What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

blah blah blah gaming journalism is a joke blah blah

Will Metroid Prime 4 be Dark Souls then?

The Dark Souls of Persona of Skyrim with Guns.

He means it's a mildly popular stealth action combat game.

Dark Souls is Metroid Prime

I would also like to know what the fuck that means. Do these people know how to communicate in proper English any longer?

Metroid will be to the Switch what Mario 64 was to Turok.


It means if you kill a lot of goombas and shit you get the bad ending.

fuck off dean lol

so a roundabout to say "Its the Dark Souls of good games"

>Metroid will be to the Switch what Mario 64 was to Turok.
I can't tell if this is meant to be nonsensical joke or not

But Skyrim and Dishonored fucking suck?

It's repetitive and overhyped?

the dishonored of mario games!

When skyrim releases on switch what will it be then?

So does BOTW and (pretty much) SMO

I guess if you're a contrarian.

Skyrim will be Nintendo's Skyrim...since Skyrim is coming out for the Swith later this year.

Gaming journalism is a fucking joke.

I swear gamin journalism and their shitty comparisons get worse and worse every month.
It's like they're so terrible at writing, so trash at coming up with descriptions and opinions and thoughts, that they just resort to arbitrarily comparing two popular series even when it doesn't make any sense, and as a result we have stupid terms like "Souls-like"
Holy shit

>games are being judged with bethesda games as the standard

Please leave, Todd.

Please give me context, what the fuck is dishonored

Skyrim Remastered

A big game.

The BotW of Nintendo.

>Literally all it takes to be a videogame journalist is knowing somebody

>comparing a turn based RPG to a stealth action game
Gaming (((Journalism)))

It's the Cuphead of 3D adventure games

The >Bethesda Game< of >genre

>what the fuck is dishonored
why are you even on this board you mongoloid

FINALLY! A journalist who puts it into words that I can understand and relate to.

>Be Nintendo
>have to pretend that shitty Nintendo games are other games because no one will make those games for your system

>Turn based RPG
Are you calling Mario Odyssey a turn based RPG???

>Gaming Journalism.

Something stupid, I'm sure. I doubt they even knew what comparison they were trying to make.

What site was this from, anyway?

And as we all know Dishonored is the Dark Souls of Skyrim

>you can possess rats
>you can possess stuff
that's literally the only little thing that's kind of similar between the two games

>David Houghton is nintendo
Obama stop being a retard.

I play mostly old games and nintendo

>Mario is Dishonored.

On what fucking page is Mario the same as Dishonored ?

Truly the Dark Souls of Mario games


wtf why is obama using Sup Forums

If Splatoon was the WiiU's Splatoon, is Splatoon 2 the Switch's Splatoon?

SMT is the Dark Souls of Persona.

Is all vidya articles clickbait?

the fu-

This hurts.

you could posses seagulls in wind waker, does that mean wind waker is the dishonored of zelda games?

I feel like we have Kovic to blame for these sort of comparisons

Like Skyrim with Guns

the following 24 minutes of the gameplay video is him not even making it halfway through the very first level of the game.

"If Breath of the Wild is Nintendo's Overrated Open World RPG by a Hack Company That Hasn't Made a Good Game in Decades Which Wasn't Handled by a Subsidiary, this is its Smaller Scale Homage to A Niche-but-beloved Subgendra by One of Said Company's Newer Subsidiary".

>stupid terms

Cunt off. Please don't act like this isn't a meaningful classification of a sub-genre.

Wind Waker is the Fallout 4 of Dark Souls

>not posting the superior version

Can someone translate this to a food analogy for me?


It's not, fag. Dark Souls is an Action RPG, albeit a slow one, and you know what we used to call games that were extremely like other games? Clones/inspired by, not this stupid "Souls-like" shit
No one used the term "Doom-like" when Doom clones were mad

What's Nintendo's Dark Souls?

Is trying to make sense of this the Dark Souls of thought experiments?


Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

God damn, how can you suck at aiming on a console shooter

Mario is Missing


I hate game "journalism" so much.

It means Samus Returns is the N Same Trilogy

>what is rogue-like?

are cars reviewers required to have a driver's license?

the dark souls of mario

I wonder if Cappy is going to turn out to be evil.

You sound like an elitist :/

holy fucking shit. how can people be this bad at videogames? you have to be mentally retarded to suck this much

i believe it might be

Are video games the Family Guy of journalism?

But that's Mario 2 (JP)

A shitty way to say Rogue-lite
Also there's countless of games that would fit under such a definition while there's only a handful of games that are truly like Dark Souls not made by From if not less. Usually "Souls-like" is used to define games that aren't anything like Souls

It only gets worse with the source video too. 26 minutes of running head first into every enemy and only getting halfway through the first level.

What even is Cappy lore-wise? Some kind of Boo offshoot?

What is Nintendo's Rick and Morty?

They smash popular terms together for clicks abd google search results

The fact that that was a genuinely given argument is what convinced me to stop paying attention to games media.

Truly the Dark Souls of Bethesda games.


>Journalists advertising other games at the expense of nintendo
What a shame

This is a horrible analogy if you're trying to sell someone a game

I don't care, but I'm sure it'll be used to initiate hundreds of "deepest lore" shit posting threads.


All I know so far is there are at least two of them. Peach is wearing one, too.

What is it about Skyrim that the media just love so much?

Bethesda pays them a shitload
Normies love it and easily recognize it

it's a very popular game among people calling themselves gamers. just putting "skyrim" in your article title guarantees a shitload of clicks.

The guy apparently took most of that time to realize he wasn't playing Mario Bros and jumping on enemies was just killing him faster. So for extra fun try to guess which enemies he's running into by accident and which ones he's intentionally jumping into.

Even just "It's a Mario game alright." would be better.

good taste

i think there is no proper culture on the subject of properly naming genres, so people just use any popular game to try to describe another
however its pretty pathetic that a gaming journalist has to resort to game calling to try and convey a genre

So it's like gorillas on Silver Age comic book covers.