Did it exist?

Did it exist?

Other urls found in this thread:


Likely not

You only made this thread so someone would post the video, didn't you OP

I'll oblige, it's good shit: youtube.com/watch?v=_7X6Yeydgyg

Not shilling but this guy proved that it didn't

Yes yes, we all watched Ahoy's video

Fucking shittiest video I've ever seen

If it did, it was not even anything like the rumors suggest. Like some shitty arcade cabinet that causes headaches due to overuse of the shitty atari "boom" effects and prism flash abuse.

it's creepypasta material, that's about it
still, ahoy's video was fucking 10/10

this, tbqh. 1 hour of "did it really exist" while showing hoax after hoax. What's the fucking point. It's literally a creepypasta video disguised as an informative one.


I knew a guy that murdered the brother of a guy that played it, it made him cry blood and gave him premonition dreams.

Why would the government make a video game designed to kill kids?

Yes, the Tempest guy made a VR game called Polybius this year in fact.



no but there are some shitty videos that tried to mimic the game based on the story. I saw some playthrough video, obviously fake and I watched it while I was high. It was pretty trippy. Good thing I'm not prone to epilepsy because I would have had a seizure. It was kind of like watching a shitty subliminal video.

because 100% of all problematic adults were kids once. Kill them when they are kids and they won't be problematic.

why use video games instead of slowly poisoning people with our food, water and medications like they are now?

Naw, but I'm writing a short story about some dudes finding one, finding that it's impossible to destroy and taking it out to the Arctic.

I'm a hack but it passes the time.

I thought it was cool that he unequivocally confirme the original origin point of the rumor and the man who started it. And the last bit about actual arcade games being lost to history was interesting food for thought.

t. Kurt

>like they are now

Because only children play video games.

It obviously did exist. If you fell for the blatant falseflag RetroAhoy video "proving" it to be a hoax then you fucking deserve everything the government will do to you when the time comes to fully instate the new world order.

It's likely that a game that was pulled existed, yes. But did it do the shit they claimed it did? Probably not.

Why does that Ahoy guy sound like microsoft sam

I was born too late and missed the bus on the whole Polybius mystery; by the very time I heard about it, the whole internet had already confirmed it was a hoax.

It's not physically possible for a video game to do what Polybius is claimed to have done.

Obviously not.

>user's random claim gets buried in the thread without being noticed
Now listen here nigger you'll post that to a pastebin right now so we can laugh at it. It might be no John Freeman but we'll read it anyway

Nobody knows for sure

This is the first time I have ever seen Ahoy.

Makes me wonder what other huge channels are out there I have zero knowledge of...

Possibly. If aliens and Mothman can, then so can this.

He literally says at the start of the video that it doesn't exist.

His videos on Quake and the Cold War were also great. Not that his other stuff wasn't also good but those two stood out to me after watching everything else he did (well, "watching" as white noise while posting here anyway)

seconding that

desu I didn't hear about it until I saw the video

It's been in some mainstream media.


Check the text at the bottom of the machine.

>watch retroahoy's video
>suddenly /ourguy/ comes on

10/10 video, watched every single minute

Yeah Ross was a nice surprise.

i hate this faggot. And what is with weak voiced queers that use this shitty tumblr tier cartoon characters to filter their opinions through.

haven't you heard of lavender town you fucking idiot?

How much of a manpussy do you have to be to get THIS angry over some rando eceleb?

Wrong guy guy

I hate the practice as a whole of beta pussies crying on videos about whatever outrage of the month but being such pathetic people they have to filter thier opinions through a shitty character.

Especially when you can always tell by the voice its a whiny little/fat beta

That's not even remotely close to what that guy does though. Have you even watched his videos?

>his 2D version is a lot sexier than his real life self

Still waiting for THE MOVIE

Ross appearing made my day

No, it didn't.

its just a triple lenght freemans mind episode
he said so on his latest talk

If there was a way for a third party to mind control you with videogames you can bet your ass the chinks or Valve would have done it already.
The best they can do is hire psychologists and figure out how to get people hooked into their games and get them to spend thousands

It was a part of MK-ULTRA and was planned with the intent of becoming a silly urban legend after the g-men took records and destroyed the cabinets.

>more than a hour long

FUCK I don't have time for this. I have class tommorow.

>he thinks lavender town music that makes people kill themselves is real


You actually believe that fucking creepypasta?

Are you actually twelve


The only interesting bit is decrypting the hints in a fan-rom to find its original author, some nerd whose hobby is replicating fake arcade games from movies, entire rest of the video is "X piece of evidence is an obvious hoax and here's why


The video is literally called "POLYBIUS - The Video Game That Doesn't Exist"

He spent the first half hour doing everything to quell any doubt, and the second half explaining the who and speculating on the why. What the fuck are you talking about?

t.alex jones

Alex wouldn't fall for Polybius

Please feed me some more good long video game vids. I'm sick in bed and can't fall asleep.

Just go through all his vids.

I mean, if it was real you would think the government did its best job to ensure no evidence of the machine existing in the first place, or any left behind cabinets...and the video doesn't discuss that.

That probably comes across as retarded but I think it's a genuine point.

>and the video doesn't discuss that.
Probably because it's as ludicrous as the "US did 9/11" conspiracies.

Cabinets wouldn't have played an effect as Polybius had no decals except it's marquee logo which could easily be destroyed.
If it was a test cabinet, it would have no effect.
The only real evidence would be a board, a rom dump, or an authentic arcade marquee.

So not very ludicrous at all given the absurdity of the official report


Oh boy I sure do like atrazine!