Both of those games are already on PC, so I don't care

Both of those games are already on PC, so I don't care.

Let me know when Bayo 3 gets announced.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Vanquish has 2GB file size
>The other 16GB files are video + audio

Vanquish is a fun game.

In a move surprising no one.

Fuck I already bought the PC versions.

>buying this when theyre on pc

What a weird thing to release

Could use an excuse to play Vanquish again, any idea on pricing / performance? If they're 60FPS like the PC versions (and they fucking better be) I might pick this pack up if it's reasonably priced. More interested in grabbing the Okami HD game though, glad to see it's getting a physical release outside of Japan unlike the PS3 version

PC doesn't just werk like a PS4

>In 3 weeks it will be for sale on garage sales for 5 bucks
>PC users paid 19,99+tax


Feels so fucking good.

Why are you upset that you bought the best versions of the games?

Enjoy the games we all beat 5 years ago.

>inb4 that much like VC before them, the PC versions of Bayo and Vanquish were literally just beta-tests for the much-improved PS4 releases
>and Sega sees the success of the PS4 releases and makes Bayo 3 and Vanquish 2 for all current platforms except PC

Sweet. PS3 copies of Vanquish are too expensive, last I checked.

All I have left in Vanquish is Trail #6. So I will never play it again and they won't trick me into playing it again.

I much rather play games on consoles than on my PC.
Want to keep work and free time separated you know.

Why so? They bothered to go the hassle of releasing them for the PC to net about 300k-ish sales (Which was considered a successful move on their part), might as well put in a tiny bit of extra work and bring them to the PS4, considering the install base is close to 70m.


Are you a mod?

So get a steam link or a long hdmi cable and play games on your TV.


this console generation is like 90% ports

I'm still surprised that there were people here who were genuinely cut up about Valkyria Revolution not getting a PC release. You'd think that TGS footage would've been enough to convince them that they dodged a bullet.

>Sega will never release a full Sega-Platinum collection
>All those Wii only games

Instead you get shitty anime weeb games left and right, wew lad

>People still memeing Valkyria Revolution is bad just because it's a spin-off

7 to be precise, at least bayonetta, u think vanquish is from 2011

Sega really likes to screw PC over time and time again. I can see why people care, Sega "claimed" that the PC port was not just successful, but also made people talk about VC again. So as Sega's way of saying thank you, they're making a new game in the series that's not coming to the platform that allegedly made it possible in the first place. And Azure Revolution is leagues better than most of the weebshit that PC does invariably get.

just give bayo 2

Looks like you're missing a game there, friend.


Nah I much prefer playing on consoles because when I'm done with work I shut down my PC and relax doing something away from it. Freelancer life you know.

4 years in and we're still getting remasters from last gen.

blame Sony and Nintendo for releasing 30fps machines for 10 years

I can finally toss out my 360, thank god

That image doesn't make sense. The first game is on PS3 and 360.

autistic as fuck lol

You could do that when Bayo got released on PC.
I'm still waiting on Treasure to get off their fucking ass and port the XBLA version of Radiant Silvergun so I can truly never touch a 360 ever again.


I never realized how poorly Bayonetta 1 ran on PS3 until I played it on Xbone

Oh yeah, it was considered a real shit-show on the dev end, too. Kamiya completely disowns the PS3 port and Shu Yoshida was pissed off at Platinum for years over that.

Smooth 24fps. Based Platinum games


platinum didnt port it

Yes they did. They developed the PS3 version right after the 360

Well yeah. Sega did the PS3 port.

Correction, Nextech ported it. The guys who made Time Crisis 3 and 4.


And not just those games, but also this game too.

Nex Entertainment did the PS3 port.

Citation needed

Who is this horny honey

That's neat.

>vanquish PC
>best version

Sure love having uncapped framerates making me take more damage fucking up qtes

>bought the PC versions.
Why? I pirated both of them.

Yeah I should have too.


I'll buy this anyway, Seaga is the king

>releasing as a pack instead of 2 individual releases

Now let's watch and have a good laugh at the PC-onlies to rush in to defend their purchase

who's that?

I'm still fucking mad at Sega for the huge gap in region releases of Anarchy Reigns

PC has even more anime games, you absolutely retarded homosexual.
>complaining about anime in a japanise console
>complaining about anime in an anime site
Go back to facebook, faggot.

I get you user, I played Nier and Dragon Quest Heroes on Ps4 for this same reason, a Ps4 is powerful enough to satisfy my needs.

PlayStation GodStation race. Idorts are just PC onlies who accepted defeat but don't want to admit the PS4 makes too much sense.

never ever

and why?

>PC has even more anime games
That you have to have literal malware installed on your computer to be able to play unless you pirate it, which is what I do.

>for the much-improved PS4 releases
What did he mean by this?

>Sega really likes to screw PC over time and time again.
Examples ?? They've been jerking PC off harder than consoles for a while now. Revolution is garbage either way so nobody even cares it didn't come to PC. And yet it undoubtably will regardless.

I'll be dicked if they don't release the VC2/3 remaster on PC though. That'll really grind my gears.

>cap FPS to 30
>play at literally 10k resolution
how is this not the best version again

>hey've been jerking PC off harder than consoles for a while now.

yeah man, im so glad that as a pc gamer, i have

yakuza zero
yakuza kiwami
azure revolution
persona 5
puyo puyo tetris

i mean

they ARE jerking off PC harder than consoles

and even when they do bring something to PC its only via Steam.
I don't mind that much since I can still pirate it, but I'm buying a PS4 soon since I'm tired of hearing a game I want to play coming to PC only for it be Steam only.

Creepy Susie

Bayo 2 is trash though, why do so many people want it?

>puyo puyo tetris
Disregarding this legendary worthwhile gaming, Persona and Yakuza are two games, one of which you can emulate. Sega has PC exclusives too and PC got all these ports earlier than console and they're actually great ports.

They put it out to die it was during the era of Sega being a top 5 contender for the worst publisher

>PC got all these ports earlier

but still after consoles had them for years

>and they're actually great ports

bayo is capped at the console 60fps while looking not much different

vanquish has qtes fuck up and make you take more damage above 30fps

those timing related minigame things in vc fuck up above 30fps

but at least the Peasant Cretin race gets delicious Japanese scraps tho!

No they didn't, this is well documented and easy to look up, here straight from Inaba's own mouth

>but still after consoles had them for years
Don't bundle all consoles as one system. It's inane.

Resolution, visuals, and performance is better on PC. They're good ports. Better than what you will ever get on your console, poorfag.

It still has bugs at 30FPS though. Console version is the way to go

we don't have them because sega think that we will not like them and they were right i tried p5 and yakuza 2 on pcsx2 and they're boring af fuck

>Don't bundle all consoles as one system.
ALL three of those games came out on the PS3. Those are literally PS3 games, even if the Bayonetta port was bad. I'd much rather have a bad day 1 port than have a "good" port a decade later that's only as good as the "good" console version.

It's hard to tell how badly they messed up the high-level combat without actually playing it, and all the other changes are for the better. I don't think anyone saw it coming before actually playing the game.
And get good.

Oh yeah? What bugs?

And all of those games run and look like shit on PS3. We all played them, and then we got jobs and could play them how they should be played.

Except you. You're still a PS3 warrior 10 years later.

sony niggers trying to justify their upcoming purchase

It's not just high level combat, it's combat in general. Regardless of your skill Witch Time and Umbran Climax are still fundamental aspects of the combat and it's one of the stupidest decisions I've seen. The only changes for the better were removal of QTEs and no Chapters like Route 666 or Isla Del Sol and weapons with more identity but even that's questionable since combing in Bayo 2 is so restrictive.

>we don't have them because sega think that we will not like them

That has got to be the stupidest, most Sega sounding fucking excuse I've ever heard.

Still better than being a PC warrior when you're constantly being fucked and lied to by every publisher. Even your treasured PC exclusive Sega games have gone to shit.

>Bayo 1 and Vanquish come to the ps4 and xbox1
>People are upset about this


>n-no you
'm just proving your stupid arguments wrong, I'm not ignorant like you. Tell us more lies though, you're really contributing to this thread.

>That has got to be the stupidest, most Sega sounding fucking excuse I've ever heard.
it's true though sega is insecure as fuck

PC onlies are scared that Sega will get a taste of the console revenue BBC and pull an Azure Revolution on them.

Sega are just fucking idiots. Like that PR guy who did an AMA on Reddit last week who said that Ishin never came over to the West because they never felt there was a window to release it without treading on a mainline game's toes. This is despite the fact that Ishin came out in the infamously barren 2014, where there was hardly anything of note coming out, PS4 exclusive or otherwise.

I only say high-level combat because at lower levels it doesn't really matter so much, it's only certain enemies and not as frequent so a lot harder to notice (if you're not going full vstyle combo mad), it's only higher and later that it goes full mandatory retardedness. And I'd disagree about the weapons, there was easily much more to be done with 1s weapons over 2s (Alruna was basically just Kulshedra with more crowd control but much less utility, the throwers were just shitter Durgas) but that ties back into combat. Either way without getting your hands on it that kinda thing's nigh impossible to really notice, especially when it gets buried in consolewar shitflinging.

There wasn't even a mainline game they planned to release in the west then right? Yakuza was all but dead in the states until this building the list bullshit sony was pushing

There are so many babbies in this thread that doesn't understand that keyboards and mice aren't the prefered controller for a vast amount of people. In general the PC experience just isn't as well rounded as the console experience.
Consoles just feel like they are made for gaming while PC feels like "oh yeah it can definetly do gaming aswell"

Yep. Y4 hit the West in 2011, DS in 2012 and then Y5 in 2015, 3 years after its Japanese release. The latter only came because Sony kept bugging Sega to do it, eventually having to pay for the localization themselves and releasing it as a digital-only title.

Sega are going full Capcom and milking their existing games instead of making new ones. It's just an overall sad state of affairs when you're buying last gen's games for the third time and they're still gonna be better than anything else released this year.

good thing you can use a controller huh

But using a controller on a PC fucking sucks user. You can't fully use a PC with a controller. It just isn't made for it. You have to constantly switch to keyboard when you want to type.

Ah yes, I forgot about the infamous 1000 word essay segment of Bayonetta,