Have you ever considered falling in love with a video game character?

Have you ever considered falling in love with a video game character?

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Aha! Is this our chance?

If I did I'd have higher standards than fucking Chie, come on user.

I don't like men

sure. but it definitely isn't with some green short haired ironing board




everyone ITT, go the fuck outside


No but I always eat ritz crackers instead of club crackers because of Ritsu from k-on, does that count as love?

No, but I've considered jerking off to them, and I did. Many times.

yes, but you'll never know


I'unno. Maybe.

Can one love a fictional character if they've never felt love for a real human being?

>tfw told me gf I like Chie
>she hates me for it

You don't "consider" falling in love. You don't "pick" a waifu. It just happens, she finds you.

Yes, and you posted a picture of her.


my nigga


No, you don't have a choice in the matter

you don't love me, boco chan?

I'unno. Do I?

I love my family. Is love for another, not-related-to-me person feel different from that?

What is it about your waifu's personality that makes you love her?


This is the only solid choice for a lover. Everybody else in this thread is a fucking degenerate.




I think about her every day and every night. I love her so much.

Yes, it was the most retarded thing I ever did and I regret it every day

On second thought, considering I just got pissed at someone who badmouthed her hair, maybe I do.

fuck off tripfag

You bumped the thread just for that?

I like Chie as much as the next closeted fag, but please stop making this thread every few days

>what is sage

I love Marisa so much. I think about her every day, and wish that I could do something to show her how I feel.

Last Window?

oh yea


I love Kasumi!

Ah, a fellow trap lover

Is this supposed to be in reference to Chie's inferior vanilla P4 voice? This line sounds perfectly fine in Golden desu.

You don't choose to fall in love, user. That's why it's called FALLING in love. It's this sort of happy loss of control.

>Golden Chie


Newsflash: she wouldn't like a 5'5 balding virgin. Get a fucking grip.


lol it just happens

Only once...

I'm not balding. I actually have far more hair than the average person. Which makes no sense.

Is this art from 3? I thought every pic of her from 3 made her a fucking giraffe.

That's from arena

I didn't have to "consider" it. It just happened.

uh... Yeah!

Quickly, user.
Post your waifu and your personality type.

>looks like a man
>kicks a guy in the balls for nothing

you fell for a modern day horoscope user


Love isn't something you consider, it simply happens.
I love Fuuka

According to that I'm an INFP

Apparently I'm an ISFJ.

What does that mean?



>Overly vague statements that could apply to most anyone
I mean yeah, no shit, but it's still fun. Sagittarius for life.

Oh yes, most certainly!



how come they show chie's dog if they won't let us see the face of nanako's mom or old old Yuu and yosuke in the anime? did i miss something here?

Kanny is kawaii!
INTP apparently

INTP-T appearently
Also a Taurus and iirc Wood Ox. Was either wood or metal and I don't care enough to look it up again.


>Wood Ox
Aren't you a bit old to be here?

Seriously, do these personality things mean something?

I'm lost here.

they're about as effective as a mood ring

1985 was apparently the last time it came around, so eh.

It's an attempt at classifying people based off of perceived personality traits, whether or not this is actually effective.

There's nothing to get about it, aside from that, my moronic, bumbling tripfriend.



Oh. Thought it somehow determined our potential relationships with our waifus or something.

Nope, just wanted to see if there was a correlation.

I've already fallen in love with my wife Ninian!

I have. But there's always this wall in me that brings back into reality and tells me it's unhealthy and I'll be making a fool of myself.

How do I break it?


Don't, just ask yourself why it's unhealthy and reason it out




My precious dummy.



I love Reisen!

There you are

You know, nobody acknowledges me when I post.
Should I, too, start posting a stock phrase without looking at the thread in order to stand out?

finally a chie thread for the cultured

No, he just stands out because of how long he's been here

I'm not sure if everyone who posts a Reisen image and "I love Reisen!" is the same person, honestly, but if that's the case, then kudos to him.

>chie thread
Waifu thread

Kawacummies is my wife


You don't consider falling in love. It just happens. I love Nico!

But she's not originally a videogame character

It's almost always me!