What does Sup Forums think of MediEvil?

What does Sup Forums think of MediEvil?

He had a fun, cool, and memorable design.

That it had much greater potential for a remake or sequel than Spyro or fucking Crash.
Apparently everyone considers him a B-lister behind those two. Probably because he only had two games.

I used to play MediEvil 2 quite a bit, funny how I don't remember anything about it.

that it's not that good and it's had a surge in interest the last couple of years only because the babbies whose first game this was are now all neets who browse Sup Forums and are unable to know the difference between nostalgia and fun

I really wish he would get a remake. I dont mean a shitty chink reskin, im talking about refined gameplay graphics complimenting the art style.

This and that's it

comfy but janky

Needs a remake like Crash

i try not to, kid