You will never enjoy minecraft again

>you will never enjoy minecraft again

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Fuck you for reminding me of this

Skyfactory kinda gives it a nice twist.

But I enjoyed it when I played it last week


The textbook gaming example of pissing in the wind.

It's an okay game. We got what we wanted out of it, and now it belongs to autistic kids.

What we should be asking is what will be the next "minecraft?"

It was never good, retards

Honestly I think Minecraft will be good again once it drops back out of popularity and it's just the dedicated fans left

I just wish the main game would stop updating for no reason so mods don't die off

I keep entertaining the idea of starting a new game and running it like harvest moon or something.
Are there any good farming focused mods?

>his enjoyment of a single player game is based on its community

>Implying Minecraft was ever fun as a single player experience

>having fun with other people is autism
>having fun alone in a block stacking game is not autism
I think you have to look up the definition of autism my man

The game can only be good if Notch had continued with trying to make 3D dorf fort

Havent played with any of them, but Agricraft, Mystical Agriculture and Pam's Harvestcraft I guess

i just did today

Beta 1.7 and below were the good ol' days.

I enjoy watching those "let's play" done by mmd touhous.

>Honestwy I think Minecraft wiw be good again once it drops back out of popuwawity and it's just the d-d-dedidated fans leffffft...

The good ol' days were just before you started playing desu

i still have fun on minecraft on console. I play the game how it was intended to play. Alone

I'm enjoying it right now with the pixelmon mod
The original devs getting a C&D was the best thing to happen to this mod.

>tfw I share the board with literal children

Fuck indev was good


Ive got some bad news for you autist. Game was shit even when slash v slash thought it had potential

Farming Valley modpack, supposedly built to be just like harvest moon and stardew valley. Never tried it myself but it sounds neat and super chill.

Minecraft became a thing like 6 or 7 years ago dude.

>Getting this triggered by an opinion
You sure I'm the baby here?

>there are people on this board that were children when minecraft came out

Yeah, thats the thing, we thought it had potential. Not that it was good. And then that potential was never realized.

Beta 1.7.3 was the cutoff. After that, they changed the terrain generation and hunger, and it was never the same again.

>He doesn't remember notch shilling his game on here nonstop

>You will never build comfy dorf forts with Sup Forums while listening to HARMONY on loop ever again

Minecraft with Sup Forums was comfy as fuck.

That's some high level memeing, son.

Played on a corrupted save. I walked around in a world where all my old milestones and achievements following this my experience.
That was a wonderful moment, but that game is dead to me.

i said beta 1.7 and below. been playing since alpha actually.

MC classic is still alive.

When was the last good Minecraft update, Sup Forums?

1.7.3 is my opinion, hunger is where it all went downhill.


>mfw team avo is dead


Speaking of things we'll never enjoy again, what happened to sound threads?

Yeah, beta 1.8 was pretty much where I stopped playing.
I remember seeing later on it finally "released" and it was the most uneventful thing ever.

what if mine says unknown?


>50+ year old coworker often tries to convince me to play it again, hinting at "with her"
>her daughter is legitimately autistic and apparently they play together most of the freetime with plans to make machinima and shit
>the granny asks me about tech shit a lot because apparently i know because i play videogames

I remember playing in the very first multiplayer servers, it was basically just rounds of hide and seek humans vs zombies. Anyone else remember that?

>notch set out to make a 3d first person dwarf fortress clone using infiniminer style block gameplay
>it ends up going nowhere and sellsout to a childish fanbase

This game had so much potential, but it never went anywhere with it, specifically it never fixed any of the core problems with adventure mode such as pillaring with dirt, or the fact you could build things instantaniously to ever seriously get it to where it needed to be.

And once the child fanbase took over it was the end of the line for the game's development.

I really hope someone revisits the premise of a 3d dwarf fortress adventure mode clone.

Id say around 1.5 and 1.6 where the golden days

I'm playing the windows 10 version with my boyfriend and its pretty fun

Kids ruined Minecraft.

I am actually really autistically mad about whatever fuckery they did to my account. I tried to login and check my time bought, I had gotten it right at the wolves update, but it made me change my account to a mojang account and now its reset and im mad. I just miss when notch was the one doing updates, felt more fun.

>tfw you'll never enjoy Minecraft in its prime again
>tfw you'll never enjoy Runescape in its prime again
>tfw you'll never enjoy WoW in its prime again
>tfw you'll never enjoy video games as a kid/teenager ever again

Sounds cute user. Maybe you should play with them - not for any reason. Being a good person just feels good.

Clearly user you must bang the daughter, how old is she? and you? also is adorable that a 50+ years old can play video games with her family.

>implying I'm not enjoying it right now

>Play with bf on a roleplay server where people form communities and towns together
>Have a nice town with lots of resoruces
>bf is only good as PVP while I am good at building
>tfw bf raids my village and imprisoned my people and I


Underrated post

did someone else start working on it or is it stuck where they quit?

This is nature.


minecraft was never good

>not pokecube

>tfw started playing in 2010 ._.
It's over for me fellas RIP

based flaotposter

Who /CivCraft/ here?

>That feeling of exploring people's towns
>That fear of being captured or killed
>People working together against bigger threats
>Griefers/PK'ers were allowed and players had to put them in prison by using the "Prison Pearl" system

bf has always been stronger than me, I couldn't defeat him.

He took my mansion and now I have to live there as a prisoner, working to build the town how he likes it.

Sup Forums server running a legacy version of the game when?

>ancient warfare never updated
Why even live lads

Yeah, just like Tetris amirite.

2d dwarf fortress is a life project dispite being little more than stepped ascii. You can't possibly translate that into a 3d environment unless you ascended to immortality and had the will to code for the next 300 years

What adventure maps did Sup Forums like?

>minecraft in singleplayer
boring as fuck

Some new guys that've been working relatively fast.

it went from good to really shit to playable. I actually like some of the more recent updates

And I never did even back in 2011

Vanilla Minecraft is terrible and always was.
Minecraft modded to hell and back can be extremely fun.

i played the everloving shit out of this game, stopped playing until the updated the launcher to let you play legacy versions and i was back in business

I'll host a server next Friday or Saturday, what version should I run.
Also, happy 9/11, guys.

>tfw barely anybody even knows who they are now

While I know all those intracacies of dwarf fortress all too well, I never expected minecraft to ever achieve the same level of depth, such as simulated wounds and bodily functions.

What I did want to see is more biome diversity, world gen, civilization generation (villages were a start), and in general better exploration mechanics, like I said in my original post, none of the core issues that prevented that were ever addressed, such as pillaring, instant build times, allowing you to effectively cheese any sort of world and encounter generation that could exist, which is why everyone just finds a spot, gets a bunch of torches, and digs straight down till they find iron and diamond.

Literally this.They just don't make good MP games anymore.

>"Give it up for Team Avo, they are the best people around."
>"They deserve all of the ice cream, so you should give it to them."

you should rim his faggot ass IRL so he's in your sexual debt and lets you go free

>tfw i was born at just the right time to enjoy roblox, Minecraft and Runescape at their prime as a teenager
>tfw two of those games sold out to lowest common denominator children and the other one stagnated

Have they introduced a "blacked out" mechanic for when you run out of pokemon yet?

The game lost its charm when they added and changed certain things. Things that make the game more realistic, like hunger, "better" terrain, the grass colour depends on the biome, ect. There is almost no good Minecraft video anymore, and all the videos are Minecraft with mods. I like to rewatch old Minecraft alpha videos, so much more calm.

you can make minecraft look pretty nice these days

too bad it's still minecraft

Haven't played since when they added the bunnies. What cool stuff do they have that's actually worth playing the game now?



I still enjoy it, but my first time playing was on a friends 360, so I never experienced the game without the hunger mechanic

I don't know. I fucking hated beta 1.8 when it first came out so much that I quit for a few years. I came back to it within the last month and I've enjoyed it a lot. I still go back to the alpha updates though, there's something about that version of the game that's comforting.

>turn on shaders
>fps drops from 400 down to 12

In the game's launcher you can choose from legacy version of Mineycrafta.

i wholeheartedly agree. i think hunger and biomes and that generation of updates really made it into a different game. i loved playing by myself and just exploring/building underground for weeks of ingame time with no hunger to distract me.


No computer yet can do minecraft procedural generation without it being procedural. at least no commercial one