What are you, and what kind of games do you like to play?

What are you, and what kind of games do you like to play?

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Would help if you provided a link for those who don't know, numbnuts.


>falling for rebranded astrology

literal baby, and I play fightan and arena shooters

>ISTJ (-A/-T)
Jesus christ, fuck you.

What's -A/-T?

heh, nothin personnel kiddo

>one week without showering or going outside
Absolute normalfag tier

All of 'them', depending on mood, just like... everyone
"specialization" is for insect colonies

cRPGs, JRPGs, Resident Evil, MGS, Tactics, Strategy

According to this, I should enjoy Minecraft, Terraria, and the like. But I absolutely abhor those titles.

>What's -A/-T?
Seems like how strong your overall assessment, like full on A would be confident that that's how you behave, T being 'the test didn't say shit' Or I have a severe lack of reading comprehension I'm not really sure.

Either way, the only ones I ever actually get consistently are Introverted and Judging, middle two are just whatever I feel like at any given moment, as I'm sure a lot of these are for many people.

I like loot grinders and fighting games, things I can autistically dump my time into and see results, either myself getting better or numbers getting higher.

I play a wide variety of games, I find puzzle games and visual novel-like games to mostly be boring as fuck though. My favorites are probably Warcraft 3, Dark Souls and Team Fortress 2.

I don't even play video games anymore I just complain about them on Sup Forums

JRPGS, FPS, and Turn-Based Strategy Gmaes


Years ago I used to be ISFP, but the recent happening kinda changed my view on things.

ISTP reporting in
I'll play anything as long as it's fun, but I have a preference towards RPGs

Back and forth between INFJ and INFP
I enjoy playing just about any type of game even if I suck, except mmo rpgs.
I am probably best at FPS games
My child hood games are Sim City and Roller Coaster Tycoon.
I don't know why I typed all this.

Forgot to mention that Monster Hunter/MMO kind of guy.

INTP that dips into INFP here, Prototype and E.Y.E are the greatest games ever created, with Deus Ex coming in as a close third.

Hop around INTJ and ENTJ. Got ENTJ this time. Grand strategy games and monster hunter

Literal Baby reporting. I like Platformers and RPGs the most. I try to branch out more though, I've been trying FPSs and fightan lately. It's definitely a different and more competitive experience, and can be a little bit anger inducing but they're fun and a change of pace.

>tfw too intelligent

you did the fucking meme wrong you FUCKING NEWFAGGOT

INTP here

I currently pretty much only play Insurgency and Squad

Some of my favorites have been:
Resident Evil 4
Syphon Filter 4: The Omega Strain
Mount and Blade Warband
Red Dead Redemption
The Godfather
Deus Ex HR
SimCity DS (...)

Waiting for Cyberpunk 2077, also Im designing my own game

(Grand) Strategy, RPGs, City Builders, Management games.

I should mention The Last Of Us too and Mass Effect 2

probably forgot a couple more but w/e

What the FUCK is wrong with you lazy faggots?! Get back to work NOW.

he's to intelligent to do it right, thereby riling you up

Skyrim too w/e

>Cried for 4 days when a celebrity they like died of old age
Joke's on you, I've never cried over any deaths of people that I didn't personally know I might have gotten slightly misty-eyed when Itoi died, though.

>Will turn to dust if you stop believing magic exists

sort yourself out before playing with others


INFP. I like Kirby and Fire Emblem.

>mfw getting tired of being walked all over

Have one for humans instead of ants.


apparently everyone on Sup Forums is a feeler thats why such shit taste


I like JRPGs, fighting, character action, Souls, puzzle games

INTJ or FP, sometimes I get different answers.

>67 hours in Undertale, a four hour game
how the fuck

t. L I T E R A L sociopath

>Driving/Racing Games
>Psychological Horror

INFP-T, bordering on INTP, I generally play platformers, shmups, and rpgs. Been playing mostly Touhou stuff, lately.


I'd say dungeon crawlers, action RPGs and the occasional MMO are my favorite type of games.

>a whole entire WEEK without showering
The stink I have cultivated on my body can't be explained in human words. A week is child's play. A week is weakness. Pathetic.

mostly just total war, darkest hour and victoria 2. might try an rpg even now and again.

t. L I T E R A L baby

why the fuck is everyone an INFP holy shit

Every time I take this test I get something different. It's always I_T_.

ISFP here
I like MMOs, JRPGs, Monster hunter, and sonic

No bully please

>Seems like how strong your overall assessment, like full on A would be confident that that's how you behave, T being 'the test didn't say shit' Or I have a severe lack of reading comprehension I'm not really sure.
It litereally explains in that image what (-A/-T) means.

H-hey c'mon user it's just banter haha

RPGs, mostly.
Morrowind, Final Fantasy, never played it but I'd probably like Fire Emblem, Dwarf Fortress, Star Fox 64. I really love something with a NG+.
I have a 3DS and a shitty computer, or I'd have more.

Is it possible to change completely or am I just going to be a little bitch my whole life? I'm getting exhausted with everything.

He can't feel enough to realize that

also this test is bs

What's your personality?

Because introverts with feels

I sometimes play certain games over and over. Those 70 hours I have in DOOM are only in the campaign(I have beat it 7 times)


I don't play videogames I only shitpost on Sup Forums

That it does, just an awkward coincidence that it 100% lines up with the degree you don't really match the pre-selected guidelines literally every time. It's almost like the whole test is bullshit

>Parappa is unironically my favorite game
I like indie games with nice art and cute characters

>Used to be a hardcore waifufag for almost a decade
>Later on, charts keep having your waifu listed under your alleged personality type
I'm not sure if I just subconsciously gravitated towards someone I could relate to or if I actually felt like it was a match.

When do we get to purge the feelers?

How does it not get boring after playing Undertale so many times though? Different endings?

INFP like everyone else. Getting glossed over by everyone and not being able to fit in is getting old.

Akko is a perfect ENFP

>Once went a week without showering or going inside.

It's laughable how wrong this is. "Once". Haha

never ever
welcome to the club

Astrology blames category for behavior
This test uses behavior to categorize you. And the categories are nebulous, bound to change over time, and come in different degrees of intensity.
It's just something to reference for phycology.

ISTP and here are some of my favorite games in no real particular order:
>Deus Ex
>Fallout New Vegas
>Mother 3
>Hotline Miami
>MGS 1, 2, and 3
>Hitman: Blood Money
>MGR: Revengeance
>TF2 back when it was good just because of how many hours i put into it
>Red Dead Redeadtion

INFP are the ones most likely hanging around an anonymous image board and willing to share their opinions


Fighting games and game deving

Taken the test a few times and I tend to go to either INTJ or INTP.

ESFP here, I basically just play whatever I want.

I want to make out with Akko's feet!

Dwarf Fortress with a shitton of modifications
Diablo 2

all kinds of rpgs and some puzzle games on the 3ds

INFP =/= being a little bitch. Just learn to be more assertive, stop being so worried about how people see you, and meet people who share your interests.
>B-but muh horror stories about anime/gaming clubs
Suck it up and make those clubs not shit.

ISFJ Doormat here.


I respect you even though we do not share particular fetishes, as Akkos feet belong to Diana

I'm ISTP as well and we have pretty much the same favorites

I play single player games that have a clear ending

Mostly Bloodborne and fighting games. Also griefing Trouble in Terrorist Town servers.

Sup Forums is my vacation board, Sup Forums is my home board.

MGS 1 2 3,
Mount and Blade,
GTA 3 VC SA 4,
Saints Row 1 & 2,
and CSGO, no bully

>higher in extraversion
>only one game has multiplayer
oh shit what are you doing

I had to take a test like this from a job service after I got laid off and found out I was ENFP-T.

solo game deving can be fun

>not cloning daughter wives like my n'wah Divayth Fyr

going inside what

ISFP here. I mainly play Dota 2 and if I'm not playing Dota then it's almost surely an RPG. Yakuza Kiwami is my side game at the moment.

>control + f ISFP
>the other ISFPs are weebs


I like RPGs, FPSs, and Platformers. My favorite game is Daggerfall.

this'd better be bait

I didn't really play it that many times over, I just killed Sans over and over trying to get defeat him without any hits.

Intj ( so fucking fitting )
Mostly platformers, action adventure and brawlers
I tend to play a lot of Nintendo because I end up with their consoles and my PCs always seem to implode, I love me some Kirby too.

My entire existence is bait.


recent played games on steam

I've taken this shit on 3 different sites, I always get ENFJ

16personalities gives me ENFJ -A

>I play a lot of Nintendo

the memes are real


I feel like these test are bullshit because I exist as a spectrum, and could answer any way on this test and it would be true depending on the day and how I felt in the moment. I don't think personalities are rigid, nor is how we see ourselves, so I don't see how one could self test for these.
I think the only way to get accurate results is to have someone follow you around for five years and then fill in the test on behalf of you. Anyways, my top five favorite games are:
1. MGS2
3. Shadow of the Colossus
4. Mega Man Legends
5. Zone of the Enders 2

Here's a picture of me wearing a Dark Souls shirt at Coachellafest now please tell me something about myself so I can make sense of my life and continue procrastinating on my studies, thanks.

haha fag

I play a myriad of titles; currently, been playing Football Manager 2017, Evil Within, finishing a few things up on Metal Gear Solid V, Injustice 2, and about to either start Nioh or FFXIV.