What's your opinion of Jim Sterling?


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Pretty much right about everything.



Good humor, agree with a lot of his opinions on games, very much put off by his politics he chooses to interject into almost everything he does.
Seems anti-free speech/free market.

Literally a cuckold.

He gave Legend of Zelda a poor review because he hated Weapon Durability Systems on principle, instead of reviewing the weapon durability system within the context of the game he was reviewing. I know he didn't give the game a 0/10 or anything, and still gave it a decent 7/10 and I don't personally care about what score a game gets, but come the fuck on, dude.

Worst "big" gaming related youtuber.

a hack his sonic 4 review says it all

don't care

fat degenerate bottom feeder and it's embrassing anyone acknowledges he exists

He's "that kid"

Isnt he a literal cuck? Anyone have the pic of him with cum on his face from his wife's boyfriend?

He's a piece of shit.

Hes a fat fuck who lets his whale wife cuck him

One of the few e-celebs that should be accepted in Sup Forums. He's usually right on the money about everything,.


I have completely ignored his existence until about a week ago and now i'm kinda watching all of his videos. pretty funny guy, mostly reasonable opinions.


I wish he was pointing a real loaded gun to his head instead of just his fingers

Bad person.Decent opinions about video game shit.

how come crap like this is allowed but our guy pewds gets insta deleted?

People like him because they think he's a revel or speaks for them when all he does is spout fucking nonsense.

I don't take many game reviewers seriously, but I surely don't take one seriously who jizzed on his glasses and tweeted the image to devolver fucking digital.

Married his female clone who regularly cucks him, looks like what I imagine a human humpty dumpty with a receding hairline looks like, has a personality as cringey and unlikable as his voice is annoying, contrarian as they come just for the sake of attention.

All e-celebs are cancer. Quarantine board when?

entertaining well articulated rants. Sometimes I agree, sometimes I dont. often funny. Seems bad at reviewing, but I dont care about reviews and find it funny everytime he angers people with them. I dont give a solid fuck about his personal life or politics.

both are cancer


I really can't process this. Can someone please tell what he was trying to accomplish with that photo?

I refuse to believe that this is true.

Not even a retard like Sterling will post this on twitter.


>Not Big Jilm

Well written rants that are entertaining. I don't always agree with him, but when I do, I enjoy watching him.

can you explain why discussing videogames is suddenly bad if there is a name attached to it? you people seem hardcore autistic

youtube shit needs it's own board, it's long overdo.

Do you see anyone discussing videogames in this thread?

he's okay
good on the business discussion side of things
shit on the social discussion side

>Jim "the Cuckold" Sterling agrees with a certain agenda
>Felix isn't and is openly against it
>mods only delete one of the above threads


Supporting doxxing isn't cool. Also, trying to get people kicked off of Steam because you don't like them isn't cool.

I miss Ween so much.

Blood type is somewhere between butter or chocolate syrup.

yes. Have you ever seen the Jimquisition, its literally all about videogames. Only off topic posts are people like you and

He's right except when he's not
Like when he said Fallout 4 and Horizon Zero Dawn were good games

Saw them a few months ago. Was on shrooms.

He's a fat fuck and I despise him for having a hand in fucking up some of my favorite games.

On surface level he seems fine, but his shtick is to use his accent and edgy "against the mold" stance on everything to make him seem more intelligent than he really is.

Turns out when you look at the bigger picture, everything he does is effected on an emotional level. Guy literally finds excuses to shit on Nintendo because he disagrees with policies, even if those policies don't apply to the thing he's bitching about.

A manchild one can only feel second hand shame for.


Claims to be pro-consumer but puts his politics and friends above that. Watching him squirm during the whole Alex Mauer thing was hilarious.

His reviews are just pure contrarian so they're pretty useless.

Is that real?

Literally a cuck.

>thread is about jim
>people post jim
Retard.What's your opinion on female dinosaurs in video games?

He's funny but I don't really care about his opinions about anything other than video games and Willem Dafoe movie pitches.

he is a phony and a fraud

Hes fat, hes a cuck and he knows that. His political views are garbage. But he does have the basic sense everyone should have when it comes to video game matters and is not afraid to speak it out.

But why was the Nanjo corporation absent from the dealings of the Kirijo group?

As a person he's fucking pathetic

Some of the content he produces is decent though. Spreads the pro-consumer way of thinking, not that it will actually affect anything

>while GG was screaming at me all day
Didn't he make a GG video back in the day or was he the one who danced around the topic desperately trying to avoid stating the truth about what his peers were doing?

This. I find a lot of his opinions on the industry to be pretty accurate, but he is a real shit show when it comes to the whole "politics of videogames"
Too SJW for my taste, not to mention he is also a literal cuck.

>What's your opinion on female dinosaurs in video games?
I dont have a large enough sample size to really have an opinion on it. I assume you have some sort of point, but its probably not videogames anyway.

Go check out his recent tweet about Pewdiepie. I really want to find a way to troll this guy.

He wrote for SEGA Addicts and NEVER mentioned them again after becoming popular

cuck reddit

an edgy kid who never outgrew his contrarian phase

If Flynn went back in time to become Masakado and form the firmament, then how was it present in the timeline when he was intercepted by the Divine Powers?

Remember him reviewing Vanquish and literally everything he had to say about the gameplay was wrong.

What did he tweet?

I wouldn't want to be this person's friend, unless he's a far more amicable person in real life than his review persona, but he honestly is usually pretty on point. I give him credit for whistle blowing things that 99.99% of people can't be bothered to call companies out on even though it's sketchy/actually illegal as shit.


Just today


He knows what he is talking about and his views on game cancer are pretty spot on

I'm surprised you've never seen any of his videos where you praises some dino from a fighting game for being the best representation of women in video games

Stop pretending he makes good or pro-consumer content. Watch this video where he begs for steam to take down developers he disagrees with or dislikes.

I don't always agree with him but I wish there were more people as unapologetic with their opinions as he is. Way too many people are attached to this idea of "objective" criticism but he actively rejects it


the pro-consumer stuff still outweighs the few bad videos he makes

>implying it isn't pro-consumer to get rid of all that cloned shit flooding the market

>having less choice is pro consumer

>steam should just let literally anything on their site
That's a decent opinion, but i'd rather use something where i can find good games, not literal memes being spammed

Right about most video games, always wrong about every other aspect of life.

fat, cringey, loves pandering to outrage culture, has a really ugly nasally weasel voice. usually refers to reddit before making a video so he can get a proper consensus.

>choice to be scammed is pro-consumer
ok then

A fat British asshole who likes to make statements that go against the grain for clicks and stopped being entertaining around about the time he left Dtoid

I'm pro video game discussion Why don't you faggots go to reddit

Best Zero Escape girl?

I was incredibly surprised he was against Creation Club after saying Fallout 4 was a good game and given his overall ideals

fat cuck

You're really grasping at straws here, everyone wants scammers and shovelware gone.

There's a distinction to be made between 'less choice' and 'curated choices'.

Surprised he's for a DMCA takedown against someone for saying the "wrong" thing, when it happened to him.

fat fuk

This. I find it weird that SJW-types are usually pretty knowledgeable about nerd shit, but are fucking idiots with everything else.

I honestly cannot fucking understand Sup Forums's reaction to him. He's actually the one calling gaming companies out on their bullshit, but PewDiePie said a no no and he's suddenly the darling of Sup Forums. You all deserve to be wallet raped by corporations if you can be manipulated by social-issues this easily.

I do agree with him about the weapon durability system and I'd even say that BotW's world could have used more incentives to get you to explore than just the shrines. The durability is garbage, even high tier weapons like elite swords break too soon, I'm not against these kind of systems, but I'd have prefered if it stayed like in DaS or the witcher where breaking the weapon hinders the attack heavily rather than just losing the weapon. How it stays right now, the durability system in BotW makes me not want to face anything until it's absolutely necessary, since I'd lose my weapon and will have to wait for a new blood moon to get it back.

As for the world, hidden optional dungeons, more interesting sidequests ala witcher 3 or NV and a bigger variety of enemies, where some only appear in specific areas at specific times would have made the world to feel way more alive and dynamic.

BotW is a great idea, and I hope that Nintendo improves upon it on the next game. A 7 or 8/10 seems like the fair score to me.

Literally fucking reddit
They're priorities are garbage, so they're obsessed with shit that doesn't matter.

nothing but triggered ubishills and poltards

He actually despises AAA companies doing shit like that and has stated that several times.

Watch the fucking video, he literally calls for steam to remove someone because they're homophobic and argued with him on twitter i.e because he disagrees or dislikes them.

I don't think so, I don't think being a shitty person who advocates doxxing, no-platforming and deciding himself what does and does not get sold is not pro-consumer.

Actually checked this cause didn't think it was a real thing. It is. What the actual fuck.

I don't need to hear some cringey fat fuck's opinion on anything

idk why he is allowed to be spammed

literally never watched his gay videos