I still can't believe that the guy behind the world building of Thief, System Shock and Bioshock also made the absolute fucking trainwreck of Bioshock Infinite
I still can't believe that the guy behind the world building of Thief...
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Wait a minute
The same guy who made both Godfathers, Apocalypse Now, etc. has been producing exclusively schlock for literal decades straight. I believe anything.
You mean just Bioshock.
Ken's credit for creating the "initial concept" of Thief really just means he came up with ideas that they decided not to use, and he didn't even work on the original System Shock.
SS2 then
He didn't make system shock 2 alone you know?
He had the rudimentary setting and plot down, the rest of the elements were done in a team-based feedback environment.
Even if levine is just an idea guy for every game he's worked on, he's still responsible for Infinite's god awful story.
I think the problem is that he was given too much singular control over Infinite, or rather, it was forced upon him because everyone else ditched the project and left him holding the bag.
But for all you people who hate Infinite, the good news is he absolutely hated making it by the time it was finished and has no desire to make games anymore because of it.
It actually makes a lot of logical sense when you see elements that made system shock good suddenly disappear in future games when half the team is not even present anymore. Let's just say within the development of system shock 2 he was as much of an "idea guy" as Kojima or Warren Spector.
Didn't he fire like half of irrational/2k right after the game was released?
I'm curious what games you think have good stories if you think Bioshock Infinite's is "god awful".
2k was done with irrational
Also, people can change.
Acclaim breeds hubris.
everything about bioshock was amazing though it really came down to crunch time and 2k's dislike of the franchise
I think you cannot differentiate setting from plot. Infinite has an interesting setting, albeit taste here is debatable, but it definitely has a very flaky plot with a sub-par twist. It's actually ironic that levine is a huge hard sci-fi enthusiast and yet he shoehorned an element into a twist, one that is generally looked down on as lazy and moot form of writing within the community.
Good stories can be found in many games, it doesn't have to be the full game, it can be just an audiolog of a well-written believable character. If you want to stick to this studio, System Shock 2 is a classic.
>crunch time and 2k's dislike of the franchise
2k gave them enough time to work on infinite
enough time that 2k itself made a sequel to Bioshock
and levine still kept delaying the game because he kept changing and rewriting shit because he actually doesn't understand what the fuck he's writing about
Good job taking that quote severely out of context.
2K did not give them enough time. Levine presented phenomenal ideas that everyone expected there to be in the game but weren't explicitly due to time constraints.
Which is a huge problem in gaming, publishers are flat out killing creativity.
>games are made by one person
games are made by teams
stories written for them are usually five or less people
>SS2 and thief was made in 2 years
>bioshock in 3 years
>infinite in 5 years and it's shittier than the others
what's the best build for ss2?
From my understanding Levine had written Infinite one way, and a lot of the game had been made, but when it was focus tested and internally reviewed 2k found it to be 'too offensive'. So they had to rip up years of work and redo it in around 6 months.
Or maybe Levine is just a big hack. Either way Infinite was ruined by some jewish bullshit.
he was part of a team, underage. people can have really great talents but if they aren't reined in by others then they spiral out of control.
In his defense, you should have seen what the original Infinite was supposed to be. It was fucking awesome. For whatever reasons, it changed into what we got though.
Levine's actual input on Thief: TDP is minimal. System Shock 1 had already been made and 2 is inferior to it in a lot of ways. Bioshock is actually the point where he slipped. I'll link a vid below of him lying about the game nonstop for fourteen minutes. Does anyone still have those old archives of him lying his ass off about Bioshock right up until launch on TTLG?