Divine Divinity

Is it just me or is this game really really REALLY grindy? Are others in the series like this one? Did I buy the worst one by accident? Help.

Divinity II: DKS is good
Divinity: Original Sin is awesome
But that one isn't really that great.

I'm trying to get into this game, but the amount of pixelhunt, the fact you can't close inventory windows with Esc (or any button for that matter), the fact you can't highlight ANYTHING that isn't an item (so no highlighting chests, objects, corpses and so on) pisses me off so hard I just uninstalled the game.
For a 2004 game it sure fucking feels like an 80s game.

And before anyone calls me a casual, fucking Baldur's Gate 1, a 98 game, had full highlighting, closeable inventories and loot windows with Esc button and didn't require pixelhunting for 4 pixels wide and 2 pixel tall key for this one door in a dungeon or a 2 pixel wide and 1 pixel tall lever on a wall to open path forward, all in mandatory main story content.
Whoever designed this piece of shit should be hanged because this is Ultima 7 tier archaic garbage.

Okay i'm glad it's not just me. I played it strong ignoring most issues but when I got into a forced 8 layer dungeon I had to put it off.

>8 layer dungeon
Is it the starting one in Aleroth under the mage statue surrounded by 4 small dragon whelp statues?
Because that's just the tip of the iceberg.
This game's world is fucking gigantic yet it has so much pixelhunt and archaisms that jesus christ I just can't deal.
Doesn't help that the fonts are microscopic even when played in 720p (and the game was intended for 1280x960/x1024 resolutions).
1 hour and I already feel like I'm about to get carpal tunnel from all the mouse micromanagement and clicking.

Yeah, feel free to skip it, you aren't missing anything special. The next game (Divinity 2) is already much better, but if you really want to see the best that the series has to offer, just skip to Original Sin.

No I am talking about the one where the "evil" woman who is controlling the kingdom sucks you into without giving you a chance to get equipment or pots

Is there somewhere I can at least get the story of Divine and Beyond? Not OP btw, I'm the other guy complaining.
I always start games at earliest entry and I can deal with a lot of archaic shit, but good god this game LOOKS and SOUNDS amazing but controls like utter fucking shit and controls are by far the most important thing about a game.
Gothic 1 controls better than this shit.
I'm really angry at the game and myself because I really want to like it, I gave it a chance, but I just can't fucking deal with it goddamn shit fuck.

>the story of Divine
Divine Lucian is too nice for his own good.

May as well not exist.

>Divine Lucian is too nice for his own good.
Who is that? Literally doesn't tell me anything about the game.
Also why Beyond might not even exist? Is it not brought up in Divinity 2 or something?

pffft, divine divinity is a fun game

Divine Divinity's protagonist.

>why Beyond might not even exist?
Everyone tries to forget it ever happened. Including Larian.
The game was basically a huge mistake.

You are a real fucking pleb who should be ashamed of yourself, Divine Divinity is one of the best Diablo 2 clones ever created, up there with Nox.
The writing is fantastic, the world fun to explore, and the dungeons are great (not that there's a lot of them). The game isn't grindy at all, I never grinded in my playthrough.
I've played the game for the first time last summer and it was a blast, I did almost all the sidequests and explored most of the world.
I pity people who can't enjoy this masterpiece of a game.

>Original Sin
>the best that the series has to offer
You have to go back.

>Including Larian.
>The game was basically a huge mistake.
Care to elaborate what went wrong?
Also will it really be fine if I just jump into Dragon Commander -> OS1 -> OS2?
I just can't stand the way DD plays despite the beautiful visuals and music.
From what I read Divinity 2 is absolute last in terms of story and is a third person action RPG so I'd rather just play that last.

>fucking Baldur's Gate 1, a 98 game, had full highlighting

It sure does when you play a remake created in 2012.

I got to the last act almost and quit on the elf forest. Seriously I like old crpgs but jesus christ it was way too long.

How the fuck do you deal with all the problems I listed here Font is unreadably small even with large font mod and at low 720p resolution (which is actually smaller than 1024x768, aside from seeing more on the left/right side), everything is a pixel/clickhunt pain in the ass.

>>It sure does when you play a remake created in 2012.
I didn't play the EE, but granted I didn't play the original either, it was BGT (BG1 in BG2). Still, from what I saw of BG1 Classic, it still had object highlighting and closing windows with Esc button.

Closing menus doesn't take a long time, and if you're in the middle of a battle, you have a pause button.
The font is alright, I don't know how you can't see well.

It had closing windows with Esc, but the series had no highlighting at all until Throne of Bhaal. BG1 only has it if you play modded or the EE, pixelhunting was exactly how the game handled most of its secrets.

I already did, nothing has highlighting, good luck picking up those fucking keys from the ground when they're barely visible.
Oh, what, you missed this one fucking interactable stone/lever in the wall and been walking around the dungeon in circles for hours? FUCK YOU
What, don't like darkness despite there being so many torches around? WELL TOO BAD, YOU CAN'T PICK ANY OF THEM UP, FUCK YOU

I stand corrected then, well shit it's an unfun mechanic, I'm sorry you had to deal with that and I'm glad I didn't have to.
I can deal with a lot of archaic shit, I can deal with the SNES Wizardry games or the SMT games, or the NES Final Fantasy games, but I can't deal with this. I just can't.

is it longer then Wizardry VI or VII?

Yes, the world is huge as fuck.
Top left is the starting town, it takes hours to do just that and it's like 20 screens tall/wide ingame, so apply that scale to the rest of the game based on this map. And this map doesn't include any of the dungeons or "dungeon-like" ourdoor areas.

I don't think WizVi is that long if you don't count losing hours of progress due to getting buttfucked because what's saving your game。

From what I heard, Larian were basically forced to make it - and they didn't have any good ideas for it. Turned out as bad as you'd expect it.

>Also will it really be fine if I just jump into Dragon Commander -> OS1 -> OS2?
Not really. I'd suggest release order, but it doesn't matter that much either way. The games are fairly disconnected from each other.

>Not really.
Guess I'm skipping the series entirely then, since DD and BD are fucking unplayable.

i liked it. after a while you run out of good rpgs to play its nice when something retro hits you out of nowhere.

>too long

>shit pacing isnt a thing

>complaining about a game actually having content
Kill yourself.

Its a shit game in general

DD is easily one of my favorite games of all time right next to Diablo 2. I don't see how you can consider it grindy when enemies can never respawn though.

I don't consider any of that small stuff problems, especially since item highlight works exactly like Diablo 2, but I'm sorry to hear not having everything handed to you completely ruins your experience of the game.

Chests and bookshelves don't determine their items until you mouse over them. This works in your favor so that you can reroll what they give you if you're ever struggling. An alt-highlight would probably interfere with how the system works.

Beside that though, how the hell is "there isn't a bright spotlight revealing all the chests in the room wherever I am" a literal, actual complaint in a cRPG?

To add to my post, I think my personal biggest complaint with the game is the unfinished last act. It is a complete slog to go through, with nothing interesting to break it up. You can see obviously how there was meant to be more to it, but literally all that made it in was: 1 vendor, the Patriarch dragon, and the dungeon - with all the rest being filled with thousands of enemies.

Also, I felt like damage didn't scale enough. There were only a few builds that actually carried you into late game, while many of the others became helpless since abilities capped at 5 and never got stronger while enemy hp ballooned.

>you should be glad that you are not having fun with the content because it is more content