Why is it called 100% orange juice?
Why is it called 100% orange juice?
Because calling it orangutan jews would be racist
I so want to play Tomomo but she just feels so inferior to Yuki or Starbreaker. I read she used to be broken and needed nerfing but why did they have to nerf her to oblivion?
Just play best girl
No Yuki is a disgusting furry, I want to play my demon goddess but my demon goddess is terrible
>Yuki is a disgusting furry
You fucking what
>anime girl with a cat ears headband
because the game is 100% rng
because the company name is Orange_Juice and its a collection of their games characters from different series into one being 100% Orange Juice.
_____ _____
Not true at all
Don't forget the tail! Ears + Tail + Human=furry
but that's wrong
neko isn't furry
you don't want to cum on cat hiss at penis
Tsih when
As soon as someone opens a lobby.
>play starbo for challenge
>hit norma 5 in by chapter 15
Is tsih a boy or a girl
tsih a cute
A shit
>game with collectable cards
>no way to build and save decks for games
not a furry
uh user? What's that at the top left?
>nerfed into oblivion
last time I checked her stats were still better than both of those mentions; ults on all the above are kinda trash though. How the shit does playing tomomo feel inferior when you don't have a passive of 'only win normas' or shit def/eva?
Which booster packs should I buy
>Less HP than both
>worst recovery possible
Just give her the +1 evasion back and then she'll be more viable. As it stands she's not very resilient. That's all that's needed
If tomomo should have +1 evade then yuki deserves at least +0
Yuki doesn't need that because Yuki already has more HP and better recovery. Buffing Tomomo is important so she is no longer a worse-Yuki
Tomomo has a great hyper, she doesn't need a buff
which oj would you marry?
It's very situational, especially ever since her nerf of max HP. It's mediocre at best
Best girl
send help
poppo's goin' nuts
only the most dangerous...
lobby when
Hopefully soon.
irresponsible why tomomo allows this
tomomo encourages this behavior, she's a sexual deviant
Yukifags are almost as bad as Sakifags.
I want poppo to rub those weird boots on my dick until I cum stars for her
>40 stars to slightly inconvenience people
>Only thing you gain is that your recovery doesn't suck as badly for once
Other than very specific setups (ie bringing Shifu back to 1hp from revive, erasing Krila's overheal, dumping another 30 stars on Force Revival assuming people don't get up anyway), there's really no need to even bother with Tomomo's hyper unless you have a Mimic to change it to something worthwhile.
100% lewd juice
Because the game is
100% RNG juice
I'm not seeing it.
hey there big boy
use the search function nerd
I did, it's not there.
Fug man iunno, guess someone else has to make one