I enjoy the PlayStation 4.
I enjoy the PlayStation 4
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Okay, glad you're having fun user.
I am happy for you PS4 user
Cool me too
Literally only good thing in my life ater my book
I dislike both the idea of someone having fun and someone being glad
All I want is the ability to change my PSN gamertag
Fuck you Sony
I love Sony Playstation 4
Never ever. The database is too fucked and they’re scared to even attempt to migrate it.
you microphone sucks by the way
Its okay to like things, user.
Really? Me too.
Nice hugbox you got here faggots.
Its pretty ok
I love my GOTY machine!
I don't enjoy you enjoying the Playstation 4.
Sup Forums used to be so tsundere for the ps4 it was really cute. The same thing is happening with the switch right now
Kill yourself you fucking shill
>17 / 3 / 17 / 2
you microphone sucks by the way
More like Sup Forums used to mock the fucking shit out of the PS4 for having fucking nothing up until Bloodborne, which spawned the NEVER EVER posting.
Wojak posting should be a bannable offense, all it does is cause further hostility towards the fanbases.
That was before Knack 2 motherfucker
>Not jumping on board the PS4 hype train after Microsoft's massive E3 2013 flop.
>Not creating your PSN ID as an adult so it's not fucking retarded like yours knowing full well I'm stuck with it.
Still prefer the Xbone more though. Only got a PS4 cause my friends did plus I like weeb shit every now and then.
It's beginning to shape up into a decent weeb game box.
>not switching back to xbox after the scorpio got announced and it became obvious who's actually for the players
That picture is being way too nice to Knack
>Jumping on the PS4 hype train
>Literally having fucking nothing until Bloodborne released, and then still have fucking nothing until arguably this year
>Got my Xbone for free in 2013
>Works perfectly fine, is quiet as fuck
>Got my PS4 in 2015
>Disc drive is a loud piece of shit that sounds like a vacuum, and the fan is worse because it's in the front of the console for some ungodly reason
I like my PS4 just fine, but there's things that Xbox Live does that are just so much better than PS+ could ever hope to be. The ONLY reason people tolerated it was because of the "free" game advertising.
I dislike people who dislike these things. kys
Trips have spoken. kys yourself
I've been banned for wojak posting this week actually
I'm glad you're enjoying the switch.
Also, I'm glad that you're not a pedophile like the Sonyqueers here.
>persona 5 40
Perhaps the booty blasting is real
Yikes I was just about to post mine as well, I don't feel like trying to ban evade just yet
kys yourself
>tfw you were an early PS3 adopter and locked down the name that some faggot had already taken on XBL
Just got one from a buddy for 100 bucks today.
Now I got a PS4, Xbox, Switch, and PC locked up.
Gonna be interesting.