Have you gotten good yet Sup Forums?
Have you gotten good yet Sup Forums?
im getting there
>implying quake has any cooldowns aside form a shitty 'ability' that does fuckall
its still quake
>early access
when was this?
Not yet. I'm trying.
>everything is a moba now
Champions too hard. I still do better at Live
Rate my sorlog.
Fuck no, I only started pc gaming after 2013 and I'm 29.
Sometimes you just have to admit you're not good at shit
>playing sorlag
you're part of the cancer
>playing the crutch
lmao enjoy being a noob forever
Getting better at Anarki and Slash movement. It's so much fun that I never feel like playing other champions anymore.
Netcode is shit.
I still play a bit anyway because I love quake, but all the rubberbanding is frustrating as shit.
Anyone playing this in Australia? What are the queue times like?
I played it a bit during the closed beta but the matchmaking times killed it for me.
>he gets owned by sorlogs
Literally git gud, keeping your distance has always been a basic quake skill, go cry with the rest of the redditors.
I do better with Ranger because it controls exactly like Quake Live, including the speed and strafejumping, which is where i learned to play quake in the first place, but i really like the character.
I can't really get slash movement to work for me consistently - I wonder if it is partly because of my shitty ping.
Anarki is fine because I am familiar with CPMA movement and I can just hold the jump button down in QC.
>literally highest HP in the game
>highest armor
>incredibly low CD AoE spray DoT ability
>this is somehow balanced in the mind of degenerate lizardfags
Why get good when I could get Nyx
Some areas on the maps stop Slash's sliding for no reason. They're going to fix those though.
Ranger has exactly the same speed as Quake Live, when i play lizard it feels sluggish in comparison, speed will always dominate the arena for those who know how to keep distance and stack pickups, stop playing quake like it was call of duty.
>turn a corner
>oh shit there's a snorlag
you're literally dead in that situation
nothing you can do
it takes some 3 railgun shots to kill him too.
direct hit zero damage rockets are such a common problem, they even are in wanna-be-show-off-webms on some korean digital picture trading site
i srsly hope all of the devs get colon cancer
what's wrong with you
Nah, I'm waiting for my waifu and if they ruin her they can shove their game up their arses.
Tried UT4 and realized that I'm not as good as I was almost two decades ago. Depressing.
It never ceases to amaze me that people pretend to care about quake ""characters""
what the fuck
sorlog is the easiest to hit of all the non-tank characters, 2 rails, one well placed rocket and she's done. In the QuakeCon finals sorlag got owned by anarki sometimes because she could never catch up, all you gotta do is keep pressure from a reasonable distance and sorlag is done.
>I didn't buy beta access
>by the time the game is open to all, this bullshit will hopefully be fixed
they're moving hit detection to server side like every fps ever on the next patch iirc
Is there a gamemode without the 'champions' aspect? I want a class-less shooter.
not yet but they've talked about a classic mode and a server browser so there'll probably be one
Not yet, but honestly, it's not as bad as you might assume.
This, easily the best mp game to play on steam nowadays, also learning quake live is learning 70% of everything you will need at champs.
Which do I buy?
>Cess Rifle
>Strogg Railgun
The ability to turn viewmodels off.
pummel for some stylish humiliations
Railgun and Cess.
The ones that piss me of the most are where someone is clearly running either straight towards me or straight back and the rail STILL somehow misses.
>each "hero" has unique abilities and hp/armor pools
>it's not a moba because reasons
the kysing should be for you, sir
>having your own special definition of words so you can feel special when people use the normal one
Could you stop breathing for a few minutes? Thanks in advance.
Those graphics look fucking stupid. Also, it's not even an improvement upon Q3A, why would I want to play something I already got tired of?
>120 fps on this
>30 fps on champions
time to upgrade the amiga, gramps
>only 120fps on quake live, a game from 1999
i dont think bethesda is to blame here
Rail gun, i still believe that and defualt super Nailgun models where made intentionally shitty so people wanted to get the classics asap. The NailGun even feels like a different, better weapon with just a model/sound change.
the default rail gun model is great though
what the fuck are you on about
Game's dead as shit m8.
it's way too big imo, looks like a minigun
I have a GTX 780 and I'm pulling 160fps at 1440p scaled 75%.
but have you gotten #skilledaf?
>most played Quake game and arena shooter at the moment
>dead as shit
It takes fucking 40 to 60 seconds to find a TDM match, and the game hasn't even gone f2p yet. This game will last
Imagine standards being so fucking low that 505 players is "not dead."
That's only on steam though. Everything that didn't buy the champ pack for $30 is playing on the bethesda launcher.
What a convenience.
has this game been ruined by the class system?
>tanks in a fps game
the 'tank' characters actually suck because they're so big that they're walking lightning gun targets
seems like it could be a decent game, it looks messy af though quake live is much nicer to look at
>shitty 'ability' that does fuckall
Many characters are completely balanced towards their ability, such as Anarki and Nyx, and would harshly plummet in the tier list without them
>bases it on Steam stats only
>literally highest HP in the game
>highest armor
Highest armor is Clutch, at 150. Sorlag has 100 max. In fact, a stacked Clutch can take more damage than Sorlag, and move faster
Not that fast, 520ups max speed. Good "agility" though, bhopping is a bit better to move around than SJing (though proper SJing is pretty much as good)
>incredibly low CD AoE spray DoT ability
>this is somehow balanced in the mind of degenerate lizardfags
Cooldown on Acid Spit either needs to be 45 instead of 30, or there's got to be a bigger delay between Sorlag spitting and being able to shoot again. Apparently they're going with the latter, presently it's a 600ms delay, it could be nerfed into being over a second
>Not that fast, 520ups max speed.
Sorlag is actually the second slowest champion in the game. Scalebearer is 20ups slower. Clutch can go faster than both and is actually one of the fastest champions in the game, having respectable SJing + 650ups dash with basically no cooldown
The total active playerbase is like 2k give or take. I hate you "there's a trillion players on Bethesda Launcher! :^)" memers
as long as there are people to play with, it isn't dead
if you only play games that a lot of other people play, then congrats faggot, go play PUBG
>no custom servers
>no custom maps
>no modding
>different speeds, health and HITBOXES
lol "Quake"
Yeah, apart from the wait times and the rocket non-reg the sheer amount of visual noise is my least favourite thing about this game. I literally cannot see what is going on half the time and everything just looks the same as everything else.
>Most played Quake/arena shooter game
>not quake
lmao, stay in CPMA with the other 20 guys that still play it, faggot.
Why the fuck would you need over 1k to begin with when a match gets filled with 8 people? You want to play a good game or become famous for playing the top played trend game out there?
I was just informing you faglords. 2k active isn't dead, but it ain't amazing either. Though arena shooter is niche as fuck and you can't really expect massive numbers
>Though arena shooter is niche as fuck and you can't really expect massive numbers
Tell me something i don't know, ive supported every game on the genre, even small indie ones, is the only kind of shooter i trully enjoy, anything else is trash.
Commit suicide
REMINDER that the only reason the lightning gun was ever considered acceptable in the past is because people back then were playing on shitty internet with shitty mouses and probably not even getting 60 fps.
lg is "unacceptable" because none of the other guns work
its niche cause casual fags dont like losing against better players thats why team games are dominant so shitters can win if they get carried
shit like starcraft and quake will never be popular again because they have a rock bottom skill floor when overwatch literally allows braindead people carry games by pressing q
They working on that, it's gonna have the same tracing system it used to have in older quake games, right know it's like it was shooting a stream of instahit projectiles, which makes it OP at times.
>its niche cause casual fags dont like losing against better players thats why team games are dominant so shitters can win if they get carried
Well, half of QC's gametypes are team-based, and one of the ranked modes will be Sacrifice. And everyone in the fanbase keeps asking for CTF, which is team-based
Stop trying to place your competitive solitaire video game on the same level as Q3A,
why the fuck is doom guy bad like he's the fucking doom guy his ability doesn't even fucking work you wiff every fucking punch
Did they fix the netcode?
never even play starcraft all i know its not a team game and literally all top esports right now are
>getting in lg fights without an lg
Twitch dev stream said next week aka in a few days
kind of. I'm good with anarki, slash, nyx and visor.
you tryhards can have QC.
Is there a way to turn off the voices in game?
It's probably an option somewhere.
I like Slash but Jesus fuck shut up.
Probably not if OP's webm is any indication.
Honestly beats me why they made this game with P2P netcode where high ping players aren't punished, but instead everyone else is punished to even out the playing field.
Use it as a movement tool instead of a glorified Gauntlet. Though they will be making it better at killing soon, apparently
>What changes are you making to >Doom Slayer's berserk ability?
>The leap strike is hard to hit >enemies, sometimes it'll miss or it >won't activate when you want. We're >testing improved targeting that we >hope to have out by October. Any >time we adjust melee distance for >one Champion, we need to make >sure it doesn't break other >Champions.
ah yes the "only tryhards play Quake"
i know the thought of vets in your matches is scary but how will you ever git gud?
i have only played quake live and QC and im probably better than you now, isn't that funny? want to prove me wrong fucker? COME ON FUCKING DUEL ME COCK HEAD
>Have you gotten good yet
No, has the game?
Welp, that was a fucked greentext. I'll just paste it normally
What changes are you making to Doom Slayer's berserk ability?
The leap strike is hard to hit enemies, sometimes it'll miss or it won't activate when you want. We're testing improved targeting that we hope to have out by October. Any time we adjust melee distance for one Champion, we need to make sure it doesn't break other Champions.
nope only tryhards jump on the bandwagon
damn dude my K/D in QC is like 0.5 and youre scared of that?
post cute nyx/slash please