Super Mario 64 Online Thread cont.
Post your servers here and then chat about shit you're doing.
Previous thread:
So when I hit "Connect to Server!", I go over to PJ64, hit save and then hit restore right after that? If that's the case, it's not working.
new raid teir WHEN
twitch tv xmorbius
It's pretty full right now but join my server if you'd like and watch yourself on Twitch.
Toad goes mach speed with the wing cap so we should fuck around in the easily accesible flight areas (castle grounds, looking up from the lobby, left of tick tock clock)
Here's some insights I got from decompiling the client
>The client is P2P
>Hardcoded player limit is 24
>To send data the client just rips the character data straight from SM64's memory and sends it raw over to everybody. All clients just inject that data into the game. Remote code execution anybody?
>The client actually sends the whole RAM over?
>The secret easter egg mentioned in the credits is the Toad sound effects playing. You activate it by typing "toad" inside the server IP box
>There's code for 6 different gamemodes inside
>What the numeric up/down does is dictate how often you send data over. By default it's set to 5ms, which is way too often? 60 times per second aka 13ms should be enough
Also please someone get the last 13 stars on my server D:
US East gigabit FIOS server port 8000
What server are you guys on that's running that smooth
I hid in Big Boo's Haunt.
Remember to disable the frame limiter with F4 for SUPER SPEED
where the ERP server at
>take a single step on the secret slide
>slide across the room and hit the wall
uhh, what do we do now?
Anyone be interested in doing Last Impact or Star Road? Never played it and apparently the thing supports rom hacks.
it didn't work for me until i specifically used the shortcuts f5 to save and f7 to load
I would but can you wait 5 hours? Going to see the new IT movie and dinner with family
Anyone streaming this?
I suggest Star Road.
come and find me. I'm not sure why you went under the bridge in the first place
how many stars do you guys have on, I see 40 but I think that carried over from the last server somehow
Cutest user in these threads. Please keep your innocence.
I'd play with you, but I gotta go afk for an hour.
top of the thread guy is
i could aswell mabye dual stream?
shit gets boring after 20 minutes though. we need chat or voice
In options you need to set two things to 8mb
Does this make mustard gas?
host here, i'm seeing 8 but the boss room is open, and other people seem to be able to walk through any door
>tried to find a 60FPS GS hack
>no luck for anything that worked consistently besides making everything move faster
your server is shite m8
let me know if it works
where da dick sucking rosalinas at
>collect 100 coins
>doesn't count because someone else completed it before you
>all that time wasted
Sounds gr8
Do 1-up mushrooms still follow well? Running from them could work as fun activity but it would need an honor system where people leave the level when they get 1-Up'd
definitely a speedrunner, needs to use the default character so all his strats still work
average Sup Forums user, will split his time between social shit and getting easier stars
will try as hard as he fucking can to get as many stars as possible, will probably fall off the stage a lot
pvp fag deluxe, be careful where you AFK when wario's around
will probably try to avoid players so he can use his opness to get stars while avoiding getting two-shot by their punches
>peach + rosalina
will definitely be sitting around and ERPing somewhere conspicuous
probably a haha memer, but if not, is just using a character he enjoys to get the stars he wants to get
I've had enough for one day
I'd rather wait for updates with more interactibility though.
the tool seems to be broken now
connect is greyed out even if i close and reopen
Whomp's cleaned
i see a mario here going to the first bowser battle so it works
Just beat Bowser in the Fire Sea, I think you can all go upstairs now.
bullshit don't lie to me
Wario confirmed the best
What do you need to host a server, i have 20/20 internet.
maybe you ctrl-v'd a space at the end of the ip address
carved a whole second off my own best time
any ROM hacks with good slides?
it works for me where r u?
ok guys I'm gonna reset the server now that I know it works and I'll do a fresh 0 star run with a 12 player cap, and we will all do the same levels simultaneously hopefully, I'll start a stream so people know where to go, stay tuned. and it's a US WEST server
I'll join
>doing this in F-Zero X
I got it figured out
ToadBros WW@?
Make sure your times are Bonkless.
How are you guys getting server-based star counts? Whenever I play on a server, it just uses the stars/keys from my save.
Do you have to start a new file whenever you join a server?
>mfw yoshi stuck in the ceiling
Is there a new version?
>exploring boo's castle with a mario player on
>get separated somehow
mario come back
Im lost, where are you?
I doubt Last Impact would work due to all of the new shit, but Star Road isn't too crazy. It'd probably work fine.
Rosalina main here, I use her for spin cheesing. I didn't even know ERPing in SM64 was a thing, and I hope I never see it.
i'm trying to bone luigi in a corner but this asshole rosi keeps fuckin it up
the fuck
>By default it's set to 5ms, which is way too often? 60 times per second aka 13ms should be enough
this would be true if any other online game which is built to interpolate between server updates but a game like this probably cant do that, so it needs data for every single frame
I've been fucking trying to play online all day but I keep on getting the same god damn .Net Framework error. I've tried saving and restoring and i've tried changing servers but none of that shit works.
what the fuck
what the fuck
brb getting the N64 modem for an authentic experience.
>>Hardcoded player limit is 24
Anyway to increase it to 100?
what game even used this?
you got a new version?
are you the fucking dev?
Sure, but you'd need to increase it on every client. So if everyone has a hacked client it can work
does anyone have the discord link or is that ded by now
no one uses that shit they collect your info and sell it
the serb up yet?
I don't think you niggas understand how laggy doing shit like that would be, 8 to 12 players is probably the best.
Super Mario 64 Online
imagine 2 of the best sm64 speedrunners fucking with this
Fuck that, imagine a 24-player 120 Star% TAS with this
setting up the stream, hold your horses
Were you the Rosalina? We got spereated after the piano. I'm going to lethal lava land
only if it was more stable
every server i've had so far is some seriously flickery shit where everyone's zooming all over the place and glitching out
It's for the 64DD
do you even know what a TAS is?
I'm stupid post active IPs
What servers are currently up
imagine the fucking hype when they make this thing work on the AGDQ bros, where we at?
fuck that imagine 24 pannonkoeks running this
Can I get a working download link for online?
>peach + rosalina
>will definitely be sitting around and ERPing somewhere conspicuous
There erping? Guess time to join as a futanari rosalina
Tool assisted speedrun. Doesn't seem like it would be that tricky to do, as long as you don't desync one of them.
>it starts off with one player getting the first Bob-Omb Battlefield star to start things off
>suddenly the screen zooms out as a multitude of other characters flood into bob-omb battlefield and other courses, each getting individual stars at the same time
Fuck all these retarded pussy slider races, everyone in IP related come and do the last slide in the game with me
Final Bowser is opened up for me, weirdly enough others can't run up the endless stairs
Kudos to whoever is racking up stars, but it seems inconsistent with who can go up.
We're still up at
might be full though
omw if im not invisible at least
24 random players in the crown vs WR holder for 120 stars
>implying you need to run up it when bwlj exists
Would this be enough to host 100 players?
Can you kill the mystery goomba
the saves seem to gather stars independently and only count what's been "triggered" on that save, other players can grab stars that file doesn't have if they're active but it doesn't base itself off of what the server host has