Prime 2 Echoes>Super>Zero Mission>Prime 1>AM2R>Fusion>Prime 3>Metroid 2>Hunters>Metroid 1>Other M

Prime 2 Echoes>Super>Zero Mission>Prime 1>AM2R>Fusion>Prime 3>Metroid 2>Hunters>Metroid 1>Other M

Haven't played Federation Force or Pinball, only bad one is Other M. What are your rankings?

Other urls found in this thread:

pretty fucking good, I'd switch around ZM/prime 1 and fusion/prime 3 though. Top 2 are spot on



Not bad. I think Super is better than Prime 2 but both are excellent, only significant thing I'd change is bumping up the original Metroid up to around the middle of the list. The game may be simple compared to its successors but none of them capture the same tense atmosphere (Echoes comes closest).

This is my personal tier list.

I'm hoping to be able to put Samus Returns on God Tier but we'll have to wait and see.

>counting a fan game

Otherwise not a bad list.

what's wrong with fan games?

It's not really fair to include in a list of official games. They aren't the same category.

If you're going to add AM2R you might as well add Redesign, Super Zero Mission, Rogue Dawn, etc

I mean, it's his list, there's nothing wrong with adding a fangame he really liked

maybe the guy hasn't played those, or he considers AM2R a good enough hack to be included over others

Six days.

I hope it's good

id agree

This samus has cute eyes

Pinball is legit good. Like, I love pinball and so does my dad. He doesn't like videogames but he played Metroid Prime Pinball for hours and hours. I of course bought him Pinball Arcade and all the different seasons after he said he had missed pinball.


Honestly, I hate Prime 2 and I was planning to play 3 and other m when I finished but my wii broke.
zero mission>super metroid>am2r>fusion>prime>2>1

Yeah, I like this artist.

Post ZSS armpits

Federation Force and Hunters are pure garbage designed to be wannabe esports. Considering that nobody plays them, they show their age far more than any of the singleplayer installments, and considering how many multiplayer games Nintendo puts out already, they die in weeks, if not sooner. They're both right down there with Other M in terms of horrible game quality.

Pinball is pretty good. IT says it's a pinball game, and delivers exactly that.

Super > Metroid > Metroid II > Fusion

>found out about Samus Aran from the "outrage" about the zero suit
>discover there is already tons of porn of her in that suit
>also discover that I have a latex fetish
>for a few years visit Metroid/samus threads
>fap to zero suit samus
>fap to samus in general
>fap to any kind of samus favoring the armor versions at one point
>never knew much about the games apart from that they were metroidvanias and partially originated the genre
>eventually see the Metroid Prime trilogy heavily discounted on WiiU
>get it
>pretty fun
>decide to check out the other games
>go through first one, Super, Fusion, Return of Samus
>fall in love with the series
>fap to Samus more than ever

Fusion > Prime 1 > Prime 2 > Hunters > Super > Prime 3 > Zero Mission > Metroid 1 > Method 2 > Federation Force > Other M

>Considering that nobody plays them

I'd still fucking fucking play it if DS online services weren't shut down.

Cute belly, too.

>t. never actually played Hunters
I just finished replaying the single player last week. It's a great game. It's a shame that they made Fed Force instead of Hunters 2 for the 3DS.

That's actually a kind of weird way to draw a navel

I want to drink that sweat

where the hell is AM2R?

I'm guessing it's not on the list because it's not a fucking Metroid game.

Metroid Prime 2: Echoes but without the beam ammo system

Belly button looks a little weird but she's still cute.

Oh boy here we go
>AM2R is not official
>AM2R is a romhack
>AM2R is bad
>AM2R was rightly taken down
>AM2R is worse than Samus Returns (even though you haven't played it)
>Steam Mercury is not a shit company


Only Nintendo-made Metroid allowed.

You can say anything you want user. Oh the salt.

What? It's not.

>the shitposters have invaded

>Posts non-official metroid art
Wow nice argument you have there

OP here. AM2R is a fantastic fangame and I like it enough to rank it in there. If you don't want to consider it in rankings, or generally don't want to think about it in lieu of Samus Returns then that should be fine, they're practically two different games, at least from what I can tell.

I really wish the Metroid fanbase wasn't as fractured as it is now.

Pre-ordered this recently. How did I do Sup Forums?

>doesn't come with any beam effects like the Other M figma
Biggest fucking bummer about the whole thing. I also have it pre-ordered though. It's my favorite Samus design.

not metroid fanbase dont raise a false flag here, its just one of those subhuman simian retarded degenerates who suck at life that loves to raise discussion and propagate the hate, the frustration and the idiocracy aswell the degeneracy

>oh the salt

You have to go back.

>I really wish the Metroid fanbase wasn't as fractured as it is now.
This. I miss the days when we could talk about this series without constant shitposting.

>I really wish the Metroid fanbase wasn't as fractured as it is now.

I think it will be a lot better after a week from now when everyone has played Samus Returns. At least, I hope.

yeah those fucking idiots here on Sup Forums just ignore them if you want to include AM2R do it, its a well done remake and Doctor M64 did a huge tribute to the franchise as a fan while those fucking idiots just provoke the fans by saying shit like that and blaming the entirely metroid community as a whole like theyre talking about a single person, they are just miserable idiots like the guy who said that AM2R isnt a metroid game, people like that should just kys, they are completely worthless

>liking AM2R means you are not a fan of Metroid games
>We are the real fans and we are too good to fracture!
Can you believe this level of denial?


I had a nice fap to the Samus thread on /aco/ so I'm feeling good about Metroid right now.

he's shitposting, just ignore him

What are those circles on h-her chest? ......

and when did i say that if you like AM2R you arent a fan and when someone said that here ??? WHERE DID YOU READ THAT ON YOUR FUCKING MIND OR ARE YOU INVENTING THINGS YOURSELF ???

You don't even have an explanation of why it is a bad game. Nintendo cock sucker

>>liking AM2R means you are not a fan of Metroid games
What? Shut up dipshit

So when is this cartoon samus going to choke on big ridley dick?




autists are here, abandon thread

I stirred the AM2R shitposting pot in this thread.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to destroy a potentially comfy Metroid thread.

Please let's just go back to discussing Metroid in peace.

this thread got ruined by am2r haters, what a nice day to be a metroid fan, looks like the problem isnt the community but Sup Forums itself is the cancer



Sup Forums is cancer, 4 chan is dead

They are obsessed with the fact that a non official nintendo game is brought up in the same context as official games. Clearly this implies they care less about the Metroid series than they do for Nintendo. Meaning that they are all consolefags and not actually interested in the gameplay

post comfy metroid music

We could just go back to the topic.

Though I am curious how people feel about the previous black sheep, Fusion. As time has gone on i've come to appreciate the tension it has going for it.

I consider Fusion to be more of a straightforward action-shooter than a traditional Metroid game, and in that light it's a pretty solid title. The handholding can get annoying, though.
The fusion suit design is my favorite in the series.

Prime>Super>Fusion>0 Mission>Prime 2>Prime 3>Return of>Metroid>Hunters>>>Other M

Didn't play Federation Force. AM2R was pretty good, but no better than any other competent romhack

AM2R was significantly better than any other romhack. I would rate it has high as fusion, simply because all the forced dialogue and linearity

thank god for people like you guys, and for the guy talking about metroid fusion i just wish the wall jump could be used better that would pretty much reduce one of the problems people had with linearity and having more ways to get into ur objective too but its a good game anyway

Fusion with exploitable walljump and without story locked areas and without the dialogue would be one of the greatest 2d metroids

it wasnt a romhack dont make me think youre the same guy as above, its was entirely made on scratch through tons of game maker versions, the creator changed engines 3 times during its development so pay more attention you can dislike it all the way u want but at least it feels like a complete game not a romhack

yup, the problem was adam/thatcomputerwhatever saying everytime what u need to do but it was moderated in fusion maybe because of its 2d nature, in other M that freaking linearity ruined the game which would have been a neat game cuz i loved other m's combat

I felt that the dodge roll and first-person missle shit killed Other M's combat, but I do agree that there might have been the core of a cool game somewhere in there.

So Prime 2 is the hipster game of the franchise right? The one that gets treated as a lot better than it is because it's the less popular sequel? The Majora's Mask to Prime's Ocarina of Time?

Delete this...

>shilling a homebrew game

What's your problem, Sup Forums? I can understand some bona fide spam toward your favorite officially made software, but this? Drink Clorox and have a good nite.

I hate fps so I have stayed clear of the prime series, so don't know much about other M. Metroid 1 was the first I played and I remember thinking it felt like an advanced mario game with a scarier sci-fi setting. The concept of just roaming around wherever and getting powerups not to the tune of some preset progression but rather in the order you wanted felt so fresh. Not saying Mario was shit, but I think Metroid showcased what an explorative sidescroller can do.

Other M's combat was flashy, but it needed more. It was far too easy. It's the least of Other M's problems, and could be redeemed with some tweaking and a proper control scheme, but it was a problem.

Pretty much, yeah. Though I think the darker, weirder, and more alien turn suits Metroid more than it did Zelda, Prime 2 has some dark world pacing issues, but it's still my favorite in the series because as much as I love Prime 1, it did play it a little safer than i'd have liked with the environment.

Prime 2 is tense and thrilling throughout, and does have some teeth in the difficulty.

the first person-only to use missile was so shoerned that i couldnt believe when i was playing it for the first time completely unnecessary however the dodge mechanics was fine for me tho the problem was the exploitable charge boots it gave to you making u completely OP

It's not perfect but there's a lot to love about Prime 2. The environments are really creative, the music is stellar, the bosses are amazing and it's actually fairly challenging. It does suffer from having a few too many keys and the areas aren't that interconnected, but it's been my favorite of the Prime games since I first played them.

KYS, why dont you get your fucking mommy's tilt milk and go sleep ?? its too late for bored kids to annoy us atm, we arent baby-sitters so leave

agreed, if u didnt play super metroid yet, go play it you will be blown away

the problem with other m too was that auto-recharge move where you pointed ur wii remote up and pressed A, there wasnt a single missle or health drop, which made the combat ridiculously easy since u didnt need to hunt for health poitns or whatever just finish combat and recharge your health, game's combat had potential but it was so easy...

Stop crossposting anytime.

I actually find the environments to be the weakest in Prime 2 compared to the others. Only the Sanctuary area was good, and Prime 3's was cooler. The other two main areas were pretty bland overall though, especially the bog. Also the dark world is cool at first but it feels more samey after a while.

I like all three but I do feel like it's been getting the Zelda treatment. That is, five years ago it was easily considered weaker than Prime 1, and now it's contested as not just better but as the best in the franchise by a number.

My personal list.

Prime > Fusion > Super > Prime 2 > Zero Mission > Prime 3 > Hunters > Metroid 2 > Metroid 1 > Other M

Haven't played AM2R sadly, so many good games to play right now. Fusion is underrated in my opinion, but that's probably just me. I think it had the perfect characterization of Samus (heroic, thoughtful, but a tad awkward and a bit jaded) and the greatest atmosphere in a 2D game. I also really enjoyed the story, which is why Other M is so low on the list. That game did everything it could to ruin Fusion's story.

i disagree with prime 2 being put above the rest since it was more of the same as a sequel and while it took risks it wasnt better then the first so ill go with

Super Metroid/Metroid3>Prime1>Prime3>AMR2>Prime2>ZeroMission>Fusion>Metroid1>Hunters>Pinball>Original2>OtherM> Federation Shit (DOES THIS ONE EVEN COUNT ?)

I actually agree with you on Fusion. I think it's too linear, I really do, but it nails so much and is really fantastic in its own right.

Mario Galaxy 2 is 'more of the same sequel' and is one of the greatest games of all time and vastly superior to its predecessor. I never understand the argument of a game being more of the same. I look at them all in a bubble. Prime 2 definitely has its flaws but it's more hardcore and challenging than Prime 1 and a lot of people love it for that.

how do you want your gravity suit senpai

>Prime 1
>Metroid 3
>Prime 2
>Prime 3
>Zero Mission
>Metroid 1
>Metroid 2
>Other M

>>>federation force doesnt count

>The other two main areas were pretty bland overall though, especially the bog.
Really? I thought the bog was amazing.
I feel like Prime 1's environments are less aesthetically inspired (Phendrana is the only real standout imo), but the way they connect together is definitely better. They're both excellent games, I just tend to like Prime 2 a little more, and I always have.

Pretty much the objectively correct ranking desu

i dont know but its just me i think, i hate those types of sequel thats why i liked dishonored1 more than disho2, watchdogs1 more than watch2 and also i preferred mario galaxy 1 than 2, 2 was overstuffed for me like most of those sequels are


>mfw it's less than a week until the first non-dumpsterfire Metroid in MORE THAN TEN YEARS comes out