Why do people hate this game so much?
Why do people hate this game so much?
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they didnt grow up with it like oot or mm
Who the fuck hates this game? It's great and everyone I know that's played it loves it. I grew up play ALTTP and OOT/MM, but I still loved Windwaker almost as much as all of those
the blandest possible idea for a game world
>boring sailing in the original (completely fixed in the HD remake)
>cut content
>not enough regular sized dungeons
>Tingle and the Triforce Quest near the end
It was a great entry back in GC days and it aged pretty well, still a much better game than BotW
Could have been one of the GOATs if Nintendo weren't dumbasses and rushed its development.
This is my all time favorite Zelda. the story was great, the art style was unique, the music and atmosphere was better than oot or mm could ever dream to be. But you know American kids in 2003 were faggots that wanted grimdark zelda. So everyone shat on it without playing it.
tetra was a better Zelda than you deserved
they could've waited one more year, it could have surpassed OoT easily
I thought it was boring and tedious as a kid, and when I replayed it, it was worse than I remembered. It has the worst dungeons of any Zelda game and I would argue the worst side content.
holy shit i'm glad the days of aonuma treating the fanbase like retards are over
Yeah, fuck this. It was optional, though.
Wind Waker is probably in the top 3 Zelda games.
It's true that the main world is pretty uninteresting from a game design perspective... an island for every quadrant with pretty much nothing in between.
But there's just something special about setting sail, hearing the triumphant music, and going to unexplored, mysterious areas.
It really immerses you in its exploration, even though the exploration itself lacks a few elements.
Because it wasn't grimdark Zelda
I can guarantee you the kids on Sup Forums who played it back in 2003 had no idea there was cut content and just use it a retroactive excuse to hate on the game
I love Wind Waker except the sailing, it's boring. I remember when the first trailer came out and I thought it was the best thing ever. The game turned out pretty good but yeah... the sailing is boring.
It's a game that focuses on exploration yet is awful at it.
My sister grew up with OoT and when i was playing WW she was complaining about how the graphics gave her a headache.
It's charming as fuck and my favorite to play high but it is fairly shallow with with an empty as fuck world.
I was 13 when this game came out, and the internet was pretty young, so I didn't really understand the concept of cut content and deadlines and shit in video games, but I absolutely remember wondering why the third pearl is just given to you. I was actually looking forward to a water dungeon, but nope.
Because we were teased with a realistic Zelda that continued in the style of OoT but instead got this gay shit out of left field.
I don't hate it. It's just less of what I like about Zelda. Sailing isn't fun. I didn't feel the trade between MM's overworld (which refined the hub concept in OoT) and WW's sea was a good one. And its dungeons are both bland and far too few. That's about it.
>Why do people hate this game so much?
mostly by having shit taste.
that said, the game could have avoided a lot of controversy if there was an actual last third of the game that wasn't a fetch quest.
Nintendo will never make a realistic looking Zelda, get over it
Ocarina of Time was like their first love and they wanted a sequel that matched it tone and style completely, and Majora's Mask being a sequel didn't help.
I remember everyone whining about it being CELDA and kiddie shit.
>the kids on Sup Forums who played it back in 2003 had no idea there was cut content and just use it a retroactive excuse to hate on the game
Even as a kid, I distinctly remember thinking the Triforce hunt was a huge waste of fucking time.
I straight up hate this game, and I just replayed it so I remember it clear as day. Everything about it pisses me off, especially the little things nobody tallks about. Like how it reuses grotto geometry repeatedly, or how the "trading" sidequest involves going to the same four corners of the map over and over again, or how the gold skulltula equivalent is Blue Chuchu jelly which is the second worst and most pointless sidequest next to figurines.
This game is so lazy and terrible.
You literally got your grimdark Zelda though.
Because it's basically OoT 2.0 with the connected landmass split up and stretched across a needlessly large ocean, but more damning still is that that's the LEAST of the game's problems as it turns out that sailing and charting the seas is the best part of the game and the typical Zelda shenanigans are almost universally underdeveloped and disappointing. Windfall Island's pretty good and the Wind Temple is an actually decent dungeon but aside from that WW is a below par Zelda almost across the board with one-and-done island visits, piss poor main quest pacing, and the worst dungeons in the series to date. But hey, at least it looks pretty.
can we just admit all the OOT style Zelda's are dated, too easy and kind of boring?
BotW is so much more fun to play, I tried to replay TP but dropped in that horrible intro section
MM, WW, TP and SS are all just OoT remakes with different gimmicks
A little but they're sound game design which doesn't age.
>too easy
Absolutely, though I think Hero Mode was on to something. Removing heart drops and doubling enemy damage helped out a lot but what would help more is more developed AI routines - tougher defenses to break and more aggressive attacks to watch out for. As it is, enemies are just too passive in 3D Zelda.
>and kind of boring?
They're less boring than BotW IMO. I still haven't finished it because after about 30 hours I was just done with it. The focused progression of previous 3D Zeldas is missing here and it's hard for me to get excited for exploring the world for exploration's sake when most of the time you just find samey mini-dungeons that are a notch above grottos, korok seed minigames and enemy strongholds that get you more disposable weapons and precious stones. There's more to it than that obviously but it wasn't enough to keep me enthralled. Great Plateau was awesome but my interest steadily waned afterwards.
the best parts of botw are straight out of we. even the shrines share the aesthetic of the tower of the gods
Fucking this. I can't believe people are still talking about an 11 second tech demo nearly two decades later. Nintendo released exactly what was shown in that trailer, realistic Link and Ganondorf sword fighting, and people bitched that it was too easy.
Yeah, but MM and TP were competent OoT remakes while SS at least tried something a little different with the field/dungeon flow for better or worse. WW just feels like they stopped trying halfway through or they ran out of time, I look back on my time spent with it and I was almost always mildly annoyed by something unless I was sailing, and we all know how engaging sailing was.
BotW is basically WW with the open world traversal being a bit more engaging (climb and glide instead of sail) and some of its better ideas like item-based combat, grottos and enemy weapon stealing revisited and refined.
shitty dungeons, forgettable bosses, boring sailing. theres really not much going on in the water.
tingle tuner was cool though
I played and loved ooc, mm, ages/seasons before I played this.
Ww was my favorite Zelda.
Phoned it in with the Triforce Quest.
map deciphering, triforce hunting, also you have to hunt for tons of rupees since to decipher a triforce piece location costs lots of rupees.
Everything about it is forced exploration, it's a hassle, even as a kid.
>completely fixed in the HD remake
how did they make sailing better in the HD version?
they didn't touch it really, they just added a faster sail that makes it so you dont have to change the wind every 5 seconds
really that only solves one problem about sailing.. god i used to love this game but when i replayed it, it was such a fucking chore
Oh man, they actually did fix it up pretty nicely. The Swift Sail not only doubles sailing speed but the wind automatically changes direction with you. On top of that, the gamepad acts as the map so no more pausing the game to get your bearings on the sea or, much more importantly, getting your position on sea treasures. All in all, I'd wager that the act of sailing from top to bottom is about 4x faster in WWHD.
Wrong. It's the only time in a Zelda game that on my first playthrough, I was alarmed at how short it was and lacking in dungeons. Two sage temples? Hyrule Castle contains virtually nothing other than Ganon? I did the triforce hunts with the anticipation that there'd be a payoff, an actual dungeon to follow suit. But there wasn't, continuing the line of disappointments that started with the game being butt ugly after Link and Ganon looked great in the SpaceWorld Demo.
The game is just like Sunshine and blue coins. It's blatantly obvious to anyone who played the previous game that it's padding.
Windwaker looks just too beautiful.
Much prettier than all others entries.
I especially love the character designs.
had a good concept but did nothing with it
Copied WW vanilla action replay codes.
I wouldn't say nothing - the sea is a bit livelier than it's often given credit for as it's not a bad overworld. Not particularly better than OoT's but it's not the worst. If anything, I'd say all the actual effort went into sea exploration and the rest was just phoned in.
It's weird to think that WW Link was the last good Link too.
TP Link is a better Link but WW Link has a better story behind him.
Exploration is my primary problem with the game. I love exploration. I love wandering aimlessly, being lost, and taking the game at my own pace, trying to do everything besides follow the critical path. I adore Breath of the Wild for embracing this playstyle, and I hate Wind Waker because it punishes it relentlessly.
For one the game takes forever to open up. You're restricted to a 1-tilie wide L on the most direct path to the first two dungeons because otherwise KoRL nags at you and forces you to go back. For two, even though the objectives of the game are really spread out, aggressive item gating means that you basically don't get to interact with anything throughout the entire game. If you do, you're incurring a massive travel time penalty because of how spread out everything is, how slow the boat is, and how wind controls dissuade you from moving in anything other than straight lines. Then you get to the actual content itself which is shallow and often copy-pasted. Every grotto enemy gauntlet repeats three times, submarines are basically all identical, there are endless watch towers. The game has a terrible reward system which either gives you rupees with very limited uses, monster drops which have one token use apiece before becoming equivalent to rupees, or treasure charts which again can be rupees and are pointless reward delay mechanism. Sailing back to Shark Island after finally having every item to unlock its secret and getting 200 rupees out of the thing is a kick in the balls. The game discourages the "explore early" philosophy because you're just wasting time - any islands with significant content will be gated with something late game because they're all part of the mandatory Triforce hunt.
But the worst part about exploration in this game is how all of the seams are visible. The entire world is a boring 7 x 7 grid. There are 49 islands and 49 sunken treasures. The checklist presentation kills the whole appeal of exploration dead.
I think it's funny how people give TP shit for its overworld exploration and yet WW takes just as long to open itself up and spreads its content just as thin.
If you actually believe this there is something wrong with you. TP Link is so boring.
TP Link is a goat rasslin' farm boy. He could probably snap WW Link in two with his bare hands.
WW's introduction really does not get the critcism it deserves. it is ridiculously long and awful. Goat herding's got nothing on the rope-swinging sections.
What they do way better than BotW is actually give a sense of adventure. There's a clear beginning middle and end. That applies to most of the 2D Zeldas as well, even the original. BotW's pacing is absolutely fucked. Making the map so loosely designed and giving the player to fight the final boss right away was a huge mistake. Pretty much nothing you do in the game has any stakes, you're just doing it because you might as well. It's so flimsy.
>Goat herding's got nothing on the rope-swinging sections.
Goat herding takes far longer though.
Well yeah, he's gone through puberty.
Wind Waker Link will probably look like Tetra's first mate attendant by the time he is TP Link's age.
It's too anime.
BotW has the same copypaste problem. OoT and TP also to a lesser extent. Nintendo doesn't know how to design 3D open worlds.
Because of the kids who grew up with it that praise it like it was Jesus when it's obvious to anyone with half a brain that it was hurt badly by getting rushed out the door.
>empty as fuck timesink overworld
>four levels
I grew up with all three and WW is the worst of them, sorry the truth hurts senpai
It really doesn't. It takes maybe 5 minutes.
It takes less time to swing on ropes. I'm not sure where you're going with this. And by the time you're rope swinging you're already on your way out into the world.
>But there's just something special about setting sail, hearing the triumphant music, and going to unexplored, mysterious areas.
There's a term for "something special," it's "childhood nostalgia." The previous 3D games have much more to ride on than this. I've never been able to beat WW more than once precisely because it pretty much sucks as a video game. My first time through was AMAZING. Then I stopped being 12.
>I grew up with all three and WW is the worst of them, sorry the truth hurts senpai
This. WW is actually the Zelda that came out when I was 12, I played it when I was 12, and quite frankly fuck it.
>And by the time you're rope swinging you're already on your way out into the world.
You mean the Forsaken Fortress, right?
I don't agree. BotW's shrines are much better and more varied than Wind Waker's grottos. The reward and combat shrines are typically in some unique location. The world is has lots of unique locales, assetes, and geometry. You go through multiple environment and biomes. Also BotW is a vastly bigger game. WW's copy-paste problem is exacerbated by how few islands there actually are, like 1/5th to 1/4th is copy-paste.
i think nostalgia plays into how much some people like this game, but i think the drive to hate nostalgia plays into how much some people try to hate it.
its a good game
Because Sup Forums's shitty hivemind. I grew up playing the original Zeldas, MM, OOT. I loved playing Wind Waker. Does it have its flaws? Sure, like the triforce hunt. Does it deserve the absolute vitriol that autistic faggots here have to piss and scream every time this game gets brought up? No.
I was nostalgic for this game. Then I replayed it. It's a bad game.
Let's discuss how moving away from this is the sole reason Nintendo's brand has been in damage control with hip young people for the past two decades
I beat it once as a kid, didn't have fond memories of it, and gave it another shot on WiiU when it hit the selects line so it was dirt cheap. All it did was reaffirm how I recalled feeling about the game for some 13 or so years, though I must confess that I did forget about some of its strengths - WW does indeed do well with making your sword not always the best tool for combat and its grottos are indeed some of the best in the series. Beyond that though, it's as I remembered it - not awful but pretty poor by Zelda standards.
Please point out the vitriol because I'm seeing very grounded complaints in this thread.
>BotW's shrines are much better and more varied than Wind Waker's grottos
Not him, but BotW's shrines are all the fucking same. How can you say they are varied at all?
>Does it deserve the absolute vitriol that autistic faggots here have to piss and scream every time this game gets brought up? No.
a video game is an inanimate object, I have no vitriol for it. I have vitriol for projecting autistic faglords who cry about other people having taste
Sorry autists, but I'm not going to go through every wind waker thread just to point out to you two anons the constant shitposting this game gets.
>no real overworld
>no real exploration, just a bunch of minigame islands
>only 4 real dungeons (On par with MM, but MM made up for it with having an amazing overworld)
>strict graphical downgrade from what everyone was expecting via the e3 tech demo
It wasn't bad, its just not a zelda game I would ever go back to, let alone 100%, considering i've 100% every other mainline zelda game thus far.
Every shrine in an open or obviously visible area has unique puzzles, some are one room, some have many rooms. Every shrine that is a reward or a combat shrine is in some unique location or requires its own sidequest.
There's a lot of variety between stasis golf and trying to keep an ice cube from melting in a desert.
Compare that to the eye reefs which are all the exact same thing.
>even thinking to do something like that
>not autism
Or you're underage who played WW for the first time on Wii U. Whichever the case, stop posting, you're dumb
There are five dungeons.
But yes, the original has the single worst 100% run in the entire series.
I don't know how anyone could possibly still like this game after getting all of the figurines. Hope you had your GBA link cable too.
you 100% BotW?
Oh right, I always forget about the tower.
working on it.
it took me 250 hours
But no, seriously. People were buying Gamecubes for this shit. I remember going into Wal-Mart's video game section as a wee lad and they had floor mats that were just blown-up versions of screenshots from this video.
I swear it's like Miyamoto was trying to get his subordinates to nut up and fight on him on something for a change by make the OBJECTIVELY SHITTY BUSINESS DECISION TO TURN THE COMPANY'S BIGGEST CONSOLE SELLER to the style of a Japanese cartoon for children (in a series that had historically been more popular in America since the very first game), but nope.
We can just not count Earth Temple because it's the worst ever.
So 4 dungeons and one complete insult.
Weird, considering the tower would be the best if not for its awful first half with the shifting water levels. Its second half is the most competent stretch of dungeon the game has, not that it weighs strongly against others in the series, it's just the least embarrassing.
MM had six dungeons plus four additional 1/4 dungeons
BotW's shrines have zero sense of place, they're all built from the same template and same handful of assets. They're not quite as bad as, say, Wind Waker's reefs, but they are very samey. A good chunk of them are either tests of strength against the same basic enemy, or blessings which are just glorified loading screens that guard a monk and a chest. The rest are simple and short physics puzzles. They don't feel like part of the world, they feel like Portal test chambers that were plopped onto the overworld.
In my opinion they simply made too many of them. If instead of 120 there were about 20 decently lengthed shrines that all had at least slightly different aesthetics and music, and were more organically incorporated into the landscape, it would be fine. But then you might as well just call them dungeons.
They're all complete insults in some form or fashion, even Wind Temple is dragged down by carrying Makar around and an awful interior design. Seriously, that dungeon looks oppressively bland. At least with Earth Temple Medli is a more interesting escort though the level design is way less inspired and FLOORMASTERS FUCKING EVERYWHERE.
I just always forget about it because like most of the dungeons it was completely unremarkable.
The forest and wind temples were essentially the same, only dragonroost really felt interesting because of all the lava and shit.
Meanwhile I could remember most of twilight princess's dungeons because their themes were clearly layed out and the equipment made them interesting, such as zipping around with the double clawshots or riding the gear top around on walls.
>still a much better game than BoTW
On Opposite Day. Play both games back to back cretin.
If instead of shrines BotW just put a regular Zelda game inside of that overworld, it might have been as good as everyone keeps saying
every Zelda game has cartoon graphics, that's the way Nintendo envisions the franchise
It was alright to good.
But it is dragged down by the inclusion of Tingle to pad out the endgame because they couldn't get two more dungeons into the game.
The remake fixes that, but adds FUCKING BLOOM EVERYWHERE and destroys the artstyle.
Nintendo hasn't been the same since the gamecube. They've completely given up on trying to be competitive.