman Legends.
This one?
I want to clean that navel
Ah thanks. It's probably because she looks like a normal person next to Roll.exe. I'd definitely have to check out those games sometime.
I love Fuuka
Cute! Is there a image of Caskett with classic Roll's costume?
fuck off you cunt, this is a Roll thread.
At least 5 other characters have been posted
Not that I know of.
I want to ____ Roll's _____
Be Roll's friend?
I want to PAT Roll's HEAD
lick tummy
Where's your morals?
I want to be Roll's husband.
In the same place you left your english.
Delicious flat chest
Safe in the knowledge that I'm too much of a good guy to ever harm a real little girl. That's what I like to think, at least.
Kids shouldn't be hurt. They're usually too innocent.
I'd adopt Roll in a heartbeat.
>lazy town shirt
Got me good mate
Where do you think we are?
shut the fuck up, go be a useless cunt somewhere else.
is dat some JADF?
t. low test manlet
Right here bub
I think we're being a bit too rude to him
Nah, I'm good.
I want Kanna's fat loli ass planted directly onto my face!
you can never be too rude to Boco.