horribly convoluted gameplay
Horribly convoluted gameplay
I'd take the infinite customization and player control in VIII over mindnumbing simplistic shit like IX any day.
VII and X are good middle grounds though.
>Shitting on the best Final Fantasy.
Stay cucked.
i really want to hate fuck this dub bitch
>spam GFs
you mean braindead, until adel
Classic case of trying too many new things at once. None of the mechanics are necessarily game breaking but, a whole game full of them is a chore to play.
OK. Sure, sweetie. Oh. Shit. Wait. I forgot. I only let real men fuck me. You can watch. :^)
Spamming Renzokuken was fun doe
Only the draw mechanic was sucks
X is Simon says shit
Is flying use a ball
Is heavy use Auron lol
Literally zero thought
>Using GFs other than Doomtrain ever
Empty as fuck overworld with shit enemy variety, GF customization taking precedence over character building is retarded, the plot only starts to make sense if you exchange college theses with people about what the events in game are SUPPOSED to mean
Shit game
>Card all enemies
>Triple Triad
>Turn cards into high level spells
>Junction all your stats
>Kick ass through the whole game without even leveling
Convoluted maybe, but it still feels good to break the game.
>you start out the game as some guys
>suddenly you have to play as some other guys you don't know
why do they do this
It starts out SImon says shit, but as the game goes on and the sphere grid opens up you can make some really interesting character builds.
>Grinding for hours and playing Triple Triad just to get the right abilities to turn cards into items into magic to access late game magic on Disc 1, junctioning it to STR and steamrolling through the first three discs.
So fun. Junction was pretty great, just a bit too much work.
They eventually connect it together. A lot of media have two seemingly separate things coming together turning out to actually be connected
its really not that hard, theres a million waays to break the game. my personal favorite is using tents to get curaga early and junctioning it to hp
>horribly convoluted gameplay
and the story/setting is one of the most wasted potential.
I would say the most wasted potential but XV exists
Fuck, just looking at it gives me cancer
Maybe don't be a fuckboy that abuses guides and mechanics and play the game as you might have like a normal person? This is the worst argument about FFVIII, it's like you autists can't ignore the potentiality of breaking the game (for no reason). The game is perfectly enjoyable, playable, and beatable, without abusing mechanics. You act like the game simply cannot be completed without doing some convoluted, internet guide only bullshit and its retarded.
>Implying the story/setting is good