Anyone here play Final Fantasy Brave Exvius?
Other urls found in this thread:
>shit movement controls
>worst gatcha rates out of any mobile game ever
>have to gatcha for your favorite character
>original characters take up gatcha spots for classic characters.
Why does everyone love BE again?
>worst gatcha rates out of any mobile game ever
this is not Fire emblem though.
It has Ariana Grande
Fire emblem isn't anywhere as bad as BE.
It's gotten better, and it's going to get even more better once the gacha rates are matched with JP
How bad are the rates, I play FGO and getting a 5* character is a 1% chance.
IVs ruined that game
exactly the same
Are you a dumbass? FEH has some of the most generous rates among gacha shit
10+1 pulls have a 5% chance @ 5* on the bonus unit
Not if you want classic characters
>start playing this game
>wanted ExDeath and Garland
>didn't pull either of them with all of my saved crystals
>my brother and my best friend both pulled both of them
>uninstall app
I honestly dodged a bullet, the amount of friendship grinding required is retarded.
I used to really enjoy it but I lost interest months ago.
t. launch player
No one knows. It really is shitty
Randomized stat spread. Every unit has a boosted stat and a reduced stat. No way to control which stats are modified.
lolno I haven't paid a penny and already have 3 of the best units in the game, and at least 15 heros to fall back on
Even then, the way the game works, even drawing "shit" units is good since skill inheritence is essential for hero-building, and you'll need those units for that
Their importance is overstated. I have several -attack and -speed units that still manage to get shit done. Skill inheritance and supports also help relieve it.
I love it personally but I have trouble playing it constantly. When I do play I play for a while doing quests and exploration stuff but when I don't play I just log in to collect rewards and send gifts to friends. I alternate between doing these things.
I got Ramza. Pretty happy to have him. Too bad I got fucking 2 Queens, 1 Ace and 1 Frev, but Frev is cool
We've really got to get a containment board for the phoneposters.
tep lel
What's the matter, user? Your favorite franchise doesn't have a fun mobage for you to play while you take a shit?
>finally pull zidane for dual wield TM
>used up all of my trust moogles the day before for 9S pod
At least the pod has some good abilities
I play FFRK the superior FF mobage.
We already have one, it's called But more and more people just aren't using it despite the fact that it exists for the express purpose of containing shit like mobage and MMOs.
Ace is one of the best MAG damage/ mp batteries in the game if you enhance him. He's one of the best units atm
If you want the worst gacha rates out of any other mobile game out there. Play Kingdom Hearts UX. That is the worst gacha with the shittiest rates there is out there.
My Nigga.
Friendship grinding? Wut?
I love the concept of it but it just doesn't play that well. Also fuck the grind
Too bad he looks like shit in his own game. Type 0 was a mistake
Phone game thread?
>Post game you are currently playing and if you would reccomend
King's Raid, game is fun with good graphics and waifus. You don't get characters from draw but through ingame grinding. otherwise drop 5 bucks and get one you like.
I agree, type 0 was a shit game and ffbe overdid it with all the type 0 banners. Should have had a FF7 crisis Core banner instead.
What's a better game than ffbe to play that's along the same lines? And not brave Frontier, that's like playing ffbe with auto attack on
>Type 0 was a shit game
What a shit opnion lmao
Nothing lol. Not that I know of.
Granblue maybe but that play EVEN worse since its basically a crappy browser game masked by really appealing artwork.
Terra Battle has you collect Heros and build teams, but the gameplay for that is completely different since its basically a puzzle RPG. Its as weird as it sounds.
Weird in a good way? I might check it out, I'm down for it...
>King's Raid
Playing it right now, good design but the combat feels "bad", don't like that the characters attacks and pick targets by themselves and there's so much shit to press when not using Auto (pvp is a mess imo).
So I'm grinding on Monster Super League too.
Why do ff7 when they can keep making original characters
Because they don't do enough story updates to keep adding players, and The Who aspect of it being a final Fantasy cross over thing and all...
Do I need to spend money on characters? Or can I just get them from the Hero inn and save my money for clothes. I just want swimsuits for Frey.
What do you mean by "bad"?
go to /vg/'s /ffg/ threads. Its a mobage general with a ton of shitposting namefags but in the end, its not so bad
We still havent gotten any ff8 characters. I just want Cat and Yuffie
It looks bonkers but I fucking love the concept, and its simpler than it looks. You have the board and you can pick one unit to reposition your team. You can shift their position by dragging them over each other. You'll want to position your units so that they create a flank, which in turn triggers an attack, which implements every other unit in its cardinal direction into the combo. From there everyone will do their normal attack and procc various skills.
I make it sound more complicated than it is, just give it a try. Its insanely addictive and very aesthetically pleasing, its done by mistwalker which has a lot of old Final Fantasy guys behind it. The game runs dry after a few months though and Terra Battle 2 is already in the works and close to release.
Has a really unique atmosphere too. Excellent music.
They're giving you free 2* ticket then another 3* ticket after 5 day of playing, and later comes a 5* ticket.
You can build the team you want for free if you play/wait more or less 2 weeks, otherwise yes the Inn is the place to go but it takes ~2,5weeks to get a hero full amity.
It doesn't feel satisfying to me watching my characters run and attack stuff by themselves while I press a button here and there to trigger a spell.
Don't think I'd be still playing if the game didn't have Jane honestly.
Okay, thanks! I'm new to the boards so I appreciate the suggestion
Mercenary or Squire? Squire is pretty great but Gumi is being a bunch of faggots and keep on holding out his enhancements. He pretty much turns into a buffing machine once they come out.
Oh man that does look awesome! That looks like something I could really zone out playing while I'm on the train going to work or something. Is it one of those games where it has a Facebook friend/ leaderboard element?
In GL we only have regular old Ramza and Mercenary Ramza. I have the latter
Anyone else here going to NYC Fan Festa?
>Is it one of those games where it has a Facebook friend/ leaderboard element?
Not that I'm aware of, the game is fairly dead in general, I think its already pretty old. Its a single-player experience though so it doesn't matter much, but thats why I said that it dries up fairly quickly after a few months of playing, doesn't really get much support anymore.
Which is why they're doing Terra Battle 2, so if you value online interactions a lot you may aswell wait for that one
I think I am, I'm supposed to meet some people there from a ffbe fb group. I'm a little nervous tho since I'm the only girl...
This game and Record Keeper killed discussion in /ffg/
/oneguy/ killed discussion
I dont think that will matter since we are all there for the same reason. I just want to know what the exclusive unit we'll be getting is.
>FFXI raid confirmed for next week
I've bitched about not getting it for so long, but now that it's coming I don't want it anymore because I probably won't have enough shit saved up to pull anything decent.
I mean I'm supposed to be meeting people and we're all going out and spending time together, all the admins from the group
murikan jake
Go away gacha games
I got no 9s but two bloody A2s, missed out on one if the best trust masteries.
Are they gonna be limited time units?
I still want Ling lol
BEapes killed it since they shitpost at anything that isn't BE desu
I ended up with three 9S, no 2B or A2 tho. I didn't get many 9S trust moogles either :(
got a2 on first daily, then after a huge saving of tickets and lapis, walked away with only one 9S and 25+ 21Os.
i was playing it but blew 100+ tickets on the nier event and didnt get a single 9S so taking a break
I'm waiting for the day i can play a full team of my waifu and best Final Fantasy girl Ariana Grande
Nah, they're gonna be in the permanent unit pool
I'm a f2p scrub, so I can't go too wild on units that aren't limited
I've heard conflicting shit. For months after the JP event I was told they were limited time units, but recently Japan got role-based banners that rotate weekly and the characters appear on those lists.
record keeper has been there since the beginning.
after a certain point with any general that has a mobage equivalent is that the main games get less discussion since there isn't much new going on with them, while the mobile games are usually constantly updated.
they are definitely not time limited.
all these werei and kupipi in my bunker long after their banner are proof of that.
anybody want an easy girugamesh win?
i currently have my 2B in perfect dodge mode.
just put it on auto and forget it for a while
418 246 840
>tfw the best unit
>1135 att
I feel like on top of the world
Request sent
Are those balls?
Have you been playing since launch to get that high rank?
looks fun but
>no one has a mouth
is fucking with me I can't find anyone cute enough to make me want to farm/grind
close enough.
looking at the schedule, i've been at it since september of last year.
A2 a best !
anyone want to add me? i couse use some more friends.
864 674 368
I rerolled for 2B during the event but I ended up getting her and said fuck it and stuck with her
Did I do good?
Man, I just wanted an A2. I didn't care if she was a garbage 4/5 star but they made her one of the best units in the game and made her proportionally hard to pull.
I'm been curious about this game for awhile
How bad is the grinding ?
And how does the combat work ?
It looks like auto attack but the player controls major attacks through hot keys
You also got at least 2 9s right?
I liked this game, but due to the fact that you cant save you progress unless you are linked to FB instead of Jewgle Account made me stop playing
For a gacha game the music is fucking amazing.
tfw my 5star kain does more damage than most of my 6*
2B and A2 are more or less the same, cept A2 can hit high ATK with berserk and is mostly pure damage.
2B has more ability variety, debuffs and can do the Fixed Dice Gimmick
didnt get 2b in the even despite shitting away like 90 tickets
now im pissed at it
>Get Noctis
>He's nerfed to shit from JP version and soon becomes obsolete outside of arena
>Get Orlandeau
>Every subsequent boss has 20000000000% light resist
>Get Agrias to chain with Orlandeau
>Guess what faggot still light resisting everywhere
>Get an A2
>Can chain amazingly with other A2s, best physical damage dealer
>Guess what faggot this boss has like 99999999% physical defence lol hope you have two top tier magic users at least to chain with
as a game, it has a nice amount of depth, about as much as a basic rpg.
and the amount of grinding depends on you.
each character has an item or a skill they can give you if you fill up their trust, but building up trust with only on copy of a character will literally take you a month without some of the special fusion maguffins.
lately though, they have been giving more and more of those things out thankfully.
>tfw pulled Bartz's USB+LMR instead of saving for the fest, but I've yet to find any use for him
noctis is getting his buffs soon.
likely around the same time his banner came out in jp.
also it's hein, what else did you expect?
Yeah she's pretty great just not for the current event because it favors mages
But for physical fights like dark espers she can 2 turn it easy