>be born rich and black
>your life is automatically hard because of your skin color
>be born poor and white
>life is automatically easy
Most retarded thing I've ever seen
>be born rich and black
>your life is automatically hard because of your skin color
>be born poor and white
>life is automatically easy
Most retarded thing I've ever seen
White boi getting mad when South Park takes a stab at white “people” but not when they take a stab at every other race
stupid whiteboi
People don't understand that this is literally a joke
This is how you choose your skin color
And it's an excuse for the game to say nigger
Reminder that the bard class of the last game was fucking Jimmy
>Butthurt at south park
who fucking cares. the other South Park game was absolute shit anyways.
No replay value, it took like 4 hours, and the fighting was monotonous. I don't think I died a single time, and that's a problem especially considering I'm not very good at RPG's.
>being that retarded
>only causes minor cosmetic changes
I was born poor and white and managed to get quite far, very easily.
Don't forget the jew class
>white supremacists being interchanged with nationalists
this is as bad as semi auto and full auto
>Sup Forums will keep being triggered over a classic south park joke for months on end
>Born black and rich
>father is a pastor by default, taking all that money from the church and funneling it into his mcmansion
>>be born rich and black
So like, Jaden Smith and maybe three other guys?
because when they do that its something like "oh they're stupid and they have it hard"
when they do it to whites its "man whites have it so easy and are a bunch of whiney babies"
Its like a liberal comedy show making fun of hillary for being a scamp who shreds documents, and then calls trump a racists, sexist rapist.
I mean its not just south park but thats how this "equal jokes" thing seems to role.
It's what sjws believe
no it isn't because one of those is different form the other
>make the same joke 1000X times
>people accept it as reality
>finally call out the joke
>its so ingrained with people now that you're basically "wrong" if you disagree whites have it easy
>getting literally triggered by south park of all things
LMAO @ ur life
>one of those
>"only poor people have hard lives"
>"rich black people dont face racism magically"
People actually are this misinformed?! Incredible!
It was just a joke.
Someone should threaten to bomb them for making fun of whites.
seemed to work for the arabs.
>white boy in denial that he's shit at life even when his skin color set him on very easy
>south park actually making Sup Forums upset
What timeline is this
Is this game out yet? I'm curious about whether that difficulty slider is just a joke or actually effects gameplay
i cant imagine actually being triggered by these tweets while being on Sup Forums
kek'd at genocide
I don't understand why you're too much of a pussy to say nigger.
Like just about every joke South Park has ever done the joke is on thoise foolish enough to take it seriously. Congratulations on being one of the dumb cunts we can laugh at to keep this kind of humour alive.
You've accidentally stumbled onto the truth: class is absolutely more important than race. There is no war but class war.
Are all Sup Forumss like OP born this ass ravaged and retarded or is it something they're infected with somehow? Even a half way intelligent kid graduating from fucking middle school can grasp the concept of CONTROLLING FOR VARIABLES, ie:
>black & poor is harder then white & poor
>black & middle class is harder (and rarer) then white & middle class
>black & rich is harder (and rarer) then white & rich, though probably not as much because enough money can cancel out a lot of other issues
Some of you fags are probably JUST PRETENDING XD but it's clear a lot of the Sup Forums snowflakes having a meltdown over this shit are not. You do realize that you're obvious strawmen don't actually do you any favors right?
The reddit timeline
I want to go back to when Sup Forums wasn't full of these newfags
It's literally satire. The game isn't doing this to make a point, it's doing it for comedic purposes. You're not suppose to take it to heart and get offended or upset.
νSup Forums is a thing you know
>just a joke
user you don't understand people take this shit as a truth. like stephan colbert is legitmate news to them and I think colbert thinks this too now.
I want to go back to before moot made the awful mistake of bringing back /n/ in the form of Sup Forums after correctly stomping on that shithole the first time around. Why the fuck did he think it'd be any LESS of a stormfag shithole the second time around?
Go away ubsoft.
>amy schumer makes a joke
>dumb slut *keeps it moving, forgets she exists*
>south park makes a joke
You're basically doing what SJWs do anytime some comedian jokes about rape or hitting women. Getting all up in arms about something aimed to entertain an audience.
if the intent it to trigger people for laffs why didn't they include gender as part of the same difficulty joke?
>user you don't understand people take this shit as a truth.
Alright, your issue is with them. This game doesn't clearly state it's the truth. It's actually taking a poke at it.
It'd be funny as fuck if the color slider actually changed in-game difficulty.
Fucking nobody likes Amy Schumer unless you have a revolting fat skank with a stinky vagina fetish.
>getting this mad over a joke
The only question I have is, is it a proper slider, or is it preset between five or so tiers, like here? All the screenshots I seen seem to imply the latter.
but rape and hitting women isn't an accepted cultural thing and white guilt is.
Like sorry if I sound like I care about this, but I'm just sick of it.
sshh that's not an ok thing to say in a conservitard safe space. you might give them ptsd and also stds
Sup Forums went from from loving South Park to hating in a single season. Basically when it went from LOL SJWs BTFO to LOL TRUMPFAGS BTFO
that's the point babe
even if it's someone everyone universally hates, people dont give a shit
but put a race slider as difficulty and suddenly it's hiroshima gamergate 2.0: the remix developers fail at cuphead we gotta keep talking about it edition
>It's actually taking a poke at it.
okay you're going to have to explain that to me.
is it the 1% difference in damage thing?