
>leave the hunting of hunters to me

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Meme character.

you grinded, congrats

What are your stats there chief?

Remember to only say nice things about the Church!

>Leave Gerhman to me

Just beat him on ng+, took at least 5-6 visceral attacks to kill





Some cunt that died to these guys.

Name a better fight from the base game.
Pro tip: You can't.

this game was fucking garbage to play was physically painful to my eyes trying to play with 30 fps and shitty aa

My favorite boss from the base game. Too bad the walk to him is fucking shit.

imagine having this shit of opinions

Who is the biggest prick in Bloodborne and why is it this dickhead?

Not even a contest, these things are the worst enemy across the entire series.

I liked Gehrman and Gascoigne better but he's definitely one of the best. Just not crazy about the sword rain part.

imagine thinking those are opinions and not facts

I should've specified I mean Hunters/sentient things but yeah whale giants are complete cunts.

Holy fucking shit i hate these things. Never used the Shaman blade for some reason.

Did nothing wrong.

I feel like some people don't know this but you can shoot the sword with your gun to deactivate it.

Well in that case, I'll go with this asshole.

post cute dolls, even if she might be a great one

What? It's not that bad. Not nearly as bad as The One Reborn or Shadows of Yahrnam

>almost completely kills him with one visceral attack
wow sure is impressive user

Also did nothing wrong.

What's wrong with being a superior being?

Never died to those but i believe you. I always get scared of falling to my death before Logarius.

I love Doll-chan!

The run back to One Reborn would be a problem if it was possible to die to him in the first place.

>play enough bloodborne to get yourself through rom
>die to the one reborn

Hey, i remember you from the previous thread.
250 on NG, right?

I think i died to One Reborn once. I don't remember how but i think it was his puke or something. Funny enough i beat Ludwig on my first try.

sequel when?
I looked into maybe getting DS3 today, and despite the fps increase it still looks boring as fuck due to having to play much more defensively

No shame, i died to the Living Failures.

I think Bloody Crow was what broke me. I stopped trying to git gud and just cheesed him, and quit playing not long after that when fighting Ludwig

I got Ludwig my first try too, wasn't sure what the hype surrounding his difficulty was. Orphan on the other hand took me very close to twenty tries, his second phase is absolutely ridiculous, by far the most aggressive boss in the series.

Post cute Marias.

i did too, but somehow 1 shot mergo, gerhman, and moon presence

I gave up on the orphan though, after dying 100+ times i was not having any fun playing against him and just finished the game, i don't shill for psn service either so couldnt call for help

>leave the shitty designing of bosses to me

Protip: you can parry their dive-at-you-from-across-the-map attack

I died to them too on NG+.
I forgot all about the giant sunflower you're obviously supposed to hide behind.

You should get Dark Soul 3 or pirate it with the DLC. Some of the best Souls bosses are in that game, the soundtrack is great too. The weapons are shit and the areas are very mediocre but it's worth a play.

Ludwig has a fucked up lunge that instakills but if you have an anti-beast weapon he can't do anything other than die.
I died like 3 times to Orphan, and beat him in one try on NG+. Laurence, however made me scream at the tv, i just can't deal with him when he becomes a cripple.
This game is so weird because everyone finds something different hard.

Wet nurse and Moon Presence are two of the easiest bosses in the game which is a shame because I really like the attack patterns and design for the wet nurse but it's just not aggressive enough at all, it'll sometimes just start attack strings when you're nowhere near which make it easy to flank her and do a ton of damage for free. The fight would be more interesting if you had to kill all the clones during the phase with the fog before it'd go back to normal.

I still don't understand what this is trying to show.

that first hit is always dodgeable and easily followed up by enough time for 2 swings with holy great sword for early damage

its okay if you find a boss hard to beat, but dont knock the design of it when it's objectively good and rewards learning his moveset

The run up to him fucked me over like 2 times and then I just got greedy and misread him using the acid once. Only died to the Shadows on NG+ but they're one of the bosses whose difficulty is amplified in each new game. also Rom is one of the easiest bosses once you find out the "trick" of just running around.

Maybe you should keep an eye on the giant Horse mutant that's attacking you hm?

it's almost as if the shaman blade was conceived exactly for THAT PART
>tfw I only had 5
thank god I made it

Laurence was just tedious during his second phase, you had to wait for him to give you an opening where he wasn't spewing out lava. Honestly it was probably my least favorite fight out of all the DLC bosses and yes that even includes the Living Failures, I thought they were a much better and more interesting take on the Celestial Emissary fight since you had to keep a bunch of enemies with different movesets in mind and using the pillar to block their meteor fall was a pretty neat mechanic.

Also the track that plays during their fight is Great One tier.

I'm going to back to the DLC though, I started at level 80 with a +10 Cleaver so I think I was overlevelled because the only challenge I got was from Orphan.

>Wet nurse and Moon Presence are two of the easiest bosses in the game which is a shame because I really like the attack patterns and design for the wet nurse but it's just not aggressive enough at all, it'll sometimes just start attack strings when you're nowhere near which make it easy to flank her and do a ton of damage for free.


Such a shame.

>I still don't understand what this is trying to show.
That user is stupid and deserves to lose his echoes for turning his back on Ludwig.

Yeah the ending fights felt lackluster after beating both maria and ludwig, I agree. Gerhman was fun though, i always enjoy the hunter v hunter fights.

>top hat
>saw weapon
>lack of lock-on is fine, but doesnt even keep boss on the screen

how did this person make his way to ludwig?

Orphan is legitmately my favorite boss of all time. He drained by blood bank twice but even when he absolutely crushed me the excitement of the fight and the fact that every single one of his attacks was 100% fair made it so it was fun every time.

I started playing this not too long ago, and got stuck on a boss battle with some thing that uses poison and goes through 3 phases, in the last one its gets some sort of poison aura and fucks me up.
I kept trying a lot of time but I kept dying to it, until my last try where I was tired already and let myself be killed by one of the werewolves in the way to the boss. Haven't touched the game since then.
Any tips? how can I kill it if I can't even get close to it?

It really is, everything about the boss on paper should make it one of the best but it feels more like a Dark Souls boss with how slow it moves. Felt really out of place and anti climactic for what can be the final boss.

The Hunter fights were all great but I wanted more fights like Logarius; humanoid but not a Hunter. His moveset was really interesting and he was a constant threat no matter where you were in relation to him and he's constantly attacking you through magic or melee. That on top of the OST and presentation make that an easy top 10 fight in the whole series for me.

Maria, Gascoigne and Gehrman are all amazing as well though but none of them really got my blood pumping like Logarius did except maybe Maria during her third phase.

I hope someone doesn't beat me to it but just go to the left.

That's right, go to the left. Always works.

I kind of wish we could learn more about Ludwig and how he became the horrifying beast he was when we fought him. I'd also love to learn a bit more about Maria (and to an extent, Gehrman as well).

Yeah, You just have to dodge to the right (or maybe it was left, under the arm he swings with). The fight isn't too bad it's just the poison that gets you so make sure you finish it quick (without getting too greedy) and stick close to him until you need to heal or antidote yourself. You can also avoid him until you're a higher level. He's not mandatory.

This webm is still getting posted? Is it the same guy?

The two best tips anyone can give you about this game.
Especially about that boss in particular.
>Dodge left
You can' practically parry any enemy in the game. When he lunges or tries to attack you - shoot him.
When he's slashes you, dodge left.
The final phase is a rabid dog that spews poison. You can heal the poison quickly if you can parry him and visceral or strong attack.

>You can also avoid him until you're a higher level. He's not mandatory.
That assumes you've done Cleric Beast and have 10k spare Echoes.

post your hunter

What killed it for me, and why i just said fuck it, was because there were 3 times when I could have beat him, was maybe 2 hits from dead, but he was super agro, i managed to dodge his attacks, but his body fucked up my camera and made me roll the opposite direction i had intended. Never had that problem with other bosses. After the 3rd time I just felt cheated and decided it wasn't worth my time.

Fight him in the water and the camera doesn't become as big of a problem.

*stabs your hunter in the back while teleporting to the moon shotting your dead body*

I feel foolish

thank you all, I'm assuming the "not mandatory" tip means I have to buy a key like in dark souls, right? I haven't found any other route

I did that after the first time it happened and asked here what I could do about it, still had the same problem.

Did you kill Cleric Beast in Central Yharnam?

Yeah, on the Hunter's Dream shop, you can buy a key for like 10k blood echoes.
It opens up the gate in Cathedral Ward where that giant dude is going up the stairs.

No, go to the Oedon chapel. There's a couple paths you can take from there. Vicar Amelia is the next one you have to fight I believe.

Don't feel like that. You're just new, when you fight him in the Chalice Dungeons again you're going to kick his ass.

>purges vileblood filth

How do you guys get your screenshots onto your computer?

I don't think bsb is that hard, but this video is bullshit because the boss is being rng here and very non-agro. When I fought his he was much less predictable than this.

>Oedon chapel
If you find any survivors...


Boom hammer is the tits, underrated as fuck weapon. Wish the moveset was a bit bigger but it makes the booms real good.

use a dummy twitter account, dummy.

Make a twitter account and link it to your PS4. Update your pictures with the share button to twitter!

Alfred legitimately did nothing wrong. Such a bro tier character.

>kill group of enemies with tricked R2
>explosion sends them fucking flying

Guys I'm starting a new character who I want to main the rykouo when she can get it. What weapons do i start off with? BoM and cane seem boring as fuck but there doesn't seem to be any other skill-based weapons I can get early on.

Create a folder called "PS4" in a USB stick, put it in your console and then just transfer them.

He kills himself.

Thanks, I'm technologically illiterate


Use a flash drive if you don't want to make a Twitter account

On my first run I killed him because he seemed to suck the chruch's dick at every turn, despite it being obvious 90% of the city's problems was their fault.

This town's finished...

Go to gallery and upload to a usb flash drive silly.

You guys are alright, don't go to Cainhurst Castle tomorrow.

He did nothing, he had good intentions but she's free and will eventually heal herself out of the mask Logarius put her in.

>you are the last of your clan
>your last remaining enemy is an immortal, unkillable vampire, you know where she is but she cannot be killed
>so you get a fucking wagon wheel and mash her into PINK FLESHY PULP
>she's still fucking alive but is just a lump of flesh


Why so I can miss Alfred's magnum opus? Also laughing at those thirsty idiots who offered her the ring.


So is Rom an offspring from Ebrietas?

I love the implication with this altar that most people missed.
>Human ascends to great one and becomes Rom
>Ebrietas is looming over a burst-open hollow Rom husk
>Ebrietas means butterfly

but who will hunt the hunter hunters

So Ebrietas was human? If so, how was she contacted in the dungeons by the Choir?
Help, i'm brainlet.

Leave the hunting of hunters of hunters to me

currently level 36, out of the bosses only two of them were good/interesting.

Cleric Beast is the worst tutorial boss in the series, complete camera eating monstrosity that demonstrates how fucking shit the camera in BB is compared to every other Souls game

Shadows is a flat out Dark Souls 2 boss but with double the HP

Electric Bone dog is Cleric Beast but worse, even when taking off lock-on the horribly programmed collision makes everything spaz out

Vicar was a joke of a punching bag that died on my second run-through of her

The Witch and Father Gasc were the only interesting/good bosses so far. Currently on the top on some asshole castle that I stumbled on but stopped right outside a boss room on the roof it looks like. Why does Bloodborne seem to have the second worst bosses in the franchise? Will they get better?

I don't really think that there was any problem that they "caused" beyond using the Old Blood like the miracle cure it technically turned out to be. Shit just went haywire and caused longer lasting problems, to which they found horrific solutions, like Hunters as a profession.

There is nothing wrong with that, they are fucking exhausting and their fight is boring as fuck, they also hit like trucks with their headbutts