Will Anthem save Bioware?
Will Anthem save Bioware?
>Save a company that won a GOTY in the last 3 years
No. they cashed out all their good credit with me when they burned Mass Effect to the ground with #3 and the horror that was Dragon Age.
let's find out!
oh sure it will user! because that's just what video games need right now: another online dumpster fire that's dead 2 months later.
the funny part is i bet they put in a cash shop that uses bioware points.
The issue is that either their devs or EA have forgotten the niche that kept them relevant (Western RPGs) and have forsaken everything about that subtle genre to try to gain mass appeal and chase after other genres.
Anthem's gameplay showed off NO story and NO role playing narrative elements. So WHY are they assigning a NARRATIVE, STORY-FOCUSED RPG developer to this project. They have DICE, why not throw them onto this one?
Why would they throw their hat into the Warframe/Destiny action-multiplayer-RPG genre at all?
they want the trans audience
would you be able to buy biodegradable wares or bionic wares
but will it be better than Destiny 2?
If they fire every lead-person who worked on Andromeda, they might
>implying goty means anything when every publication has their own award
Bless your retarded little heart
They also missed their tiny window at getting any sort of Window by letting Destiny 2 get released first. It'll be hard to garner any sort of interest in the "post-apoc exosuit looter shooter" genre with both Warframe and Destiny 2 out there keeping people grinding.
Warframe's got fuckall marketing compared to Activision
But it's free. If you want to pay for your space age supershooter you have Destiny and for all the Brazilians you've got Warframe. Anthem is like Lawbreakers - no matter how good the game is, it has no niche to fill. Bordermemes found its niche with bad humor and cel shading, but Anthem looks like just more big robots fighting random monsters for a dwindling humanity.
>This is the biggest challenge of my artistic career
The fact that people got assblasted over their marketing makes it even funnier. Day one purchase
>winning corrupt and paid awards
>meaning something
Well since its a different studio i hope so. It doesnt seem to be to bad an idea either.
>But it's free
Free or not doesn't mean shit when you have a bigass marketing budget
>Anthem's gameplay showed off NO story and NO role playing narrative elements.
It didn't even show off gameplay, technically, just what they want the gameplay to be. It's no different from those wildly unrealistic """gameplay""" demos where faggots act like they're playing the game with cringeworthy attempts at banter that Ubisoft loves to shit out. Just compare the first Division or Siege "gameplay" trailer to what we got in the end.
>Anthem releases
>huge failure
>EA pulls the trigger on bioware
Is there any company Sup Forums would want to end up with the mass effect IP? Dragonage?
inb4 fromsoft
The fuck is this
And who's gonna buy Anthem over Destiny, retard? My whole point is that between Destiny and Warframe, Anthem is fucked.
It has "BIOWARE" stamped on it
Which means exponentially less with each new game they release
He looks so old and not just because of the grey beard. Is he okay?
Their target audience has shit taste and memory of goldfish who get pacified by hamfisted SJW garbage
I'd like to see CD Projekt Red handle Mass Effect.
And is growing progressively smaller.
How much of an audience do they even have left after Andromeda?
It has Bioware's name attached, there will be big buzz and only time will tell if the playerbase dies quickly or slowly. I think it'll die fast unless something very compelling makes people stay... frankly I doubt it'll have anything unique to create that.
All of these multiplayer games are repetitive and the same in nature. I'm not sure what will make people break away from Destiny or Warframe towards this game lol.
What is that image even?
my brother feels the biggest problems with Andromeda were external (i.e. using frostbite and releasing an unfinished game). He probably won't get anthem because we're both antisocial losers but I imagine he'll get whatever else they come out with.
theyre going to awaken to a cruel reality when this game comes out
Nothing is making me ditch Warframe after I beat the Second Dream recently.
In some ways, but worse in others.
>BW games
>worth saving
I hope so. I know wanting a game to fail isn't exactly a healthy mindset but Bioware have their heads so far up their own ass they need reality to smack them in the face.
Especially because it'll release close to Destiny 2's first big expansion/refresh next Sept. They better deliver much more than Bungie has with their previous attempts. If it isn't universally acclaimed as the GOTY 2017, then it'll fail the same way The Division did.
For a game all about Power Armor, I've never seen more boring and unimaginative designs. Nothing about them seems memorable or iconic.
Even Destiny had some cool looking space guns.
From the same racist SJW who make Andromeda? sure, why not?
Wasn't Manveer fired?
that's what happens when you use tumblr people to make your games
no, they let him finish his contract
You might be the stupidest nigger alive.
It will kill them.
To everyone's surprise, Destiny 2 is actually good, and Anthem will be releasing around the time of D2's big year 2 expansion which will probably bring back tons of people and bring in new people as well.
Anthem is dead on arrival.
They want the Destiny audience trouble is they are to busy playing Destiny
Anthem is probably going to go the route of battleborn. Want a paid version? Destiny 2. Free version? Warframe. There's no market left for them and after the embarrassment of ME:A to even the point normies took notice of how bad it was, the name Bioware just looks bad. Hopefully the game flops hard enough to get EA to cut take Bioware out back and put it down Old Yeller style.
>Destiny 2 is actually good
I don't think it will save them. The Bioware name has been greatly damaged after ME:A I don't know how they can bounce back.
die hard biodrones will eat this shit up no matter
Yes. It'll get heavily criticized and Bioware will learn they they should stick to o what they're best at and redeem Mass Effect with a sequel to Andromeda that's 10/10
>they admitted they want Anthem to be the start of a ten year journey.
That line fucked Destiny and Bungie admitted multiple times that the quote was severely taken out of context. Bioware is leading with that statement like the king retards they are, there is no way this game does anything but be the final nail in the studio's coffin.
What Biodrones? The ones that couldn't salvage ME:A? They aren't as numerous as you think.
ohhh silly user, EA not only consumes the studios corpses it also enjoys hidding their beloved ips in their dungeons.
only to be revived as mobile games (dungeon keeper)
It's like all those MMOs that tried to be WoW killers without realizing that if anyone wanted to play a clone of WoW, they'd just play WoW. Christ, it even has the same Last City/The Wall setup as Destiny
>Will Anthem save Bioware?
I think it will be the final nail in their coffin, as is standard practice at EA.
Of course, it will make plenty of money, because most of it isn't in the hands of us slaves.
They just need that one kids who is second cousin to the sheik in order to play it, and find the loot crates.
which means absolute dogshit after Andromeda
Anthem is just a fucking answer to yet another round in everyone's favourite part of the Triple AAA industry.
Follow the leader.
Activision did it with Cod and now the loot and shoot space genre has to be repeated at tandem. There's also the Moba shooter where plenty of games challenging (or tried to) challenge Overwatch.
Bio ware let one of their best franchise keel over in a very Konami like fashion in order to chase after Destiny and give Microsoft that sweet air to breath since they've been suffocating since as 2014.
what, so he was able to make her more conventionally attractive?
fuck off, normie. The problem isn't her face, it's the uncanny valley animation.
What I can say is that it will be very interesting to follow.
nah, but it'll probably kill it
well said sister!
Oh sorry, I forgot I was on Sup Forumseddit.
This site is le epic Internet hate machine right?
>doesn't look like there are any romances
>doesn't look like there's any actual story or role playing
>Huge Destiny clone
>online focused
Bioware is literally digging their own grave here. They're going to piss off the remaining Bioware fans there are while chasing after another audience that will be too busy playing Destiny 2 to give a shit.
How is this game any different from ME:A in concept
I've never gone from 10 to 0 so quick in a game reveal before.
>beautiful art, nice models, thinking of the combat possibilities vanquish with jet packs
>haha just kidding faggot it's a dank purp treadmill
Anthem, like everything Bioware has ever done, will probably be a decent concept with interesting ideas marred by shit development, shoddy writing, and blatant agenda-pandering.
I remember hearing about a new Bioware IP and it was exciting because it was unknown but I now I see it and all I feel is disappointment.
yep, you nailed it
They'll likely shoehorn in bad NPC romances like they did in TORtanic.
>The Division
>Made by Bioware
yea good luck with that one lads, The Division was a fucking meme and now it's being made by Bioware.
Anthem is already dead. Warframe ate it for breakfast to create Plains of Eidolon.